Creation Myth Myth in Achareon | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Creation Myth

Since time immemorial, and eons before, there was seemingly naught but the Great Abyss. A cold, dark, and empty void where chaos and order, good and evil, life and death were so synonymous and indistinguishable they could only be described as nonexistent. An impersonal void that reached everywhere and nowhere. But at the cold embrace of its core, in an inconceivably small pocket of space, four infant entities known as the tetrad primordial or the Aion quietly intermingled and 'twined. To call them living would be a mockery of their existence, to call them sentient insults the capacity of these great consciousnesses, and yet the very limitations of language only afford us so much. These first beings kept company to the Great Abyss for both an eternity and a flicker of a beat; for in that moment time itself had no meaning. But as much as anything lasted for any length of time from their perspective, this too could only last for so long. Eventually the four craved for more and desired to break out of their minuscule prison. Growing ever stronger, and becoming more aware of themselves and their surroundings, they began to whisper among themselves. Telling fantastic tales to one another the idea of a universe slowly started to take shape, until like from a singular mind the Aion decided to make this reality their reality. Planning, preparing and dividing roles came easy to them, natural as it is for mortals to breath the air they would soon create, until finally the Aion were able to set their plan in motion in order to overthrow the Great Abyss from its dominant position. Like an artist pulling out a fresh canvas, like a musician tuning their instrument, these unfathomably powerful and creative entities would become the soul reason anything, even the concept of existence, exists today as we know it. In an instant too short to measure the four finally broke through the barrier that had held them captive, setting in motion a chain of events that would shape the very fabric of reality from thereon.   The oldest pair, known today as Avalya and Temarya, struck first. Avalya rose up and shattered the barrier that had contained their small family, swiftly forcing back the Great Abyss, creating the very fabric of space and planes in the process. Since this moment Avalya has slowly expanded the reach of the Aion's influence and safeguarded their work from the crushing force of the Great Abyss. Simultaneously Temarya took on the role of timekeeping, using strands of hair and spinning them into the intricate thread of time, filling the now massive pocket laid out for their creationwork with its invisible but ever-present strands.   After the foundation had been created, the younger twin sibling Elemarya and Animarya, also called The Seen and The Unseen, took the reigns. They were tasked with the creation of galaxies, stars, worlds and their inhabitants. They were tasked with molding both the vessels and the souls that would one day inhabit them. The planets and realms, and the magic that kept them beating. Elemarya hammered and molded together every intricate detail of every world, filled every plane with the means and surroundings to fulfill their duties, from the mortal plane to the astral plane, from the inner sphere to the outer spheres. On the mortal plane in particular it was then that the mountains rose from the soil, oceans filled the cavities and craters of the earth, lush forests spread far across the planet and air was breathed to support the soon flourishing life. Meanwhile Animarya was placed in charge of the soulstream, magic and life itself, cultivating it all in their garden until it was ready to be carefully let down to the realms, streaming through every layer Elemarya had carefully laid out beforehand.   And so, in a nigh simultaneous flash, stars found their place on the dark veil, planes of existence took shape with seeds of life spread among them, and the very concept of reality came together. However in their infinite wisdom the Aion soon realized that their tasks were such that required their undivided and unending attention, and yet managerial tasks remained in order to safeguard and maintain that which they had started. And so the twins harnessed some of the denizens of the divine plane to serve in this capacity as overseers and guardians of the material planes. This is what is today known as the Ascension. This is the genesis story of those who rose to godhood, to rule over their domains and monitor their particular purviews.

The Great Abyss

  According to the myth the size of the known universe is finite, surrounded by a cold, endless void called as the Great Abyss. It holds the universe in its tight grip and is trying to engulf it once more. Far as anyone is aware there is nothing beyond the Abyss. It is not considered a being, nor is it even thought to possess a consciousness of its own, yet it works tirelessly to crush the universe back to nothingness and return the status quo back to what it was before the Aion took matters into their own hands.   

The Aion



Like her sisters, Avalya "The Sentinel" is often portrayed as a female being in artistic representations of the Aion, even if these beings don't truly have locked-in genders. She is often seen as a cloaked knight, fighting back the oppressive, crushing force of the Great Abyss, safeguarding the continued existence of their creation. However, not only does she resist the void, she is ever working to expand the universe, providing more canvas for her siblings to work on. Standing tall with the weight of the universe's survival resting against her being, she is the backbone and first line of defense for the known existence.  


Depicted as the wisest of the Aion, titled The Timeweaver, Temarya foresaw nothing could hope to grow, develop or react with one another in stasis. She is often depicted as using her long silvery hair and running it through her spinning wheel, turning it into the thread of time. She keeps the thread running through every corner of the universe, its every layer, ensuring nothing escapes its reach. Whilst not doing so malevolently, she understands everything that is born must die in order for progress to exist, whether it be generations of mortal beings or the stars themselves. One could say she is the source of life and death itself without being entirely wrong.   


Described as the problem child with a vivid imagination, Elemanya "The Creator" is in charge of creating every material substance that makes up the known universe. Whilst not exactly happy with how her big sister keeps causing the death and destruction of all she creates, it does provide her with the opportunity to create more without over-flooding the space Avalya has provided. Whilst she is happy to keep creating the normal, the usual, at times her creative streak gets the better of her and she brings forth the occasional abomination, creatures so strange and puzzling they endanger the rest of her work. Intuitively one would imagine she would get rid of such mistakes for the sake of the rest, but from their perspective these anomalies provide a form of intrigue and entertainment, like an artist eager to see where her story goes.   


The Cultivator is typically characterized as the polar opposite of her eccentric and lively sibling, preferring a calm, peaceful and distraction free existence in her garden. In it this stoic primordial botanist cultivates fresh souls, seeds of magic and energy, before she lets them flow down through the planes via the soulstream, vivificating all the empty husks her sister prepares for her. It's through her tender care anything moves, anything lives, pulses and functions. She and her work is the engine driving the work of her sisters.
Date of First Recording
Unknown, though some suggest the oldest manuscripts referencing this go back as far as over a thousand years
Date of Setting
Beginning Of Time


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Sep 11, 2020 01:51

I love it! This is fascinating! Somehow I was particularly captured by they way you have Avalya continuing to expand the world. I wonder what life would be like on the board. I know it’s new world, etc in the physical plane, but I was I just imagining being on the explandi g edge of a plane, never knowing what will appear I front of you, if a mountain, wall of water, new mister to populate a field, a bed of flowers never seen before. I’d love to hear more about the ascendents! I’m going to bed, but definitely interested in your world! I’ll look forward to exploring over the weekend

Sep 11, 2020 12:30

Oh wow that's encouraging feedback (: Thank you! It's certainly still a work in progress, but progress it I shall!