A brief overview of events in the modern history known to Melior.
For the common folk of Melior, the known history of the realm is generally split into two broadly known periods: the Modern Age, marked by the the cataclysmic event of The Rupture, and the Old Times - which was anything before.
When more detail is required, scholars, scientists, business folk, and record-keepers use specific dates to record events and histories.
These eras are written as:
But Melior is better than it was before.
- The Unknown (U)
- The Fall (F)
- The Dark Age (DA)
- The First Age (1A)
- The Second Age (2A)
- The Third Age (3A)
The First Age
The First Age began with the establishment of the Jolundrian Calendar, created and enforced by the The Originator's Order and spread wherever their religion took them. This marks the first day of the first age. In this age, the common language was invented on the Melopian continent, the printing press was invented, the Melopian Commonwealth was established, and Boomcrag erupted in Melesh, causing a four-year-long volcanic winter that caused famine in many areas.The Second Age
The Second Age began with the reign of Emperor Yoann Falkenrath, first of his title in the The Jolundrian Empire. After the unexpected death of his father, Yoann was ushered onto the throne at the young age of 13 years old - making him also the youngest monarch. This age also saw major conflicts between Melopian and Jolundrian forces, each fighting for more territory during the rise and fall of the sovereigns. It was also the fateful age in which The Rupture took place, causing chaos and destruction on a global scale and opening countless rifts into unknown realms of existence. New kinds of folks, fauna, and flora invaded Melior (some more peacefully than others), bringing with them magic, technology, and diseases. Edutar, the golden guardian put on this world by The Creator to protect the world from devastation, was physically torn apart trying to seal the rifts and the pieces of his body fell scattered across the world. Those who rescued these pieces became Ordained and gained a portion of the powers of the creation that the guardian once had. Many of these few once-ordinary folks soon became living gods whether they chose it, or not. Religions split, faiths dissolved and new followings emerged. The whole world and everything in it completely changed.The Third Age
The Third Age began with the reign of Emperor Ronan Borchard, not too long after the Rupture. This age is experiencing rapid growth in populations, and knowledge of magic and technology. Efforts are advancing on all fronts - the Jolundrian Empire is turning their conquest away from their old enemies in Melopia and onwards through the rifts into new and foreign realms. The Melopian Commonwealth are opting for a moral, cultural, and technological highground by welcoming new folks, customs, and trade agreements and building an expansive network of allies. The world feels ever changing and overwhelming with opportunities and dangers.But Melior is better than it was before.