Yawim Character in A Chance For Fortune | World Anvil
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The brewmaster Yawim is an angry dwarf who was driven out of the Meromannian clan many years ago, when it was revealed that he had been using a human recipe for making mead. Yawim drifted around for a while and ended up in The Hollows, where he settled. Over the years, he has developed a burning hatred towards all dwarves, repressing the fact that he himself belongs to this kin. He shaves every morning, simmering with rage. Yawim possesses exceptional brewing skills and runs the Three Skulls Tavern, which has become very popular in a short amount of time. Yawim’s rich beer is known far and wide and, through his grand plans for trade, the dwarf has wound up on a collision course with the elder. He dislikes Mrs. Pollmor’s leadership and finds her increasing taxation of his brewery business extremely provocative. Yawim is constantly on the look-out for new allies, hoping to one day challenge the village elder for her office.   Yawim is a beardless dwarf with a shaved head and a gut that grows ever larger in step with his fondness for beer. He is boisterous and always close to laughter or anger.


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