Fergus Munro Character in Aelutea | World Anvil

Fergus Munro

Fergus Munro (a.k.a. The Mad Dog of Munrun)

The last son of House Munro, a renowned war veteran and close partisan leader under Artur MacBrus and later under his daughter Mairsal.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Don't let Fergus' slightly diminutive stature fool you, he's as skilled with a weapon as anyone and has no qualms with getting his hands bloody if he has to. He's called the Mad Dog of Munrun for a reason.

Facial Features

Rough and rugged with sunken green eyes and his famed mutton chops

Identifying Characteristics

Known almost exclusively for his mutton chops and generally unpleasant demeanor

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Coming from a family of often ill repute, Fergus Munro was raised at his family's ancestral castle to only really do one thing, fight. Clan Munro was always a bit of an oddity and a nuance among the clans of the Haklan Highlands. Originating as legitimatized bandits, Fergus' most famous ancestor was Ailpein Macbaird was famous in his day for his strong caber arm, as well as nearly slaying the first Tiranar king Romel le Glorieux in battle. The family of Munrun castle have notoriously refused to adapt to finer things and better graces, acting and speaking in a notoriously uncouth manner.    Growing up in an immediate household filled to the brim with boys older than him, Fergus learned to defend himself and fight boys bigger and stronger than him from an early age. Fergus' two older brothers Jamison and Artur in particular possessed a similar temperament to their younger brother but without the almost suicidal bravery, Fergus showed as they grew older. The three older Munro boys each offered their services in the Tiranar army when they came of age with all three being assigned to the three Haklan divisions and each rising through the ranks. Jamison in the 1st, Artur in the 2nd, and Fergus in the 3rd, and each was said to have served with distinction.

Fergus in particular was noted as being a hard disciplinarian in his role as unit sergeant under a famous future rebel, Artur MacBrus who had been the one to suggest the third Munro brother be promoted to the rank of unit sergeant in the first place. Eventually, it came time for a real slugfest against the eastern Salians which culminated with a battle at the bank of the Divern River, a tributary of the Rhor. At the Divern, the Haklan divisions were thrown headlong into a massacre by their higher-up Halsat commanders, and the result was a staggering casualty count that outraged Haklan nobles back home. Fergus survived combat at the Divern and was said to have saved around a hundred men by leading a retreating charge out of their encirclement. Fergus' brothers were not so lucky as both died at the bank of the river and after that day, the third Munro brother became the sole Munro brother. The outrage among the Haklans following the massacre of many of their noble sons led to the outbreak of revolt among the Haklan nobles, led by Fergus' commander Artur MacBrus whom Fergus fervently followed and acclaimed with every breath.

Artur's rebellion was conducted swiftly and he rallied many of the beleaguered nobles of the highlands to open revolt and successfully evaded Halsat forces sent to chase him. Eventually, Artur's forces massed near the swamps of Sinasal and baited the Halsats into fighting them there. The Miracle of Sinasal Bog as it came to be called was a resounding victory for the Haklan rebels as they lured the heavy Halsat cavalry into the muddy ground where they were easily dispatched as well as the digging of long trenches hidden by grassy reeds. These trenches funneled the more numerical Halsat men at arms into small pockets where the Haklans dispatched them quickly and brutally. By the time the retreat was ordered, thousands of Halsats lay wounded or dead, chief among them was Prince Odo, the brother of King Hasculf. This death of a prince was a mistake based on faulty intelligence by Fergus and his men who had not been told explicitly to capture the prince if the opportunity presented itself. Odo's death led to Prince Adrien, the King's son, taking command of the forces of the south and he would successfully play the Haklan nobles against each other and eventually captured MacBrus. MacBrus' capture and eventual hanging crumbled the rebellion and many Haklan nobles who had fervently led calls for independence bent the knee to the prince and were pardoned for their disloyalty and given tracks of MacBrus land as a reward.

Fergus' loyalty led him to battle at Sinasal but he was also forced to flee after Artur was captured. Fergus was a proscribed traitor and he spent the next few years on the run, effectively living life as a bandit. During these years, he assumed many identities and lived a hard life under the stars as a seeming sword for hire. Fergus gathered some of the other veterans of MacBrus' rebellion and they sold their arms to the highest bidder to gather coin to support themselves. It was during this time that Fergus himself says he took a contract down south to slay a beast that was plaguing the Cape of Calar. According to Fergus, the beast was enormous and possessed ten tentacles and a beak like a bird. He claims to have dove into the water with a dagger and slain the beast after a long tussle under the water.

