Esoeris Character in Aden | World Anvil

Esoeris (Es-Oh-Eer-Is)

God of Deliverance

The sands of time have been none too kind to Esoeris, with most of his followers lost to the ages; yet, despite this, his presence persists in Astrival. A once prominent and revered god made low, reclusive, and to many, dead. It was the work of a scant few who brought his name into this age, and it is the work of us now to spread his holy name once more.   As was passed on from millennia ago, in the time of the Iteren, his guiding hand brought warmth to every soul it touched. Esoeris shepherded those of Astrivalian faith through The Afterlife, and, by his hand, a soul would be reborn into this world so that it may live again. He holds no interest in the warring nature of Jenzure, nor the militant Orvio. Rather, Esoeris tends to the aftermath of the other Astrivalian gods, rarely, if ever, taking a side in a conflict. Though his followers may seldom be as neutral, when it comes time to honor the dead and send them off, they may rest assured he will accept them.   However, at some point in Esoeris' history on Ysgard, records of individuals performing his funerary rites and giving offerings in prayer cease. It's unclear when or why this shift in attitude toward him occurred, but his presence as a god suffered greatly as a result. With his name gone from the minds of man, he was believed dead, a fate met by many other gods. That is, until nearly two centuries ago when writings detailing his worship, and funerary practices, were unearthed.   A renewed faith has blossomed in his name, and after thousands of years of silently carrying out his duty, his presence is felt within the realm of man once again.

Divine Domains

Salvation, Deliverance, and Rebirth surround Esoeris in his texts. Should one come to their end, be it a king or peasant, he stands ready to receive all of Astrivalian faith in the afterlife. It is not his place to judge a soul's worth, merely to guide it; to see his mask up close is evidence enough of one's faith.   Erisian Clerics are mainly Grave, Peace, Life, and Order.

Holy Books & Codes

"The Legend of Esoeris"

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Esoeris' symbols appear twofold, one of a scarab bearing the wings of an falcon and one of a cross surmounted by a loop, or a "handle-shaped cross."

Tenets of Faith

  • Death is but a small part in the cycle of life.
  • As our souls pass into the night, they rise again with the sun.
  • What's lost may yet be made anew.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Esoeris is most commonly described, or depicted, as an average-height male with toned features. He wears an armless garb of gold with intricately designed features across the chest, a white waistcloth with golden trim, and simple leather sandals. His arms and legs bear decorative gold bracers and grieves, respectively. Just above the waistcloth sits a winged scarab, a very prolific symbol of his, wrapping its wings around his waist. Finally, a large, elegant headdress of gold and lapis lazuli covers his face and entire head. A large collar wraps around his neck as part of the mask, extending down onto his upper chest, creating pauldrons resembling feathered wings.   This is the widely accepted image of Esoeris, though many others believe him to appear differently. His clothing may differ by some accounts, as may his height, the color of his skin, or the strength of his body. In some recovered murals, he is shown to hold a khopesh in either hand, a curved blade outlived by the longsword. Others writings of Esoeris have described a vastly different image, one of a female figure in pure white cloth with golden bands scattered across each limb and a scarab necklace held by a chain.   However, none are known to be privy to his true face. In all of his depictions, male or female, Esoeris is never without his golden headdress; an expressionless facade that bears no judgment and makes no assumptions.
Divine Classification
Minor God
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • "God of Deliverance"
  • "Lord of Salvation"
  • "Shepherd of the Lost"
  • Children


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