Barkhound Species in Ûnduleah | World Anvil


The barkhound gets its name from.. well, its bark. It doesn't have fur but instead, it is covered in a thick yet very flexible black hide with subtle purple-hued patterns making it resemble the bark of a tree. As with most black-purple flora and fauna in Filinor Forest, this is a result of the black shard and since it's a mutation it's not quite perfect. Some fur can still be found on their calves and the tips of their tails. And they boast a beautiful furry mane unique to each barkhound. These dogs are predators but rarely attack humanoids except in self-defense and usually stay well away from them. Because of their gorgeous manes, they have become the target of poaching. Whoever can afford a scarf of barkhound fur must have saved up years' worth of hard work (or gotten it some other sketchy way). Let alone how much a full coat would cost you. Preposterous.

Basic Information


The barkhoud looks somewhat similar to a semi-bald Groenendael dog with a medium height, black color, and pointy ears. Though slightly bigger and a lot scarier. It runs nimbly on 4 muscular legs and has a strong whipping tail and sharp claws to swipe at its prey. But its fiercest weapons are its jaws with sharp extended unbreakable black teeth and strong jaw muscles. Once it grabs hold of something the only way to get it back is with a piece missing. The black shard's mutation has turned most of its fur into a thick yet flexible hide, similar to an elephant. But with subtle purple-hued crack-like patterns that make it resemble tree bark; hence their name. The mutation is not complete and they still boast a majestic mane and fur also remains along the calves of their legs and on the tips of their tails.

Growth Rate & Stages

Baby barkhounds are born after 8 months gestation period with thin fur covering their entire body. During their first Inquor, their fur makes place for the bark-like hide and they become juveniles. Barkhounds babies become adults after their 3rd Iridir when their mane is fully developed with their unique color patterns. Once they reach adulthood they have to choose to stay with the pack and follow its hierarchy, fight to climb in the hierarchy, or leave and find their own pack. Being accepted into a new pack happens rarely so many barkhounds that choose to leave become exiles. Surviving on their own or teaming up with other barkhounds. They usually live to be 12 to 15 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Barkhounds only live in the wild in Ilinor Forest because their black colour makes them blend in nicely in the mutated parts of the forest. They would stand out in most other biomes of Ûnduleah so they don't stray from the forest without good reason. Their thick hide and mane make them able to cope with the milder conditions of west-Aachor. They would quickly become overheated in the warm areas of Unem and would freeze to death in the colder parts of east-Aachor.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Barkhounds are one of Filinor's top predators, with few animals capable and willing to take them on. They mostly hunt smaller animals like rabbits and birds but as a pack, they can easily take on bigger animals like deer. Because of their excellent olfactory receptors they sometimes bury food under the snow in order to eat the rest later during the harsh winter months. They generally don't attack humanoids except in self-defence.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Social pack animals. But can live solitary or in pairs as well.


Only one or two barkhounds have ever been tamed, and legend has it those were exiled barkhounds that bonded with Fili Kádi individuals. How they did it nobody knows exactly.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their manes are used for high-end luxury clothing like scarves. Mainly popular by the elite of Unem. While the fur has some magic sensing capabilities and does move similarly to bearfur, in combat it offers little functional benefit except making you a prime target. Barkhounds are generally weary of humanoids making them difficult to find, but specialized hunters have nonetheless caused their numbers to dwindle.

Average Intelligence

High intelligence. Near chimpanzee levels.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like all dog species, it has an exceptional sense of smell. Combined with its relatively high intelligence makes it an incredible tracker. In theory, they would make a great support animal but throughout history only one or two barkhounds have ever been successfully tamed.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

The Fili Kádi tell the tale of the legend of Bregund the Barkhound.
digital drawing art of a brown barkhound with details of green leaves and purple glowing flowers. This barkhound is missing its manes.
Barkhound by lottewave_art
12-15 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
Shoulder height: 80cm. (32 inches)
Average Weight
50 kg (110 pounds)
Average Length
Tip of the tail - tip of the nose: 1.6 meters.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Usually black, sometimes darkbrown or darkpurple. Their hide has feint purple-hued patterns and it looks like tree bark. Their manes have unique color accents and patterns for each barkhound.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Barkhound by lottewave_art


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