Belial Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Abriymoch is the seat of power for the two archdevils who rule Phlegethos in tandem: Archduke Belial and Archduchess Fierna. They are variously thought of by mortals as mother and son, daughter and father, wife and husband, or ruler and consort, but none of those terms can capture the paradoxical nature of their partnership. Belial is a handsome, powerfully built devil who exudes civility, even as his words carry an undercurrent of threat.   Phlegethos is the center of the Nine Hells’ judicial system, which is overseen by Belial. Any disputes regarding contracts, accusations of cowardice in battle or dereliction of duty, and other criminal charges are resolved here. The Diabolical Court is an independent institution, answering only to Asmodeus. That fact doesn’t discourage devils from constantly plotting to introduce new laws or to set precedents that they find advantageous. The court’s function and its decisions are wholly dependent on the intricate laws of the Nine Hells, an impossibly complex code marred by a multitude of loopholes and exceptions that can cause any legal dealings to drag out for years before a resolution is reached.   Belial and his underlings also administer the procedure that determines the fate of devils that are in line for promotion or demotion. At the culmination of the process, the candidates are made vulnerable to the fires of Phlegethos through a special ritual designed for this purpose. The flames either bring searing agony that reduces a devil to a weaker form, or ecstatic joy that transforms it into a mightier being.   Like the rulers of the other layers, Belial and Fierna have a quota of souls they must meet. Belial largely leaves this task to Fierna, even turning over to her the mortals that directly contact him.    

Reckoning and Humbling

Belial was the original ruler of Phlegethos, with Fierna being elevated to the position of joint ruler later on. During Baalzebul's uprising, Belial joined the would be ruler of The Nine Hells of Baator in rebellion against Asmodeus and engaged in open warfare against Mephistopheles and his allies. Belial seeing the opportunity to build a new order with laws that could not be overthrown, using the very actions he was taking as proof of a flawed system.     When the rebellion failed, Belial was forced to plead his case with Asmodeus to allow him to retain his position. The Lord of the Nine Hells did so, but he also elevated Fierna to be joint ruler, preventing Belial from attaining too much power as he was now in constant conflict with another, both a rival and a protégé.
Ruled Locations


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