
OFFICIAL NOTICE - The content on this page refers to a mock idea / concept

OFFICIAL NOTICE - The content on this page is a draft and undergoing construction

OFFICIAL NOTICE - The content on this page is undergoing an extensive review

Terrans that have made their home in Osiron don’t really use titles. There are no lords or ladies, no monarchs, or anything else along those lines, since any Terran outposts are controlled by Terra Novus.

The exception to this rule is the title ‘Leus’.

From the greek word ‘basileus’ used by sovereigns, Tau-Terrans have adapted this as a way of denoting members of prominent Tau-Terran families, such as the Zieglers. Most leus’ are related to the individuals who made the first series of relay jumps, but there are other leus’ related to other individuals of historical importance, such as the founding members of Terra Novus.

The title can be used on its own; one might refer to an individual as ‘a Leus’. It can also be used in conjunction with the person’s surname (e.g. Leus Ziegler). A less common way to address a leus would be to use both their first name and surname (e.g. Leus Mabel Ziegler). Addressing someone as a leus in conjunction with a person’s first name (e.g. Leus Mabel rather than Leus Ziegler) is seen as offensive as you are perceived to not be giving the person the proper amount of respect.

UGY 5346. See Council Logs - Proposals by NOV-CL SCR-DLNG
Form of Address
Leus [Surname]

Terra Novus

Council - Proposals

Earth Date [2807]
Universal Galactic Date [5346]

Digital Signature [Scribe David Leung]
Digital ID [TERN-NCo SCR-DLNG-06843]


Leus Proposal

Proposal brought to the table by Associate Ziegler. It suggests the creation of a new title, which Associate Ziegler has temporarily termed ‘Leus’, to be granted to those who pioneered the first series of relay jumps from the Milky Way to Tau Cerberi. The goal in mind is to honour their achievements, with the potential of granting the same title to any individual who may also achieve great feats in the future.


A lot of back and forth between associates. Most see nothing wrong with the proposal, though Associate Handrick and Associate Barrow raise concerns that it could unnecessarily cause tension between fellow Terrans.

Associate Ziegler responds with a few curt words. The title, after all, will be granted to honour the achievements of a select few. Any Terran can see that those original pioneers put in an enormous amount of hard work, not just with the initial jump, but in negotiating with the other races already here and settling on a foreign planet. They deserve something to recognise that achievement. That receives mutterings of agreement.

The question arises that, if the proposal passes, will the title be for the individual only, or shall it honour their legacy as well? That is, should the individual’s children inherit the title.

Opinion is far more mixed on this. Half the table suggests that yes, a lasting legacy is the best way to honour their achievements, and children could be considered a part of their legacy. The other half argues that the title shouldn’t be inherited because the children of those pioneers were not the ones who accomplished those achievements.


The proposal is split into two votes.

The first vote, in favour of creating the title ‘Leus’, results in 19 for, 2 abstentions, and 1 against.

The second vote, in favour of allowing the title to be inherited by the holder’s children, results in 12 for, 3 abstentions, and 7 against.

[FILE UNDER Proposals]

Cover image: Osiron World Cover by SunlanceXIII


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