Mythical Iron Material in Acciphere | World Anvil
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Mythical Iron

Mythical Iron is a common metal found on the grounds of Acciphere. As such, it is a crucial element that everyone depends on since there are no other metals as common as Mythical Iron. It is the main part of the export-import business that goes on between The MechaGods Kingdom and other kingdoms.


Material Characteristics

Mythical Iron in its refined state usually looks like a scratched black metal with grey claw marks.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Mythical Iron is very cold to the touch because it melts when brought to room temperature. It is also easy to bend this metal into required shapes. Mythical Iron is also known for its magnetic properties and conductivity of electricity. Some of the chemical properties of Mythical Iron include it being acidic when at liquid state. One more property of Mythical Iron states that it does not react easily to other substances (when pure). But it can easily mix with other substances.


Mythical Iron is used as an alloy with a lot of materials, so it is hard to define a single alloy. There are some alloys of Mythical Iron that include taking a tiny fraction of expensive metal and adding Mythical Iron to the rest of it.

Origin & Source

The infamous iron comes from a very nasty smelling source- Mythical Ore. Its smell is the one bad thing about mining and refining the ore.

Life & Expiration

The compound is very smelly at its infancy; however, it loses this property after a few days or sometimes months. Other than that the iron only goes out of commission if it hits the water. When it does, it immediately melts and dissipates into the air.

History & Usage

Everyday use

It is mostly used to make everyday objects that need metal; for example, tools that don't need to go near the water. It's used to make literally anything that needs a material that is light and durable.

Industrial Use

It goes under the standard process of refining all metals. Sometimes though, people try mixing a tiny bit of water to liquefy it and add another metal to make an alloy before it dissipates. This creates an unnaturally even distribution of the metal in the other metal, successfully creating an alloy.

Manufacturing & Products

Mythical Iron forms the base for tools and lots of equipment. It is used almost everywhere, from being used to clean rivers(The magic it emanates when dissipating is an attractive force that brings even the most minuscule amounts of dirt towards it.) to being used to build reinforcements for buildings.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Mythical Iron produces a small amount of what people working in refineries call 'magic water'. If enough is gathered it can be made into expensive perfumes that nobility enjoy using a lot.

Environmental Impact

Well, since the refining process is used very commonly, it creates a huge environmental impact; you can take the example of the forest around Mount Forge. It's completely barren. A similar example has been brewing in EmberWorth, with the place being filled with grey clouds and having acid rains.

Reusability & Recycling

The metal is overly recycled, with many people selling the metal for scrap and others buying the same metal.


50 Silver Qatutcas or 120 Obsidian Bimities
rotten eggs when at infancy; otherwise like your favourite smell.
Like wool
Boiling / Condensation Point
1000 degrees Celsius
Melting / Freezing Point
40 degrees Celsius
Common State
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