The Hunter Character in Lens | World Anvil

The Hunter

He seemed like he really wanted to help. We trusted him because we were desperate, and now our daughter is gone and we don't even know what happened to her
— Mother of a Brighteyes
  The Hunter is one of the most feared members of the GBC and is also the one people know the least about. Their true identity is a well guarded secret, as their entire purpose depends on deceit and manipulation, and being able to assume whatever identity they need. Even in the odd rare public appearance that The Hunter makes, he always wears a mask and an oddly shaped ornate cloak, to hide both his face and his form. It said only the highest ranking members of the GBC know his true identity. The Hunter's sole purpose is to track down and capture Brighteyes. And he has been doing this with some measure of success for the last twelve years.  
He even had a letter of recommendation from a person we knew and trusted, we later found out that friend was dead. We sent Erica off ahead with him, promising we would meet up later. We never saw either of them again.
— Friend of a Brighteyes
  Since the GBC wishes to capture Brighteyes The Hunter very rarely uses direct violence against them, but he is not above using it to get close to one. He works first to gain the trust of his prey, then comes up with some pretense to get them away from their friends and family, after that they are never seen again. No Brighteyes has ever escaped from The Hunter, at least no one has ever made that claim. The Hunter will sometimes spends months tracking down and capturing a single Brighteyes, this is due to the fact they are quite rare and most of them work very hard not to be found.  
We thought they would be safe travelling with the four guards we sent with them. He left them all dead, and the babe was no where to be found. They even take babies, when will this stop!
— Member of the rebellion


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