The Hero Character in Adamant | World Anvil
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The Hero

The Hero of Legend Astolfo

The legendary hero known throughout the land as the one who defeated Tiamat, sealed the 12 demon lords and stood as the last line of defence against the demon lord as Akkadia lead the mortal races to salvation. He is believed to be a mortal blessed with the power and might of the Bright Lord. The pinnacle of a paladin and an example of purity to all.   This however is all a lie. He slayed Tiamat with the help of both the Bright Lord and Demon Lord. He sealed the 12 demon lords with the help of the greatest warrior to ever stand. He never stood against the Demon Lord. He fell far before then, consumed by her hate and desire for death he knelt before her and assisted in her slaughter of the mortal races. His genocide only ended when the Bright Lord took his life and stood before the Demon Lord.   He may be a hero. He may reincarnate time and time again to fight the battles other mortals cannot but he is not infallible. He is not perfect.   And the root of his legend comes from somewhere much darker than the Bright Lord.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born in war. A war that waged for aeons far before even angels were born. A war so fierce and so destructive even death would fall and life would surrender. The great hero was birthed during its peak. During a time where mortals where all but extinct, when they all screamed for peace, for salvation. Perhaps as a joke or a misinterpreted act of kindness, these wishes, these screams for peace and hope where engraved onto the child's soul. He was born with unimaginable power, the power to push back the dark and stand for the living. All it cost him was his sanity and his ability to die. The great hero grew up on the run, until he was old enough to pick up a sword and fight. He pushed back the pit lords and eradicated the elementals. He stood before the primordial gods and forced them away from adamant. Away from the power that rests within its core. Afterwards he spent his life helping the people to build up homes and lives. He died having thought his life was complete.   This was not his end. He awoke as a child in yet another conflict, one where he rose up again and protected the races of Adamant. But this time he would fall before he could make it home. But once again he awoke as a child. This happened again and again. Through pantheon after pantheon of gods, through the great demon lords and the destructive. Through the cataclysms and sunderings. He has always been there when devastation strikes. His curse of a life, one deemed to never end, one where he we never remember his last.   He now finds himself once more in a time of cataclysm. The Demon Lord has pushed the mortals into a corner. Their leaders devour and destroy them, their gods uncaring and the power below forgotten and a threat greater than any other rising upon the surface. This very well may be the end of Adamant but the Hero will do what he always does. Stand and push with all of his might until his last breath no matter how futile.
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
He was born during the rise of the first gods, when elementals and pit lords warred over the planet. On the day of his birth all combat ceased as wishes for peace from all mortals were engraved into his soul.
Circumstances of Death
In his last life when he had lost his way the Bright Lord appeared to strike him down. An act which began the eternal conflict that would sunder the face of Adamant.
Brown, soft.
Long Pink

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