With the coin amassed from this contract and several others, Fergus and his partisans recruited more men gathered arms, and began raiding Halsat villages in Pozar and sending it back to disenfranchised nobles to reignite the Haklan desire for freedom which embers of still flickered in the hearts of those who took the King's pardon. During his time as a bandit, Fergus came upon information about Artur MacBrus' daughter and how she wished to continue the fight of her father. Fergus rushed to her aid and pledged himself and his men to her cause and so the rebels gained a figurehead and were reinforced in secret by nobles of the lowlands and highlands. Due to the irritating attacks by the Haklan partisans, Adrien sent his son Fulk to lead a force to drive the partisans from their forested hideout. Instead of the desired outcome, Fergus and his men captured Prince Fulk and led the force that escorted him back to Pozar and received the ransom of the prince.

Fergus and his men initially supported the rebel's relocation to the forest of Bhradain as it was an extremely defensible location due to the presence of the fae. However, Munro and the fae queen immediately butted heads due to their differing outlooks on the continued presence of the Haklan rebels in the forest and their interactions with the fae which both sides agreed were unpleasant, to say the least. While Queen Crerva af Venrel sees Munro as a dimwit who can only seem to swing a sword and ax, Fergus sees the queen as an irritating, selfish, and untrustworthy figure who he only tolerates due to the mediation of Mairsal MacBrus. Nevertheless, Fergus seems to revel in life on the run and keeps the spirits of the men and women under him high with his constant singing at night of his favorite tune sung in its traditional Highland Arish, "To the Women of Haklan".


Given a standard education by tutors at Munrun castle alongside his brothers


Former unit Sergeant in the Haklan division of the Tiranar army
Prominent rebel under Artur MacBrus
Sergeant under Mairsal MacBrus

Accomplishments & Achievements

Claims to have killed the sea monster of Cape Calar
Captured Prince Fulk and led the team that ransomed him back to his father

Mental Trauma

Tragic deaths of his two older brothers at the shores of the river Divern

Morality & Philosophy

If a swift sword strike can solve the problem then the only thing to do is swing.

Personality Characteristics


Do what's necessary for Haklan independence

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Contacts & Relations

Subordinate under Artur MacBrus and now under his daughter Mairsal
Superior of Llorva af Cloddiau and Celia de Brugge

Family Ties

Younger brother of Jamison and Artur Munro

Religious Views

Getting a read on what Fergus' feelings are for the divine is something worthy of a scholar. He doesn't claim to worship any deity or creed but those of worldly matters. entirely pragmatic, if asked he dances around any and all questioning of the destination of his eternal soul after he dies. If one had to guess, the concept of life after death likely scares him and is best not broached if one wants to stay in his good graces.

Social Aptitude

Brash, straightforward, and cocksure, Fergus has a way of making complex situations very simple. He leads his own group of partisans with an aura of rowdiness and aggression that sometimes borders on obnoxious but always remains effective. The man himself has plenty of redeeming qualities, he's steadfast, loyal and a great friend to have. Where Fergus can seem arrogant is when challenged he drops all levels of civility and takes offenses very personally as challenges to his famous "highland honor", or so he says.


Speaking with a thick and typical highland dialect, Fergus' rough style of speech shouldn't give anyone the impression that he's somehow dimwitted or not as sharp as he actually is. He is the son of a noble family and was brought up with quality education, even if he doesn't quote nearly enough Cimnban as a lowlander does.
(Fergus' oldest brother Jamison, captain in the 1st Haklan division, killed at the Battle of the Divern)    
(Fergus' older brother Artur, captain in the 2nd Haklan division, killed at the Battle of the Divern)
(Artur MacBrus, father of Mairsal and Fergus' commander during the 1st Haklan Rising)
Current Location
Date of Birth
18th of Larza
Year of Birth
658 A.E 44 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Son of the minor Haklan noble family of Munro
Munrun Castle, Haklan
Dark Green
Short, Ginger, Mutton Chops
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
180 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'll chop ye up so nice and sweet they'll serve ye up as thin gruel ya blubberin' dandie!"
Known Languages
Character Prototype
TF2 Demoman and Soldier


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