Jayne Krandall Character in A Galaxy Far, Far Away | World Anvil

Jayne Krandall

Jayne Krandall

Jayne loves the thrill of high stakes and always seems to have something to prove... which has landed her in hot water more than once. She has been able to slip away most of the time. However, when she decided to go for a particularly high ticket and well guarded item (she didn't actually know what as it was for a "client") that was in the possession of the Tenloss Syndicate, she was spotted... and recognized. Instead of trying to chase her right then, the Syndicate decided to put a Bounty out on her. One that she didn't know about until delivery to her "agent". She has been laying low on the last planet anyone would think to find her, her homeworld of Corellia, since and hating every minute of it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jayne comes from a modest Middle Class family. The Krandalls have been working in technician and transport jobs on Corellia for generations, Jayne just wanted something more out of life. She knew that life was about more than a steady income, she knew that her life needed adventure. So when a wealthy stranger came by the docks where she was working she snatched the opportunity to leave behind her home rock and do something more with her life...


Contacts & Relations

Her "agent" is a Bothan Black Market Middle Man. She has worked for this agent more than once, but their relationship is not exclusive, and Jayne remains a free agent herself.   Jayne chooses to not know the clients if she can avoid it. If she can't, she works to keep names out of it and chooses to not know the target if it can be avoided. This policy has gotten her out of more than a few of the pickles she has found herself in.   She is connected to the Droid because she needed help Navigating to a particular obscure planet.


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