Kiransalee Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Lady of the Dead, the Revenancer, the Vengeful Banshee)

Kiaransalee is a drow lesser deity, also known as the Lady of the Dead, The Revenancer or The Vengeful Banshee. Her portfolio includes vengeance and the undead. Kiaransalee is a cruel, twisted and vengeful deity. The Lady of the Dead became insane ages ago; however, she managed to keep her cunning and she could still clearly remember every slight or insult towards her, whether it was real or imagined. Kiaransalee is swift to anger, powerful, and against all who have wronged her she plots a dark revenge. The Lady of the Dead prefers company from the mindless undead she could manipulate at will, over sentient beings that are possessed of independent thought. She rarely trusts anyone else to do justice to her vision and thus prefers to settle her problems herself.   Kiaransali manifests as a sinuous female drow, wearing only silver jewelry and silk veils. She wields Coldheart, a dagger that perpetually drips acid, and when it pleases her she dons the Mantle of Nightmares, a cloak of bones that causes magical fear in all who gaze upon its horrors.

Divine Domains

Undead, vengeance
Divine Classification


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