Petitioners Condition in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Petitioner is the term applied to a dead person's soul that made it in some way or another into another plane of existence than the Prime Material Plane.  

Becoming a Petitioner

Upon dying, a mortal's soul was transported to the The Shadowfell. Once there, these souls counted as petitioners but didn't have the attributes of one yet. They became full petitioners after entering the plane of their respective deities. Petitioners are shepherded through the transition and receive judgement from The Raven Queen. The standards according to which judgement is handed are whether, which, and how honestly someone followed a certain deity during its lifetime. If a petitioner did not have a specific patron deity in life (most mortals were polytheistic), they are taken in by the deity who was most closely aligned with their moral and ethical outlook. Those who never paid homage to any deity, or betrayed their god, were deemed Faithless or False.


A "Faithless" is the soul of someone who'd never believed in a deity, for example by not knowing that they existed during their lifetime (though this is rare, as the deities are very active forces on Toril), or only paying lip service to one. They are sent to form the Wall of the Faithless as its bricks for punishment for their lack of faith by The Raven Queen. They are eventually dissolved by the wall or redeemed to join the citizens of Letherna, the City of Midnight.


A False is the soul of someone who intentionally turned from their faith in life. These are judged and punished according to their deeds in life. The punishment is determined by the deity the petitioner swayed from. The punishment ranges from something light, such as to work as an escort, to the sort of torture that demons were incapable of coming up with.   A False can't be resurrected without the consent of the deity from whom the soul swayed in life and only after that deity negotiated with The Raven Queen.


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