Coranvin Hun'nai Character in Éda | World Anvil

Coranvin Hun'nai

The Shadowblade


Wearing almost stereotypically roguish atire, Coranvin is garbed in black leather armor, various daggers, and a green cavalier cape covering one side. With the light grey skin and long black ponytail commonly seen amongst his kin, he looks like the perfect ideal of a Drow Assassin.      


On the surface Coranvin is collected, professional, and in control. When proded and pushed, however, he is quickly shown to be easily frustrated and eager to kill; his homeland solved many problems with violence and death, so his leader refusing to let him end lives has been gratingly painful for many reasons. Despite his frustration with not being allowed to effieciently deal with any issues, he seems to care a great deal about Fearghal's opinions, though he has not revealed why to anyone.      


Coranvin was a Shadowblade before joining up with Fearghal: one of drow society's most elite and feared assassin, famed the world over for never missing their mark. His skillset includes mastery with poisons and shadow magic, stealth and deception. He is a capable combatant even in "fair" combat as well, which has served him well in recent times, since his talent for quiet killings goes against his leader's ideals.      



Being raised as a shadowblade is a long and secretive process where a young drow is subjected to extremely harsh and deadly tests, forced to use their wits and skills to survive. If the prospective student lives through every test, they are granted access to shadow magic and trained by the greatest masters in the realm. From there they become mercenaries for the elite, hired to "solve" political difficulties, or even sent out to complete contracts in the surface world for humans and mages.  

Knight of Mithral and Vines

Assigned a contract to find a man wearing strange mithral armour and a mighty horned helmet, Coranvin quicky found his mark and began to plan. Yet, for the first time, found himself unable to complete a kill. Despite his strongest poisons, perfect ambushes, and miriad other strategies, he could barely graze this man who almost entirely refused to fight back. After his third attempt, they had a long conversation about how such failure would mean death if Coranvin returned him, and the man offered a spot at his side instead. Coranvin accepted, and has since become one of Fearghal's most trusted lieutenants.  

Seeking the Servant

Fearghal is looking to reassemble a machine known nowadays as The Destroyer, a construct which was created during the Archonomachy to battle the Archons, but was stolen by Elves and turned against The Dragons. He seeks the machine because he believes it to be a key, some part of a portal that would allow him entry to The Underworld, where a weapon that can kill even gods is rumoured to be. Coranvin has been leading one of the squads aiming to find and collect all the parts.


Race: Dark Elf   Sex: Male   Age: ~200


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