The Ravager Programme in Osiron | World Anvil

The Ravager Programme

OFFICIAL NOTICE - The content on this page refers to a mock idea / concept

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OFFICIAL NOTICE - The content on this page is undergoing an extensive review

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You have been accepted for the Ravager Programme. This programme is Clearance Level 9. Any information about this programme is classfied and cannot be discussed outside of Level 9 Security Guidelines. If a colleague or commanding officer questions you about the programme, do not disclose ANY information.

Failure to comply with the above will result in your immediate termination from the programme.

You will receive further instructions shortly.

A secret sector of the Cerberus Fleet. Three generals currently oversee this sector, which is one of the reasons why the Clearance Level for all members of the Ravager Programme is 9.

The cover story for the Ravager Programme is that it is a joint branch between the Cerberus Fleet and Research & Development Sector. In reality, members of the Ravager Programme are extremists. They advocate for humans policing humans and removing all interference from the Osiryx Federation.

Members distrust those in the Cerberus Fleet who agree or sympathise with the Osiryx Federation.

Joining the programme is a very secretive affair. Transmissions are done off record, all messages between members and prospective recruits are deleted within a very short timeframe.

Failure to comply with Level 9 Security Guidelines doesn't just result in an individual's termination from the programme, it results in the termination of their life. The policy of the Ravager Programme is that the programme's secrets die with it's members.

Those who are contacted by members of the programme but refuse the officer are kept on a watch list - and not just by the programme's members. Higher ups in the Cerberus Fleet have been trying to weed out this sector for decades, but to no avail. As for members of the Ravager Programme themselves, they add the individual to a watch list because refusals to join and comply with the programme are seen as dangerous and potential breaches in the security of the programme. Should one of these individuals refuse to join the programme and try to inform a senior officer of the Cerberus Fleet, they quickly find themselves either demoted (and physically threatened by a member of the Ravager Programme) or dead.

Cover image: Osiron World Cover by SunlanceXIII


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