Emperor Theodor Orris

A wholesome protector of the Jolundrian Empire who put others before himself - even to decline emperorship twice in order to care for his vulnerable niece.

Emperor Theodor Orris

Jolundrian Empire banner

Jolundrian Empire by TJ Trewin

Emperor Theodor Orris was broadly regarded as the most wholesome ruler of The Jolundrian Empire during the Second Age. He was the fourth (and final) emperor of the Orris Dynasty, and lead the empire through its darkest days during the cataclysmic events of The Rupture, which introduced horrific monsters, magic, and new folk kinds both friendly and hostile through the rifts that opened the world of Melior to unknown realms.  

Declining the Crown ... twice.

Despite being in line for the crown at age 31, he instead took on the role of a parental figure for his niece Clover (aged 2), who was left without any parents following the tragic assassination of her mother Empress Greta Orris.
  Theodor raised Clover under his wisdom and guidance, and protected her from being manipulated and puppeteered by wealthy individuals of the Jolundrian Council.   He dedicated every moment of his time into raising her, and let his younger brother Emperor Newton Orris rise to the throne. The Jolundrian Council regarded this as poor taste because of Newton being a royal bastard, so he tried to regain public faith by serving on the battlefield. After only a short seven-year reign, he lost his life in the battle to recapture the region of Porosa back from the grip of the Melopian Commonwealth.   With both siblings dead, at age 38 Theodor was again due to rule. Once more he declined emperorship to continue the care and guidance of Clover (now aged 9), and instead gave the title to her with continued education and protection.   Empress Clover Orris grew into her position as a woman of wits and responsibility. At age 20 she had a grand royal wedding, but sadly only three years later she died during the childbirth of her twin sons Ronan and Ormond.   Grief stricken, many discussions were had in the Jolundrian Council about who should be the next heir. It took 3 years of debating and arguing, but by the end of it the council reluctantly agreed that they could not put the newborn twins at the seat of power under guidance of the council. The crown went back up the bloodline to finally rest upon the rightful head of Emperor Theodor Orris (aged 54).   His reign lasted for 32 years, making it the longest rule since Empress Leyla Falkenrath 140 years ago.  

Family Tree


Ruling during the Rupture

Emperor Theodor's reign happened during the most fundamental change in the history of Melior.   The first 17 years of his rule were prosperous for the Jolundrian Empire and his negotiations secured many advantageous alliances and trade deals connecting back to the heart of the empire in Garronay. He was loved and adored by the public who held him in high regard and used him as a role model for good morals, parenting, and generosity.
  At age 71, his golden image suddenly came to an abrupt end following the catastrophic impact of The Rupture. Many key members of his council and advisors died during the event, and the entire empire's resources were stretched beyond thin in efforts to contain the chaos and destruction of what many now simply call "the apocalypse". Enemy soldiers he could deal with, but this was an unfathomable task of non stop fire-fighting that sadly he could not keep under control.   Many folks lost their lives in the years following the catastrophe, and their mourning families blamed it on the poor efforts of the Orris Dynasty. Overwhelming grief and immeasurable stress impacted on the old emperor's body, but he actively ruled until he died on his throne on Seconday 9th Fireturn 529 3A.   Thus began the reign of his successor, Emperor Ronan Borchard (now 35), which marked the start of the new Borchard Dynasty. Upon his coronation, Emperor Ronan proclaimed the dawning of the Third Age in the The Jolundrian Calendar.  

Timeline of Events

Click here for a complete history of the Dynasties of the Empire.   Or click here for a list of events
  • Falday 13th Darkfall 441 2A - Emperor Isidor Severin (39) and Julietta Orris (21) celebrate the birth of their first child, Greta (Theodor's older sister).

  • Dimday 12th Feldturn 442 2A - Before Emperor Isidor Severin (40) was assassinated, he left his wife Julietta Orris (22) with child. She gave birth to a healthy boy that she named Theodor. Isidor's sister, Empress Ester Severin took the throne.

