The Pendant of Pure Evil Item in Aeloria | World Anvil
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The Pendant of Pure Evil

The Pendant of Pure Evil is a powerful and malevolent artifact created by the demon lord Malroth. It is made of the pure evil of the seven deadly sins, and contains raw evil power that can be wielded by those who possess it. The pendant is highly sought after by those who desire power and control, as it is believed to grant great strength and ability to those who wield it. However, it is also highly dangerous and can corrupt those who use it, leading them down a dark path of malevolence and cruelty. The pendant is capable of causing great destruction and chaos, and is feared by many throughout the multiverse. It is a powerful and dangerous weapon that should be used with caution, as it can bring great harm to those who wield it and those around them.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Pendant of Pure Evil grants the wielder transcendent power. The ring's power grows the more cruel and ruthless the wielder becomes. Upon wielding the ring one's power becomes comparable to an archmage or archfey but can grow to far higher levels after allowing it's dark influence to grow.


The pendant was created by Malroth's servant Set, who was ordered to give it to Malroth's apprentice Bërguul. However, Set decided to keep the pendant for himself and foolishly challenged the throne of the god Odin while drunk. He was defeated by the allfather and the ring fell from his hands and landed in the mortal plane. Bërguul took the ring and used it to wage the Siege of Flame, attempting to take over the planet of Aeloria with his newfound power.   Bërguul nearly succeeded in his goal, but was defeated when the hero Sorinoth confronted the dark lord and severed Bërguul's hand, separating him from the power of the ring and destroying him. Bërguul's soul found its way into Tartarus and wandered there for the next few centuries until Malroth was able to resurrect him using his dark magic. Bërguul was reincarnated in the material plane and began searching for the Pendant of Pure Evil.   This search led him to Nëj, the son of Malroth, who had obtained the Pendant before Bërguul. With the help of his soul father Malroth, Nëj ultimately slayed Bërguul once and for all, taking his place as Malroth's apprentice. The Pendant of Pure Evil has a long and tumultuous history, and is feared and sought after by many throughout the multiverse for its great power and potential for destruction.


The pendant has been used by Bërguul in the past and allowed him to almost conquer the planet. It is now in the possession of Nëj who has far exceeded the power of Bërguul and has posed a threat to the entire sword coast
Item type
Current Location
Current Holder
Only one in existence
0.5 grams
Varies, whatever dimensions needed to fit upon the fingers of the weilder


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