A Campaign Intro to Koderis and The Snowfall Homepage | World Anvil

A Campaign Intro to Koderis and The Snowfall

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Koderis was once a typical world when it comes to fantasy. Some time around one thousand years ago an event called The Snowfall happened and completely changed the world. The continents shifted, weather changed, and people died. Some races that weren't known to Koderis suddenly began to appear. Dragonborn on the southern continent of Absonus were immediately distrusted and mostly enslaved. Magic exploded and was destructively warped by this event; nearly wiping out magic altogether. When the world began to settle and magic calmed an entirely new world was left for it's people. Some magic and spells were destroyed, forgotten forever, and the magic of airships was found.   When the world did finally settle there was only three large land masses left. Spero to the north, The MidBelt that lays along the equator, and Absonus to the south. The oceans merged in to two great bodies; The Grave Expanse to the north of MidBelt and The Shimmering Calm south.   Legends and myths breathe deep in the world, ready to be explored.

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