Aeshi Organization in Adarus | World Anvil


A system of belief in the primordial forces of nature practiced primarily by the druidic Isepox. These descendents of the ancient human allies of the chimeras are believed to have received their druid powers from Ahriman after his fall from grace. They are thought to be tainted by his magicks and thus shunned by the dominant human cultures.

Mythology & Lore

The Creator and The Astrals

Druids still believe there is, or at least was, an ultimate god-like entity that created Adarus and the chimeras. They also believe that Ahriman created humanity, the astrals revoked divinity from the chimeras, and the nephilim are the semi-mortal sons and daughters of the astrals. But beyond these indisputable facts, the druids of the Isepox put little stock in the tenets and faiths of Astralism. Their adorcism compels them to respect the world as it is, no matter what it may become nor what it once was; and their esotericism drives them to learn more, looking beyond the constrained belief systems of Astralian faith structures.  

Ancestral Protection

Aeshic druids believe that the spirits of their ancestors watch over them continuously and, with a contract, may even intervene on their progeny's behalf in the form of wild beasts. This supernatural power is demonstrated with Therianthropy.

Tenets of Faith

Esotericism - The great mysteries of the divine may be beyond mortal comprehension, but that is not an excuse for ignorance. Their very existence compels druids to seek knowledge and understanding of the world around them.   Druids practice this by passing down information through their oral histories, listening to the opinions of others, and keeping open minds about what they don't understand.   Carnal Exaltation - The pleasures of the flesh are sublime in a way that transcends other earthly experiences, bringing druids closer to the divine. They believe in glorifying sexual desires and seek out opportunities to fulfill them.   Sanctity of Nature - The natural world is the creation of the divine, and the druids believe they are merely guests in it. They respect and honor every tree, every animal, and even the ground itself.   This is practiced through environmental conservatism, taking only what they need to survive and ensuring there is little to no waste of what they do take.   Adorcism - The spirits of the world can do great works of both good and evil. By honoring and respecting them druids can only hope that the spirits will do good to them and evil to their foes.

We are and always will be.

Religious, Other
Alternative Names

Cover image: Concept art Druid. by Arozu