All Father Organization in Acilas | World Anvil
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All Father

The All-Father is the first God, and the most powerful. He he a tendency to allow his children to sort any infighting out, only resorting to force when the fate of the world is in play.   He is often depicted as a darker skinned old man, with a voice that is said to sooth all in a whisper. He is also depicted as an elderly woman, when caring for the younger gods at the birth of the cosmos. Those that follow the All-Father try to maintain balance in their life, embracing selfishness as well as selflessness etc. He teaches that through balance the cosmos will maintain it's strength.   Clerics of the All-Father wear robes of white, to signify his being the purest of deities. They often travel to areas of extremes, to test their faith and resolve. His domain is life and knowledge.
God of Creation, Elder Deity, True Neutral
Religious, Pantheon

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