Bergeron Settlement in A Quiet Realm - Prostesa | World Anvil


As you walk down the streets of Bergeron, your attention is drawn to a smiling salesman just on the side of the road. As you look closer, you notice his faded eyes and rather hunched stature. This man is, in fact, a dilus, and most of those on the street are. Thundering steps startle you as a massive humanoid machine walks past you, carrying what looks to be a gnome. Bergeron is a haven of technological advancement, and the dilus are the ones responsible for it.


The center of the city is filled with gnome inventors and scholars, and most of them are typically erratic in their pursuit of knowledge. Surrounding this center are a balance of humans and, more recently, Steamer Golems. Steamer Golems typically are butlers, innkeepers, or assistants to gnomish inventors. They are known for eating magic items and heavy amounts of metal.


A noble from Ustenstead, known as Emilia Eastoft, controls most of the town's inner workings. Though she by no means has absolute power, that hasn't stopped her from trying to exact control where she sees fit. As such, taxation has increased substantially, angering much of the dili that live in Bergeron. Bergans are paranoid about Bethians and as a result have created a law that mandates the inspection of items. Magic is banned here.


The Steamer Golem in Bergeron are its greatest defenders, and they sit just in front of the towering walls that protect the city. Paranoia caused by Castle Bethalon has caused Bergeron to up its defenses, hiring armed soldiers that sit atop the walls.

Industry & Trade

Majority of Bergeron consists of inventor dili, and their machines have been sold to the rest of the continent in order to help their kin live lives equal to everyone else. As such, they have a steady income, and they tend to be beloved by Garvinel in particular.


Bergeron boasts what is considered some of the most impressive technology known on Prostesa so far. From machines that automatically create beverages, clean windows, open doors, and pull carriages, there seems to be no end to what the minds of Bergeron can create.


Most if not all of the shops in Bergeron will try and offer you machines designed to make regular life much easier. Some of the biggest buyers are dili.


Founded by Mallow Wryworth, one of the most well-known dili alive, Bergeron was created with the combined ambition of several dili. They wished to see the dilus of the world step out of their comfort zones and strive to achieve fascinating things, so they began this settlement with earnest effort. Over time, it's become a place where dili travel to and speak with others like themselves, and it's one of the few places on the planet where dili are not commonly in poverty. The people of Bergeron were the ones that created the warforged, and these machines have caused further innovation to skyrocket, as some of the most massive constructs alive were created here, whether as companions or as servants. They are always seen as equals despite their role in society.


The people of Bergeron build very striking buildings, and they aren't shy about their advances in living at all. Though they don't boast about what they create, they are definitely proud. Their homes may tower towards the sky or spread wide and have multiple rooms suited for storage, as Bergans hate laziness above all else. The colors they use typically aren't too bright except for shops of importance which are very colorful.


The land in Bergeron is flat and sits comfortably near a river that opens out into Caligurn Ocean. In the distance, Castle Bethalon's dark clouds loom, further increasing the paranoia of the Bergans.
Large town
15,300 citizens
Inhabitant Demonym


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