The Eye
The epicenter, of storm that gives The maelstrom its name, is the divine place where the Avatars known as Nox and Gaea make their home.
"Myths tell of spirits walking the earth and spectacular feats of magic being performed in this inhospitable place. Many of the myths are probably untrue but there is something special about the very air we breath here... And look to the sky don't tell me that is natural." - Jor Farshaw, member of the Singers of Baccaous about the weather close to The Eye, 2745 A.R.
The valley itself is not subject to the harsh weather otherwise featured in The Maelstrom. In truth it is probably the most hospitable place in the country. Inside this free zone you will find the cities of shadows and light, Moonrise and Sunstone, home to Nox and Gaea, respectively.
The area is divided by a river filled with fish and other natural resources supplying both of the settlements with food, fresh water, herbs and other necessities. Along the walls of the valley you may also during the break of dawn and the last slivers of the day see the reflections of the Moonstone spread across the rising slopes at it's edges.
All of the surrounding area is supplied with food, in the form of fish and other sea creatures by the river that mysteriously still flows steadily and keeps on providing whatever the two capitals of the country needs. Along the river trees and other greenery is able to flourish where as outside of the Eye, barely anything is able to survive without adapting to the harsh storms and rough weather.
Localized Phenomena
The magical energies rising from this mystical place, influence everything in the surrounding area including the weather, storms and seasons. This in turn have forced whatever decides to live here to adapt to this very uncertain phenomena, where one day it might snow and the next you will find yourself in the middle of a summer storm.
Location under
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