Ruby Collective Organization in Acilas | World Anvil
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Ruby Collective

A syndicate of dark dwarf, based in the Underdark below Coalfell.   In the city of Coalfell they act as a simple thieves guild, providing aid and information to those that work in the field of pilfering. This branch is lead by Onzuli Emberfeat and his dwarven captains. Here they act as a fence for thieves, as well as providing illegal bio-arcane enhancements.   Below the city they are more unscrupulous, handling the slave trade for the Drow. This portion is the true nature of the collective, using the gold gathered from above to fuel their nefarious acts.   There last plan involved the now deceased Dinyarn Plogast and a deal with a powerful infernal smith. A party of adventurers stopped the collective from using a powerful demon engine on the surface world, as well as saving one of the wizards they planned on sacrificing to transport the foul machine.
Currently in hiding after being destroyed by Ruben Ribnik, Poo-Ki Nam-Jo, Douglas Godwyn, Strongshield Beaky - Kori, China-gun the Goblin, @Dramir and @Nimh.
Illicit, Syndicate

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