Overcharged Condition in Acrylia the Shattered Realm | World Anvil
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  • An overcharged creature cannot cast or concentrate on spells.
  • Every turn, the creature must use its movement to move in a random direction. To determine the direction, roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face.
  • The area within a 10 foot radius of the creature is electrically charged, and when a creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there it takes 1d6 lightning damage. 
  • When this condition ends, the creature falls unconscious for the duration of a long rest, and gains the effects of a long rest.

Transmission & Vectors

Transmitted through overexposure to lightning magic, taking an overcharge potion, or exposure to an electrically charged element vein in the world.


Caused by the sudden jolt of electricity that is enhanced by magic.


Inability to concentrate, highly reactive or jumpy, jittery.  Hair stands up on end, and anything around the creature takes a bit of a shock.


If the creature touches something metal that is grounded, the lightning can be dispersed and the condition is removed.  This condition may also be dispelled as it is a magical affect.


The creature takes a point of exhaustion for each hour that it is affected by this condition. If treated within an hour of contracted, no exhaustion is taken.


There are no lasting conditions once the condition is ended.

Affected Groups

Anyone can be affected by this condition unless they have lightning immunity.

Hosts & Carriers

This condition is carried by mages and creatures that use magical lightning abilities, it can occasionally be caused by a natural lightning strike.


If the creature is wearing rubber shoes, it is not affected by this condition.  If the creature carries a metal staff that touches the ground frequently, it is counteracted immediately.


This is not an infectious condition.


As long as there has been electricity and magic in the world, this condition has been around.

Cultural Reception

Creatures affected by this condition are avoided so as not to take the lightning damage that comes with being around the affected creature.
Extremely Rare


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Sep 1, 2023 04:20

Not a roleplayer here, but I enjoyed reading about this condition nonetheless. The fact that it's grounded in real-world physics really sold it to me. It got me wondering, is there any situation in which a player might want to deliberately overcharge their character?

From The River to The Ocean, a civilization grows up.