Modra Species in Ad-Atla | World Anvil
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Modra (MO-Dra)

Basic Information


Modra have a 6th sense to sense, use, connect to, and manipulate the code, called the kotece, of the world. To connect better to the code, they undertake a meditation retreat to reflect on their lives and ask for guidance on what they should do with their lives. During this, they slowly lose their eyesight, but this doesn't concern them. Due to the kotece being another sense, they can still "see", just not the way normal people can. They see the code of everything before they visually perceive it anyway, the loss of sight is a non-issue for them.
In addition to their 6th sense, they also start growing a set of wings when they hit puberty. These wings, while visually tying them to their cousins, the Elytrians, are very different for the Modra. These wings can be regrown while the Elytrians wings cannot. Elytrian feathers can take on a smooth chitin, and have 2-3 bug-like wing flaps additions that grow out from their primary coverts and greater secondary coverts, while Modrai wings feel like smooth flexible leather and the chitin additions are small to non existant.
Their torsos and upper body tend to be a little longer than average humans. It is to accommodate their wings and the accompanying muscles. They also have slightly elongated ears.

Genetics and Reproduction

A Modra can be born to anyone, but there is a higher chance for them to be born to another modra. It is a hereditary gift that is only passed down the generations. Any random child born has a less than 1% chance of being born modra, but someone with a modra grandparent or great-grandparent bumps that up to 5-10%. Someone with one modra parent bumps up the chance to 40-50%, and it becomes a near certainty that someone with two modra parents will be modra themselves.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A Modra can tap into the worlds code to manipulate it to do what they want. They can mentally drop in on someone to check on them, track someone, and manipulate the land through telekinesis. They can pull non-living items, tools, and materials from the code. When using a large amount of power, purple mist and dust will generate around their hands.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are seen as a thing the code gives you. The young Modra leaves for a sacred temple to meditate on their names and their futures. During the meditation, the code gives them their name, though it's often incomprehensible at first. Xequla, Xizi, Yiroq, and others like are the closest translations to what the code said.

Major Organizations

The primary organization of the modra, that doesn't involve slave labor, is the Kataqet djri Vatiqi, the Council of Vatiq's. This is the leading council of the modra city of Zeqora, and are some of the most politically powerful modra out out there.

Gender Ideals

To the modra, they only have one gender, called zeqe. The ideal for zeqei is shaved sides of the head, medium to short hair, and long well taken care of wings. They also prioritize calming and caring personalities, as these viewed using the code, feel the best.

Average Technological Level

They can modify, create, and destroy anything if they have the mind to. They are the most advanced as they can bend the rules of reality, science, and magic to their will.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

the modra language is only half spoken. A quarter of the language is communicated using the code and minor empathy, and the other quarter uses a large variety of hand and body motions to communicate.

Common Etiquette Rules

It is common for more powerful Modrai to be titled Watcher or Vatiq in their language. They are deferred to in cases where they are present, and are treated with the highest of respect from Modrai, and fear from Namodrai (non-modrai).

Common Dress Code

They tend to wear long dresses, cut to accommodate their wings, with a mantle-like piece covering their shoulders. They always wear a mask that covers their non-seeing eyes if they passed their

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

They go on a pilgramage to a sacred modra temple and meditate on their name and what to do with their lives. This pilgramage is called (find out name later), and it is undergon at the age of 10. It is a tenet of their culture that all Modrai over the age of 10 wear a mask. Before they don a mask they wear a veil. The colors most often used are blacks, purples, magentas, and pinks. Hairstyles are cut to accomidate their veils and masks. Children's heads are shaved until their (find out name later).
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Descended from the Ancient Builders
Average Height
5'10-6'5 ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Purple stripes and marks cover the body, the marks start small, but grow larger as time goes.
Related Ethnicities

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