Ecleinia is a democratic parliamentary constitutional monarchy located on the continent of Magia on the planet of Aarde. It spans about 9.2 million kilometers and has a population of around 290 million people. The head of state is the Monarch of Ecleinia, a title lying with the Sowager family. Much of Ecleinia's land is semi-preserved wilderness, with the majority of the population living in urban areas.
The nation can trace its history back 12,000 years, to 10,000 BU (Before Ecleinian Unification), when the first inhabitants, the Penai people, began arriving and spreading across eastern Magia. In 8,000 BU, the Nuron people, led by Juheln Dun, arrived on the southern coast of Ecleinia via the Summer Sea and founded the city of Dunis, before eventually spreading out along the entire southern coast. In 7,000 BU, the Caus people arrived from Causia, having sailed across the Great Ocean. Their leader, Thera Sowager, founded the city of Caworn on the eastern coast. These various groups spread across the continent, and many parts of the land became colonized. Caus and Penai farmers established the city of Therinsburg from a small village, while Caworn and Dunis built up great coastal empires. For thousands of years, Ecleinia (as a geographical land) was primarily composed of hundreds of various independent countries and factions, the largest among them the Monarchy of Caworn, the Democratic Republic of Therinsburg, the various Empires of Dunis (including the 1st Empire, New Empire, 2nd Empire, True Empire, Reformed Empire, and 3rd Empire) the various Penai tribes, allied under the Penai Confederation, the Free City of Culass, and the Republic of Candfourth. In 0 AU, prompted by the incoming invasion of the Dark One, the major powers united under a confederation, which was reformed to a centralized model over the next few hundred years. During this time (known as the Monarchical Period), the country was ruled by the Sowager monarchs, with regions having certain rights and decisions. This model worked until King Xavier I began revoking these rights and forcing various restrictions on the Ecleinian people in 1127 AU. Rebellion broke out, and the September Revolution officially ousted the king, with his daughter Elizabeth taking the throne and with a new reformed parliamentary government. In 1247 AU, war broke out again between Ecleinian republicans, who sought to preserve democracy and the peoples' rights, and the Ecleinian nationalists, who wanted a totalitarian government and "traditional values". The republicans won in 1251 AU, and the nation continued on. In 1413, Ecleinia was invaded by the neighboring nation of Culvert in the Northern War, who sought to control the northern moors of Ecleinia under the guise of Culvertian nationalism. The Ecleinians repelled this invasion and won the war. The country would remain at peace for centuries afterwards. The Sowager king Theodorick I took the throne in 1762 and began a campaign to modernize the nation; he reigned for 57 years and in his time implemented clean electricity, standardized plumbing, a streamlined bureaucratic system, a new agricultural model, and a mode of preserving natural areas. The country quickly became an industrial superpower with the advent of the skyship and hyperspace engineering, which revolutionized transportation. In 1981, the First Corporate War broke out between various Ecleinian corporations and the Ecleinian government (government victory). In 2023, the Third Dark War began (Ecleinian government victory)
The Will of the People is the Will of the Nation
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
The Corg is the official currency of
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