Session 5: Lies, Threats, & Broken Friendship Report in Aedrothin | World Anvil

Session 5: Lies, Threats, & Broken Friendship

General Summary

Session 5  

Chapter 4: Lies, Threats, & Broken Friendship

  Following a grueling journey through the Mollen Marshes to the Scalefort, then back to the Gangiang Clan, the party checked in with Barflal to make good on their promise at sunset. Thankful for their assistance, Barflal invited them to stay as guests of honor in a celebration the next day. His attempts to check on Geil'azi's well-being led to her lying and informing him that she still possessed her powers, which the rest of the party agreed to provide support.   The party then connected with Drux and Kitty, realizing that they still had to return to Ravendale to claim the Elixir of Regeneration that the alchemist there was brewing for Kitty. They arranged to all travel together to Ravendale to collect the potion, then visited Straiga to purchase/trade for weapons. As they went to their tent that night, Geil'azi met them at their tent and expressed her appreciation for not divulging the truth about her lost powers and delivered the reward promised by Barflal - 120 gp and a Pouch of Traveling. While investigating the items, Torcanimir asked what was in it for them to continue perpetuating Geil'azi's deception. Taken aback by the situation, Geil'azi coldly informed them that they have just confirmed her worst thoughts about the "humankind" races and stalked out of the tent.   The next day, a celebration was in full swing within the clan. The party participated in a number of games of chance - most of which ended poorly - while Torcanimir also performed services throughout the camp, including a wedding between a hobgoblin and a kenku. The party was then given great honor and allowed to feast with Barflal and his chief counselors, who shared some tidings of the world. Apparently news of a blue-skinned tiefling executing people has many of the settlements on edge, and is one of the reasons that Barflal does not dare send any member of the clan to warn Waethern of the encroachment by the Casaerdrins. For a promised sum of 15 gp apiece, Barflal requested that the party deliver news of the issue to one of the governors of the provinces, to which the party agreed and decided to head to Maplemoor.   The next day, the party met with Drux as the Gangiang Clan began breaking down their camp to begin their journey southward. Drux had been given a pouch by Geil'azi to deliver the amount that Barflal promised, but upon inspection it became clear that there was only a total of 30 gp, not 45 gp, in the bag. Brooklyn went to inquire about it of Geil'azi, to which the goblin replied, "You must have misheard." Something about the way she said this set Brooklyn off, and she attempted to cast Ray of Frost at the bugbear helping Geil'azi to pack up her tent.  

  In the chaos that followed, Indra quickly rushed in to calm the conflict, and though no blows were landed upon anyone involved, Geil'azi used her authority to banish the party, and any who interacted with them in the future, from the Gangiang Clan. Under guard, the party was escorted out of the clan and followed by a band of hobgoblins as they traveled west to Ravendale.   At Ravendale, Torcanimir and Brooklyn went in and met with Hammond, who supplied them with the promised elixir (still under the impression that this was for Indra due to injuries she received in their first adventure). Returning to their camp, the party rested for the evening and were confronted the next day by Banders the Innkeeper/Mayor and several other members of the village. Banders launched into a tirade about how the party had robbed him (which they had) but could find not evidence than Indra was a tiefling. Realizing he was losing the argument, Banders then pressed to fine them 2 gp for camping within village limits, to which Torcanimir suggested he leave before there was trouble. Fuming, Banders and the others returned to the village, and the party finished preparations to travel north toward Maplemoor.
Of Snakes and Fiends
Indra Ravensway
Brooklyn Sunmeadow
Lawful Neutral Lightfoot Halfling (Celebrity Adventurer’s Scion)
Wizard 5
32 / 32 HP
Player Journals
Trigger by Brooklyn Sunmeadow
Report Date
19 Apr 2021


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