Reizu Geographic Location in Aelluros | World Anvil


The island nation of Reizu, located off the southern coast of Anshufrey, is a place of great mystery and wonder. The Tabaxi, a race of feline humanoids, make their home on this secluded island paradise, worshipping their god Renshin with great reverence and devotion.
  According to Tabaxi legend, Renshin saved the people of Reizu from certain doom, bringing peace to the land and ensuring their survival for generations to come. As a result, the Tabaxi have built their entire culture around the worship of this powerful deity, seeing him as a symbol of hope and renewal in times of darkness.
  Renshin is known as the "son of the motherland" in the native Rongian language, reflecting his status as a beloved and revered figure in Tabaxi mythology. He is often depicted as a massive, wingless dragon with five talons on each hand and foot, symbolizing his power and majesty. As a god of balance and order, Renshin embodies the principles of yin and yang, the two opposing yet complementary forces that form the foundation of Reizin philosophy.
  The Tabaxi of Reizu have a deep spiritual connection to Renshin, seeing him as a guiding force in their lives and offering prayers and sacrifices to him on a daily basis. His divine domains of Peace, Harmony, Patience, Balance, and Generosity are highly respected and revered, and the Tabaxi strive to embody these virtues in their daily lives.
  The majority of Tabaxi on Reizu are monks, devoting their lives to the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment and the study of Renshin's teachings. They live in monasteries scattered throughout the island, meditating and training their bodies and minds to be in harmony with the divine will of their god.
  Despite its isolated location, Reizu is a bustling hub of activity, with a thriving economy based on fishing, agriculture, and trade. The Tabaxi of Reizu are renowned for their craftsmanship, producing exquisite works of art and intricate designs that are highly sought after throughout the region.
  For those who are brave enough to venture to this remote island nation, a world of wonder and mystery awaits. The Tabaxi of Reizu are a proud and noble people, with a rich cultural heritage and a deep spiritual connection to their god Renshin.


Reizu is an island nation located off the southern coast of Anshufrey. It stretches 580 miles long and wide, with a diverse landscape that includes lush bamboo forests, rolling hills, and sandy beaches. The island is surrounded by smaller islets, some of which are uninhabited, while others are home to small fishing villages. One of the most notable landmarks in Reizu is Mount Renshin, a towering peak located on the southwestern coastline. It is considered a sacred site by the Tabaxi, who believe that Renshin, their wingless dragon god, resides within the mountain. Pilgrimages to the summit of Mount Renshin are a common practice among the Tabaxi, who seek enlightenment and guidance from their deity.   The island's bamboo forests are also significant to the Tabaxi culture, as bamboo is a versatile material used for a variety of purposes, including construction, tools, and even musical instruments. The bamboo groves are carefully tended by the Tabaxi, who have developed techniques for cultivating and harvesting the plants sustainably.   The rolling hills of Reizu are dotted with small farming communities, where the Tabaxi cultivate crops such as rice, tea, and various fruits and vegetables. The hills also offer breathtaking views of the island's coastline and interior, making them popular destinations for hikers and nature enthusiasts.   The coastal areas of Reizu are home to many fishing villages, where the Tabaxi practice traditional fishing techniques passed down through generations. The Tabaxi are skilled seafarers, and their fishing boats are a common sight along the island's shores.   Overall, Reizu's geography is as diverse as its culture, with each region offering its own unique beauty and resources. The Tabaxi have lived in harmony with their environment for centuries, and their traditions and beliefs are deeply intertwined with the island's landscape.