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Naturism is an animistic religion that promotes worship of the various gods and spirits of nature. It is one of the oldest surviving faiths on Aarde, having been founding thousands of years in the past. It is extremely decentralized, and practically the only thing that unites all Naturists is their holy book, the Naturae.


The Naturist religion lacks a formal structure. Most Naturists practice it individually or with a few fellow believers. Some, especially Penai tribes, live in small groups in the Ecleinian wilderness, where they live simple lives off the land.

Public Agenda

The Naturists have no set goal.


The Naturist faith originates from the Penai who originally lived in Ecleinia. Some of the Caus who arrived converted, and the faith spread around Ecleinia and later the world. Various book publishers spread the Naturae, and it was translated into a variety of different languages. The Naturist faith remained very quiet, and little was done to excite interest in it, and it has remained that way for thousands of years.

Mythology & Lore

Naturists believe in a large set of gods who roam through nature in metaphysical form. These gods handle various aspects of nature.

Divine Origins

Naturism originates from various Penai beliefs, which spread across the world and various ethnic groups.


Prayer and meditation in nature, especially in the presence of trees, is the first form of worship for Naturists. They will also light candles and leave offerings before statues of their gods, and it is common for a Naturist to own a set of statues of the gods, which they will light candles and offer prayers to. There are also divination rituals and numerous ways to try and glean 'divine knowledge' from the gods.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Naturists have practically no influence on political matters as the Naturae makes a strong distinction between the "governments of humanity and the ways of the gods".
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Old Faith

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