Dîn Dwarves Ethnicity in Ûnduleah | World Anvil

Dîn Dwarves

The Dîn dwarves are relatives of the Kádi dwarves. The Dîn however are more reclusive and less numerous. They do however have a knack for taming beasts and with these beasts at their side ferociously defend their territories. Even very few Kádi dwarves are welcome in their land so not much is known about them by outsiders. They do have a very limited amount of trading posts at the entrances in the mountain range where they conduct basic trades with whoever can pay.     The land of Dîn is divided into 12 small provinces that are each governed by a governing body, consisting of a governor and 4 rulers. There is no single ruler over Dîn but each province has to fulfil a certain role, and face severe punishment by the other provinces if they do not cooperate. These are settled by the common guild. The common guild is made up of delegates of each province.   Each governor has 12 apprentices, children that show good promise for a protectorate through diplomacy and trade. From the age of 14 they spend one year in each province under the care of the ruling governor. At the age of 25, they return to their birth province and stay under the wing of their governor for another 2 years. Every 14 years a new governor and rulers are chosen from the 12 candidates. The 11 other provinces choose the 5 apprentices who will make up the main governing body, and by way of voting of the 12 apprentices, the roles are divided between the 5 chosen ones. The other 7 apprentices will be allowed to become ambassadors in the province they chose. If anything happens to one or more of the ruling governors or rulers, or if a governing body is not functioning to the liking of the other provinces, the governors of the other provinces can vote on who from the 7 remaining apprentices will take their place. After which the roles of the board of 5 can be re-divided according to personal skills and desires.   The 5 roles are:   1. Governor. They are responsible for managing their own ruling body, but also for managing the relationships between all 12 provinces. They do not vote on decisions unless a deciding vote is needed. They can suggest changes to proposed plans and put forth their own plans. They are responsible for the cohesion and proper functioning of the governing body. They are responsible for taking care of their own 12 apprentices, and the 11 apprentices of the other provinces. They vote on the new candidates for the other provinces. Each governor is also a member of the common guild.   2. Court and law. They are responsible for making sure the rules and laws are properly drafted, upheld, enforced, independent, and well-known and fair to the people.   3. Internal policies (Infrastructure, housing etc)   4. Production and Trade   5. Defence     While there are strong relations between the provinces within Dîn, there is nearly no contact with people from other places. The main point of contact is the trade relations between the Dîn and the people of Unem. They also have a low number of ambassadors in other continents.   The common guild consists of the 12 governors, 1 delegate chosen from each province, and 5 people from each guild. (Defence guild, trade guild, infrastructure, farmer, blacksmiths, tamers, forestry, water


Shared customary codes and values

The Dîn are a protectorate, people. Protecting what is yours is their highest value. Not defending, or cowardice are considered the most shameful things.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a new Dîn is born, they are marked with their birthmark. Indicating where they were born and during which ruling cycle. When they choose their occupation and their province they get another mark to show their occupation. If they ever change occupation again they'll get a new mark.

Cover image: by nicemustangart


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