The Path Organization in Adar | World Anvil
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The Path

Popular on the "Caspian Peninsula" in northern Khandar "the path", is a religion focused on the worship of a trifecta of gods known as the "forgotten ones". Religious worship focuses on the "path of memory", wherein the devotee gradually over the course of life, with sacrifice, study and worship "walks the path of remembrance". The doctrine of the religion holds that this path has nine stages, each containing a revelation of a forgotten truth about life and the nature of the universe. Revealing these secrets is punishable by having one's eyes, ears and tongue removed. Most people in Caspia are casual members of the religion. They are taught the first step of the path at age thirteen as a coming of age ritual known as "taking the first step". Most go on to learn the second step just before marriage. Those who are very ill or very old often make an effort to learn the third step before they die. Only dedicated members of the priesthood normally go beyond these first three steps.   "The Path" is often regarded with suspicion by outsiders. The mysterious teachings of the religion, the rumored sordid rituals and the strange accessories that come with advancement on the path add to the rumors.

Mythology & Lore

As the religion is organized as a mystery cult, with devotees gathering more information about the mythology and teachings of the religion as they advance along "the path", much of the religion's mythology is shrouded in secret; known only to a few.    The knowledge shared in the first through third of the nine step path is generally known to scholars of religion. Although it is illegal for followers of the Path to share even these secrets, which are widely known, with outsiders; these teachings are to widespread to truly hide.    The Path teaches that all mortal races were once part of a single unified species. This species possessed the strengths of all, and the weaknesses of none. They were the perfect creation of three gods, known as the "forgotten ones". These gods invested this primordial species with their essence and gifted them with the knowledge of their names.    Over time these forgotten ones became involved with another group of gods, known as the "forbidden ones". These conflicts forced the Forgotten Ones to invest more and more of their power into their creation. This somehow led to the splintering of the Primordial species into the sentient races found across Adar. The Forgotten Ones conquered the Forbidden Ones, but in doing so were diminished, unable to affect the world. Their legacy is in the people of the world.    It is believed that if the people of the world discover the secrets of the universe and their own power, they can in time summon the Forgotten Ones back into the world.

Divine Origins

The religion of the Forgotten Ones emerged as a small cult in the 5th century. By the late 6th century is had become the favored religion of the ruling dynasty of the rising power of Caspia. Soon the nobility and the merchant classes adopted the religion to win favour with their rulers. The peasantry followed, so that by the 8th century the vast majority of the Caspian population were devotees of the Path.
Religious, Organised Religion


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