The People of the Wild Lands Ethnicity in Adventurers of Thira | World Anvil

The People of the Wild Lands

The Wild Lands is a large area taking up a majority of the southern half of Thira. It is largely grasslands and rock formations making building and farming difficult. This does not mean it is uninhabited. Many people live here in relative peace.

From one common ancestry of obscure origins, they travel in family groups, occasionally uniting for large ceremonies or rituals or holidays. They just choose to live off the land and honor nature. Commonly worshiping Eventa, the protector goddess of the Wild Lands, and other nature deities.

As towns around Thira grew and developed, tensions built and faded between the Wild Land People and the city/town dwellers. The most well known being the Battle of Astara Rock.

After the battle, the rights of the Wild Land people were greatly restricted for decades. Until King Adrian Stormstar came to the throne. He did not hold the discriminatory beliefs of his predecessors, having spent time among the Wild Land People. Eventually meeting and falling in love with a young woman who only agreed to marry him if her people were restored and recognized as true citizens of Thira.


Shared customary codes and values

  • Honor Nature
  • Take only what is needed to survive
  • Give thanks for what Nature has provided

Birth & Baptismal Rites

  • About a month before a child is due to be born, the healers in a community gather together to erect a dedicated area for the mother do give birth. Every precaution is taken to make sure it is as clean as possible and the necessary medicines are made for the procedure.
  • The community also makes food for the expecting family so they can focus on caring for the new baby and mother's recovery from childbirth
  • A week (sometimes more) before the due date, the parents are blessed by the clerics for good health and good fortune and then the mother is led to the birth compound to rest and prepare.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty is very practical. Clothing made from animal skins and plant fibers. Makeup made from berries and other plants.


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