Katamenos' Conversation with Akhoris and Friends in Éda | World Anvil

Katamenos' Conversation with Akhoris and Friends

Shadowblade - You really thought it would be a good idea to stand alone? I could have killed you before you even knew I was here.   Katamenos - I've heard enough about you and your master to think it worth the risk. And besides, I'm not alone! I have Kois over there in the corner writing down our conversation, though he's not much of a fighter.   Shadowblade - Get to the point while my mage keeps your people safe from the giant. Where is the hide?   Katamenos - Ah, about that - I was thinking we could have a conversation first, specifically your friend Akhoris. I'll let your friends in so we can chat properly.   The doors open, allowing in a man covered in tattoos and a terrifying, green skinned cyclops with no head to enter.   Katamenos - Hello and welcome to my fine city! You are Akhoris, are you not?   Akhoris - I am indeed! Thank you for the invitation. Now, I hear you have something of ours?   Katamenos - I do! Courtesy of The Exotics. Would you be surprised at all to hear they preached peace and suggested we talk, while myself and the other Consuls debated turning this into a trap?   Akhoris - Considering how bloodthirsty your Republic is and the fact Odessa put herself in danger to apologise for everything that's happened, no. Doesn't surprise me at all. What changed your mind?   Katamenos - Firstly, the sight of your large friend - I wasn't sure how well a fight would go if it was just you, so adding in one of the legendary Blemmys ensured I decided to keep my arms attached to my body. Secondly, it is always good to meet your enemies before things truly turn sour. I like having the chance to win someone over with either my incredible wealth or exceedingly good looks.   I apologise sincerely for the abridged records below. The giant walked much too close; his fetid breath filling my nose and his bloodshot eye staring at me were quite distracting.   Katamenos and Akhoris spoke for quite some time about the goals of Akhoris' master, as it seemed the tattooed man was all too eager to share and discuss these things at length. There were several instances of Katamenos offering incentives to betray this "Fearghal", but all were rebuffed. It wasn't until Katamenos whispered something into the man's ear that his smile seemed to fade a little. Just after this, Katamenos called out to the giant and I was able to concentrate again.   Katamenos - Now to you my one-eyed friend! I will come close, for I have something to whisper for you.   Giant - in a roar that shook the walls: "NO WHISPER! DUMB MAGES LIE! YOU LIE AND I'LL KILL YOU!"   Katamenos - Understood perfectly! I promise that if you don't like what you hear, I will sit still while you crush my head like a grape and drink my blood like wine.   The giant smiled, and I suddenly felt even more unsafe than before. But it seemed to have worked - the giant allowed my master to approach and leaned in to hear him.   Katamenos - I believe you are the mighty Vonthyrus, greatest king of your kind the world has ever seen? So unfairly struck down by the Gods despite committing no crimes?   Giant - in a shout, ensuring Akhoris and the Shadowblade (whom I have worryingly lost sight of) heard at least this side of the conversation: YEAH I AM! AND FUCK THE GODS!   Katamenos - Yes, yes, fuck the Gods. Have you heard of Úrlos Palace, friend?   Giant - YEAH, WHY?   Katamenos - You have searched for so many years, looking for a way to return to the height of your glory. I believe the answer to your problems can be found there, high above the streets of Olsíri. I also believe that Fearghal knows this as well, but has been hiding it from you.   Giant - WHY?!   Katamenos - He sees you as nothing more than a weapon, and keeping you like this serves him. Look around you - my family built this city and has nurtured artistry for hundreds of years. I want nothing more than to see your people thrive, to see your paintings and hear your music. I will do my best to uncover your path to glory, and all I ask in return is for you to reconsider what Fearghal (and his friends) have promised you so far.   The giant says nothing more, but scowls with a fury I cannot put into words. It is now when Katamenos summons forth one of his disks carrying the item these strangers have travelled to collect.   Katamenos - And to you, most noble Coranvin (wherever you are hiding), I say only this: if you ever learn your master's plan is doomed to fail, then my pockets are deeper than you can imagine, and my door is always open to skilled individuals.   There is tension in the air as they collect the armour and leave.   Kois - Why did you act like that near the end? Usually you are far more cordial, and far more subtle - you might as well have held up a sign that said "I am manipulating you."   Katamenos - Usually my foes expect cordiality and subtlety. These ones expected deception and traps. Giving them exactly what they expect actually makes it easier to - wait, why are you still writing? Ah whatever, it is a good lesson for them to have; leaning into your enemy's pre-existing notions has them believing they are in control of the situation. That in itself is useful, but it also means you can take them by surprise with less difficulty later on!


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