Korana Geographic Location in Aelluros | World Anvil


Korana is a region located in the eastern part of the continent of Kalash, known for its diverse geography and rich history. After a migration of Visarians from the eastern continent of Anshufrey, the region has become home to a predominantly human population.   One of the most prominent features of Korana is the great Lake Ginbac, which sits in the heart of the region and spans hundreds of miles. Lighthaven, a major city in Korana, is located on the northwestern coast of the lake. The lake is surrounded by dense forests, grasslands, and swamps, making it a vital source of water and food for the people of the region.   To the west of Korana lies the Crimson Peaks, a massive mountain range known for its striking red hue during sunset. Despite its beauty, the Crimson Peaks are a treacherous place, and the region is home to many dangerous creatures and natural hazards. It is said that there are no dwarves living in the Crimson Peaks, although the reason for this is unknown.   Korana has a rich and storied history, with evidence of human settlements dating back thousands of years. The region has been the site of numerous conflicts and battles over the centuries, as different factions vied for control of its resources and strategic position. Despite this, the people of Korana have managed to maintain a strong sense of identity and community, and are known for their resilience and determination.   The Sunhallowed, a holy institution that has served Myrica for centuries, is based in Lighthaven and plays a vital role in maintaining law and order in the region. The Sunhallowed is led by the High Commander, who oversees the five main ranks of the order: the Sunswords, the Sentinels, the Solstace Knights, and the Peacekeepers. Each of these ranks has its own specific duties within the order, ranging from combat training to overseeing religious ceremonies and maintaining peaceful relations with neighboring regions.   In conclusion, Korana is a region of diverse geography and rich history, with a strong sense of community and a powerful institution in the form of the Sunhallowed. From the great Lake Ginbac to the treacherous Crimson Peaks, the region is full of wonder and danger, making it a fascinating place to explore and discover.


  • Lighthaven
  • Oshax
Alternative Name(s)
Western Continent
Characters in Location