Burrowing Wyrm Species in Ûnduleah | World Anvil

Burrowing Wyrm

The Burrowing Wyrm is a gigantic snake-like creature that lives in the Kiridûn mountains. With their stone-breaking teeth, they burrow vast tunnel networks underground.

Basic Information


Burrowing Wyrms are scavengers and are not aggressive by nature. They will fight if threatened. Burrowing wyrms that have babies are a bit more unpredictable and will sometimes attack unprovoked if it perceives that their baby is threatened.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Burrowing wyrms live in small familial groups of 3-8 wyrms. Sharing and contributing to the tunnel network. Different groups are usually friendly and will even help each other against threats, but mostly stick to their own territory.


The Dûn dwarves have managed to tame these beasts. The military 1st division Kiridûn defenders, the "Wyrm-riders" ride burrowing wyrms as mounts to quickly travel through the Kiridûn mountains and ward off intruders. The Wyrms can also be trained to attack and defend.

Average Intelligence

medium to high intelligence

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Burrowing wyrms have an extremely sensitive sense of vibrations. Wyrms communicate with each other in close proximity by making sounds; over long distances, they send pulses through the earth. Wyrms can be trained to understand and communicate using spoken speech.
150 years
Average Height
0.5 meters
Average Length
8-12 meters
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Grey with very subtle hues of blue, yellow or green. With some darker stripes and markings
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by nicemustangart


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