Setting overview in Abyssal | World Anvil

Setting overview

The Universe of Abyssal

The future of humanity is an interstellar journey marked by awe and terror. Humanity has reached out into the cosmos, establishing its presence across star systems. This expansion, driven by colossal corporations, unfolds on a backdrop of advanced technology and existential threats.  

Corporate Dominance

The era of nation-states has passed. Now, mega-corporations, entities with resources and power rivalling and surpassing old-world nations, dominate the landscape. These corporations are the new rulers, controlling vast territories across space and holding sway over the lives of billions. Their influence penetrates every aspect of human life, from governance and economics to military might and scientific research.  

Interstellar Travel

The lifeline of this expansive universe is the stellar projector technology, enabling ships to traverse the vast distances of space. These stellar projectors, ranging from massive, stationary structures to smaller, ship-mounted versions, are marvels of human ingenuity, albeit not without their risks and mysteries.  

A Universe of Contrasts

It is a universe of contrasts — a blend of the industrial and the futuristic, the known and the unknown. While humanity has made remarkable strides in technology, it stands alone as the only known intelligent species in a vast and often hostile universe. This isolation adds a layer of existential dread to the already perilous journey through space.  

The Horror Within

Beneath the technological marvels and corporate intrigue lies a layer of horror. The universe is rife with the loss of moral, the creation of abominations in the name of science, and encounters with ghastly alien lifeforms. Fringe occult practices, once thought mere superstition, yield disturbingly tangible results, adding a layer of cosmic horror to the already dark tapestry.   Every star could harbour a nightmare, and every jump through the cosmos is a leap into the unknown. It is a universe where the greatest dangers frequently come not from the cold void of space, but from the very human souls that inhabit it.


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