Demon Lords of the Abyss Ethnicity in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Demon Lords of the Abyss

Demon lords, also known as Abyssal lords, are archfiends who gained great power and established a position of preeminence among demonkind. Over millennia, these demons have amassed tremendous power and authority over their domain.  

Obyrith Lords

Although obyriths are the oldest of the demonic races, and their lords among the most powerful, only about twelve obyrith lords survived the rebellion of the tanar'ri demons. Known obyrith demon lords include:

The Queen of Chaos

One of the oldest and most powerful of the obyrith lords, the Queen of Chaos appears as having the upper body of corpulent humanoid woman with blue skin and green hair, and a lower body as a mass of mauve tentacles.


The first Prince of Demons, Obox-ob was defeated and dethroned by the Queen of Chaos, who gave his title to her lover Miska.


A mixture of shark and octopus in appearance, with a fang-filled mouth and many tentacles, all covered in rubbery black skin, Dagon is one of the most fearsome demon lords. He is powerful enough that even the Queen of Chaos fears him.


Although an obyrith, Pazuzu appears similar to a human, but with avian feet, four feathered wings, and a bird-like beak. He is an expert at subtly corrupting mortals.

Pale Night

Pale Night is believed to be the mother of many other demons, including other demon lords, and appears as a humanoid woman covered in a white shroud.

Miska, the Wolf-Spider

Miska, the Wolf-Spider, was once the Prince of Demons. He was involved in the Dawn War and was subsequently imprisoned in Pandemonium  

Demon Princes

The most powerful of the demon lords, aside from the obyrith lords, are called demon princes. These are tanar'ri demons. Known tanar'ri demon lords are:


The third Prince of Demons, Demogorgon is a monstrous demon with a humanoid, scaly body, two mandrill-like heads, tentacles in place of arms, clawed feet, and a tail.


The self-proclaimed Lord of the Undead, Orcus has the legs and head of a ram, a long tail, bat-like wings, and a humanoid body. He is archenemies of Demogorgon and Graz'zt.


Also known as the Dark Prince, Graz'zt is a guileful, cunning demon lord that appears as a handsome, muscular humanoid with obsidian skin, six small horns on his head, pointed ears, and six fingers on each hand. He is archenemies of Orcus and Demogorgon.


Baphomet, the Prince of Beasts looks similar to a gigantic six horned minotaur with coarse black fur that covers his body. He is widely worshiped among savage minotaurs as well as other barbaric races.


Similar in appearance to the gnolls who worship him, Yeenoghu, who is also called the Lord of Savagery, maintains a feud with Baphomet.


Juiblex, the Faceless Lord, is a monstrous, multi-colored ooze covered in red eyes. It is mainly concerned with causing destruction.

Articles under Demon Lords of the Abyss


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