Octag Character in Aedeva | World Anvil


The Boundless

Followers of Octag believe him to be the embodiment of the noble power of the sea. Devout followers of Octag are rarely found on land outside of port towns. When they are not sailing the high seas for fun, his followers frequently take to fishing, though other groups may consider it to be more like whaling or monster hunting. His followers seek to roam the seas, dominating whatever wildlife, or not-so-wild life, they happen across. In spite of this domination, restraint of one of Octag's followers is considered one of the most heinous heresies and is punished extremely harshly. Because of this, followers of Octag do not use or believe in jails or slavery among themselves and will fight viciously to free their own.   Followers of Octag can most readily be found among the Orc peoples along the coast line of the Graffenbach Wastes. In fact, an explorer would be hard pressed to travel for a full day along the coastline without finding an Orcish port devoted to Octag. Each ship in coastal Orcs' fleet has a bow adorned with a statue of Octag in his Orcish form. The statue's exact look often serves as the vessel's name and shipwrites go to great lengths to make their prow unique. The permeation of the coastal Orcs by this belief is one of the primary reasons that the war with Alaria has gone on for so long.
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Articles under Octag