Church of Kossuth Organization in Aden | World Anvil

Church of Kossuth (Koh-Sooth)

The primary organization and following of Kossuth , the elemental lord of fire. The Church is a truly polarizing organization, often sparking vastly different reactions from any who hear its name and know its reputation. Their aims often revolve around the acquisition of land, power, and wealth.   The Church attracts many different kinds of people to it, as even within its ranks the forms of worship differ from temple to temple. Some are traditional, housing priests and holding a service within its walls. Some are more monastic, focusing their energy on mastering an aspect of Kossuth. Others are highly studious, delving deep into the Plane of Fire and developing mastery over flame. Despite all this, every sect or temple follows Kossuth's teachings.


The Church is divided into a strict hierarchy of priests, each with their own set of tasks and responsibilities. At the very top sit the Eternal Flames of Kossuth. Each Eternal Flame is the leader of a temple and presides over all priests under them.   In order, from highest to lowest, the priestly ranks are such:
  • Eternal Flame of Kossuth
  • Most Fervid Fire
  • Numinous Blaze
  • Inspired Forge
  • Flamebrother / Flamesister
  • Fury of the Faith
  • Pillar of Flame
  • Zealous Pyre
  • Devoted Blaze
  • Righteous Flame
  • Torch of the Faith
  •   In addition to these, there were specialty priests known as Firewalkers. Monks in Kossuth's service were called Faithful Flames. And acolytes, those of which who have yet to take the Oath of Firewalking were known as the Lightless.   Each temple consists of a set number of high ranking priests and numerous lower ranking priests and acolytes. In order for one to achieve a rank higher than Devoted Blaze, they must receive the recommendations of two higher-ranking priests, and there must be an opening in the ranks. Collectively, these priests were reffered to as the Promised.


    Followers of the Church see the world in its purest form as potential. Just as a flame has the potential to consume everything it touches, so too does it hold the potential to protect and bring light in the darkness. It is believed that inside every person is a flame; what one does with it is up to them.   The Church exists to guide those who've found their flame, help them to harness it, and grow strong from its potential. No one way is best; only the individual may decide for themselves what path to pursue. Some may be consumed in the process, overcome by the vastness of Kossuth's gift. But in time, they'll be reborn; only then will they begin to reach their true potential.

    Tenets of Faith

    The Church follows in Kossuth's teachings:
    • Freedom above all. Through strength, freedom may be assured.
    • Power isn't merely something to strive for, it is a necessity.
    • Harbor an unyeilding faith and respect for your betters.
    • Harness that which you excell at and grow; take hold of your endless possibilities.


    While each person may find their own way to show their faith, the most common is that of a pyre. When a member of the Church or the surrounding town dies, their body is brought to the courtyard outside the closest temple. There, followers construct a pyre around the body. Each follower will then place an item they possess that was of great significance to the dead on the structure. Finally, the pyre is lit by a high-priest.   Through the flame, the body is returned to ash, where it may continue to serve Kossuth. The items are a sacrifice to the elemental lord, a show of thankfulness, and a means of letting go.


    Clerical Order

    The most common amongst the temples of Kossuth. Members of this order make up the majority of the priesthood. As such, they direct the Church as a whole.
    • Brothers and Sisters of the Pure Flame

    Monastic Orders

    The Church has three diferent traditions of monks. Monks of Kossuth enjoyed more freedom than other traditions. They could learn to become clerics of the lord of flames without sacrificing their potential as monks. The three orders are:
    • Disciples of the Eternal Flame
    • The good branch of the three. They rigidly order their members' studies and behaviors, putting a focus on the purifying aspect of their elemental lord.
    • Disciples of the Salamander
    • The evil branch of the three. They are seen as necessary for the renewal aspect of the elemental lord, focusing on destruction and wrath.
    • Disciples of the Phoenix
    • The neutral branch of the three. Their goal is to strike a balance between purification and destruction, focusing on the renewal aspect of the elemental lord. They are seen as the go-in-betweens of the other two monasteries.
    Religious, Organised Religion


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