Porcelainium Material in Adua | World Anvil
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Porcelainium, one of the most valuable materials on the planet. It is found only in the caves on and around Mt. Madranm and kept under careful watch by the local tribe of winged humanoids the locals know as "Crow Demons" who consider it to be sacred. These people are known to shape the metal into suits of armor so durable that few weapons can pierce them and so light that their warriors can fly for a whole day and night while wearing it. Anyone caught attempting to steal the precious material is subject to quick and brutal execution, dropped from the arms of a warrior and dashed upon the mountain cliffs.   Because of this Porcelainium is an incredibly rare sight reserved for powerful warlords and those rare few who have been gifted with Porcelainium arms or armor by the Crow Demons themselves. These items are generally considered precious heirlooms and kept under heavy guard by those who possess them. Entire noble families have been murdered in the pursuit of these precious items and it is suggested that at least one Talsian Rebellion was fought over a set of Porcelainium swords possessed by Duke Granford.   While the rest of the world considers Porcelainium to be a precious and valuable resource, the Crow Demons who inhabit Mt. Madranm consider it sacred. Their legends speak of how they were driven from their ancestral home and hunted to near extinction by the first inhabitants of Natal. Fleeing their destruction the last of their kind huddled in fear inside the ancient tunnels that threaded the mountain where it is said that the voice of their goddess herself led them to find a well crafted set of arms and armor made from Porcelainium. Taking up these items the warriors of the tribe were able to turn and defeat their enemies on the slopes of the mountain, thus ensuring their tribes survival. Since then they have believed that the metal is a gift from the gods themselves, given to them to protect them from a world that still wants to see them destroyed.


Material Characteristics

Named for it's physical resemblance to porcelain, Porcelainium is as hard as the hardest treated steel while remaining incredibly light. Well worked Porcelainium is smooth and shiny white, while in it's natural state it resembles melted wax.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Porcelainium is incredibly hard, one of the hardest known materials on the planet, and light. It has a similar melting point to iron, meaning despite it's hardness it is still fairly easy to work and shape.   Interestingly, Porcelainium turns a deep sea green when exposed to ocean water.

Geology & Geography

The only known source of Porcelainium is Mt. Madranm in Southern Natal.
Common State

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