Dragonborn Species in Ümbria | World Anvil
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Ümbria's proud and mighty mixed race of paladins, nobles, warriors, and sorcerers

Basic Information


Dragons can mate with nearly all mortal races (humans, elves, dwarves, etc.). The children of a dragon and a mortal can possess characteristics from the both dragon and mortal parents or it could have only characteristics from one or the other depending on the genes being dominate or recessive. Dragonborn that show a great resemblance to their dragon parent are called "Pure Dragonborn" while dragon born who show more resemblance to their mortal parent are called "Lesser Dragonborn." If a pure dragonborn has a child with another pure dragonborn their child will also be a pure dragonborn. If a lesser dragonborn has a child with another lesser dragonborn their child can be either another lesser dragonborn or will closer resemble their mortal side. If a pure dragonborn has a child with a lesser dragonborn their child can be another pure dragonborn or will closer resemble a lesser dragonborn.   Pure Dragonborn: (Usually) Look like a humanoid dragon. Pure Dragonborn will have many (or all) dragon characteristics such as scales, fangs, claws, horns, a tail, wings, etc. Pure dragonborn don't associate with the other mortal races building communities away from and to keep out other races. When pure dragonborn do have to associate with the mortal races the dragonborn will ususally perceives the other races as inferior and treat them as such.   Lesser Dragonborn: (Usually) Look like a mortal race with some (or no) dragon characteristics such as scales, fangs, claws, horns, a tail, wings, etc. Lesser dragonborn are looked down upon by pure dragonborn as well as some groups of mortals. Many times lesser dragonborn are simply accepted into a communities and some have become high ranking members of governments, military groups, and religions; however, many lesser dragonborn are also seen as abominations and treated as second-class citizens.

Genetics and Reproduction

If a pure dragonborn has a child with another pure dragonborn their child will also be a pure dragonborn. If a lesser dragonborn has a child with another lesser dragonborn their child can be either another lesser dragonborn or will closer resemble their mortal side. If a pure dragonborn has a child with a lesser dragonborn their child can be another pure dragonborn or will closer resemble a lesser dragonborn.

Growth Rate & Stages

A dragonborn can live easily 500 years longer than the longest living member of the dragonborn's half race.

Civilization and Culture


Mystra stayed out of The god War for she saw nothing but destruction coming from it. The Upper Gods (other than Ao and Mystra) had used their powers to recruit elementals warriors to aid their followers in The god War. Ao and Mystra brithed magical beings known as Dragons into Ümbria. The dragon gods Tiamat and Bahamut as well as the Elder Dragons were born to bring peace unto the world. The dragons spread out over Ümbria initially only attacking those currently engaged in the war. Soon the dragons would begin to become more wild and beast-like attacking anyone (or anything) for a meal. Some powerful dragons do have the ability to transform into other species (mortal and animals). While in a alternate form dragons have been known to mate with mortals creating what are known as Dragonborn (mortal-dragon hybrids).

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Some powerful dragons do have the ability to transform into other species (mortal and animals). While in a alternate form dragons have been known to mate with mortals creating what are known as Dragonborn (mortal-dragon hybrids).
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Related Myths

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