The Promise Stone Item in Éda | World Anvil

The Promise Stone


To those with sufficient magical protection or particularly strong will, this extremely dangerous item appears to be nothing more than a round, smooth stone like any you might find at a riverbank or beach. To most, however, it is a diamond as large as your head. It is a ruby with the power to smite your rivals. A chunk of starlight that grants wishes. Like the songs of a siren it whispers promises into ones ear; love and power and wealth and everything you could ever want, if only you could hold it a moment longer, and kill anyone nearby to prevent them taking it from you.   Who created this stone and why is unknown, though assumptions are made of some kind of cruel empyrean of lust, or simply a particularly powerful and evil mage from many years past...  


Desire Incarnate

When a creature sees the stone it must immediately make a DC 25 Wisdom Saving throw or have their mind trapped in a fog of enchantment and illusion magic. They are immediately charmed for 1 hour, seeing the stone as an object of great value, and harbor the belief that if they can possess it and hold it for long enough that all of their dreams will come true.   While charmed, a creature is hostile to all others and willing to kill even their own allies to prevent the stone being stolen. They may attempt to flee to a hideout, neglect their own needs, and even starve themselves to death.   A creature that succeeds on three saving throws against the stone becomes immune to its effect for 24 hours. Casting dispel magic, calm emotions, or similar spells on a creature affected by the stone protects them from its effects for 1 minute and counts as a successful saving throw.


Wondrous Item, Legendary


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