  • Seconday 2nd Fireturn 443 2A - One year after Emperor Isidor's assassination, Julietta Orris (23) gave birth to Theodor's younger brother, this time of an unknown father. She died during childbirth, and the bastard was named Newton.

  • Midday 4th Hearthcall 446 2A - Empress Ester Severin (20) marries Jeremy Greenwood (20), marking the second mixed-folk marriage of the Dynasties in the Jolundrian Empire.

  • Thirday 10th Feldturn 462 2A - Empress Ester Severin (36) dies in childbirth along with her unborn child, thus passing on the crown and beginning the reign of Empress Greta Orris (Theodor's older sister). Her coronation marked the start of The Orris Dynasty.

  • Dimday 19th Hearthcall 471 2A - Empress Greta Orris (30) and Charles Gardener (31) celebrate the birth of thier child (Theodor's niece), Clover .

  • Mornday 22nd Blumecall 473 2A - Empress Greta Orris (32) is assassinated by an undercover spy from the Melopian Commonwealth.   The assassination of Empress Greta Orris (32) left her child, Clover (2) without any parental figures. Rather than taking up the throne, Greta's brother Theodor (31) took the responsibility of raising Clover and kept her out of the meddling plans of the Jolundrian Council. Crowned instead was his younger brother, the royal bastard Emperor Newton Orris (30).

  • Thirday 17th Dawnturn 480 2A - Emperor Newton Orris (37) dies in battle in efforts to recapture Porosa.   Following Emperor Newton's (37) death his older brother Theodor (38) was due to rule. Once more he declined emperorship to continue his care and guidance for his niece, Clover (9), and gave the title to her.

  • Falday 20th Fireturn 491 2A - Empress Clover Orris (20) marries Guy Borchard (24)

  • Dimday 12th Feastcall 494 2A - Empress Clover Orris (23) dies in childbirth moments after giving birth to two identical twins, Ronan and Ormond.   Following the tragic death of his niece, discussions were had in the Jolundrian Council about who should be the next heir. It took 3 years of debating and arguing, but by the end of it the council reluctantly agreed that they could not put the newborn twins at the seat of power under guidance of the council.   The crown went back up the bloodline to finally rest upon the rightful head of Emperor Theodor Orris (54). His reign lasted for 32 years, making it the longest rule since Empress Leyla Falkenrath 140 years ago.

  • Thirday 10th Darkfall 514 2A - The Rupture

  • Seconday 9th Fireturn 529 3A - Emperor Theodor Orris dies of age related disease (87) and is succeeded by Emperor Ronan Borchard (35) - marking the start of the Borchard Dynasty. With all of the drastic changes in Melior on a global scale, he declares upon his coronation the dawning of the Third Age in the The Jolundrian Calendar.


Emperor Newton Orris


Towards Emperor Theodor Orris


Emperor Theodor Orris


Towards Emperor Newton Orris


Empress Greta Orris


Towards Emperor Theodor Orris


Emperor Theodor Orris


Towards Empress Greta Orris


Date of Birth
Dimday 12th Feldturn 442 2A
Date of Death
Seconday 9th Fireturn 529 3A
442 MH 529 MH 87 years old
Circumstances of Death
Age related disease
Golden amber
5' 1"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Biological Parents
Emperor Isidor Severin
Empress Consort Julietta Orris   Siblings
Empress Greta Orris
Emperor Newton Orris   Successor
Emperor Ronan Borchard
Species | Nov 30, 2022
The Jolundrian Empire
Organization | Nov 30, 2022

The Jolundrian Empire is the foremost constitutional monarchy in Melior, encompassing the regions of Arklend, Anvil, Kuldar, and Xul.

Cover image: by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


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Jan 3, 2022 08:23

A great article. I especially like the conciseness of the infobox in the side panel. Just enough miscellaneous info, not too much. I'm so glad I clicked this one cos it lead me to azgaar's Armoria -- what powerful tool! I'm a sucker for heraldry and have a lod of sigils etc. on my to-do list. Thanks! :D

Jan 17, 2022 10:59 by TJ Trewin

Thanks so much! Yeah that tool is super useful, I love it! :D

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