Monster Species in Aanrah | World Anvil


Monsters are only loosely considered a 'race' by scholars - more accurately, it is a term used to describe any number of beings who do not appear to fit the standards for falling into another race or species. Monsters tend to share a few common 'traits' with one another, but even those trends tend to fall apart under closer scrutinization.

Creatures & Beasts


Monsters come in all shapes and sizes, being that they are not at all related or even a race themselves. They usually appear to be rather unique occurances who come into creation through any number of means - spontaneous manifestations of magic and power, magical creations, strange and drastic mutations, etc. Their capabilities vary just as widely, as does their capacity for sentience.
Generally speaking, a monster is simply any creature or beast that does not fit the profile of any other known species. The other details - look, size, lifespan, etc. - can vary. Monsters can range in sex, as likely to be male or female as they are to have no sex or be both sexes.

Monstrous Offspring

Some monsters are known to be able to reproduce, be it with other monsters or with other races. While reproduction is equally likely to vary, scholars can break trends down into some general patterns.
The offspring of monsters vary between looking like a mix of their parents (as offsprings might of any other species combination), or look like a entierly seperate creature. Some monsters are known to only produce offspring who look like themselves, while others may have children who never look like them or each other. The offspring of monsters and other species are generally broken into three categories - Monsters themselves, monstrous, or monster-Touched. Monster species usually do not appear or appear very little like their other parent, but their offspring may appear as the non-monster grandparent. Monstrous individuals usually can be recognizable as their non-parent race, but are significantly altered that they are as much monster as they are their other race. Monster-touched individuals often only have a few traits outside of their other parent's racial standards, like tails or horns.
While two monsters will always produce another monster, monsters and other races have a chance to produce any of the above taits, or a child who otherwise largely appears to look like the non-monster parent. Individuals 'lower' on the monster trait scale are less likely to pass on their monstrous traits, and if they are it's more likely to be passed through diluted.

Monsters & Others

Most cultures look upon monsters and their offspring in poor light, often treating them with prejudice or outright violence. Few countries or regions on Aanrah accept or recognize monsters as citizens, and in many it is legal to slay monsters - sentient or not. In The Underground, this pratice tends to have much more neuance to it, and in the The Underworld it is usually banned.
Geographic Distribution


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