Working the Pavement in Doratov Report in Årendan | World Anvil

Working the Pavement in Doratov

Campaign 2, Session 2

General Summary

Big Moments:
  • Ilantha Mianelis mentions that she is not aware of the source of the arcane disturbance but she feels that it originate east in Ugdrasel, she thanks them for returning her Russet Mold.
  • The party refuses to return her jar until the receive their rewards
  • Ilantha Mianelis passes a letter to Ellywick to present at the Doratov auction house that will gain her access as well as instructing that she is the entertainment for the cocktail hour before the auction.
  • Ilantha Mianelis assures Klip that though she cannot prove it in the moment, she will have his mother escorted to a safe house where she may not be discovered and questioned about his whereabouts
  • Ilantha Mianelis presents Holland with a choice, the name of the person who brought him to town, or the name of someone who can help him hone is skills. Holland chooses the name of the trainer.
  • Holland mentions that Ilantha Mianelis may be in need of the service again, to which she agrees that she would like to call upon them for future jobs as well as the upcoming expedition
  • Klip ask Ilantha Mianelis for lodging for everyone and she grants them her flat and leaves for another property with Dathibra, who dons her clergy garb again
  • Holland investigates the Ilantha Mianelis’ library, and finds that she has a large collection of romance novels, as well as historical books and textile and business books
  • Klip examines the flower with a nature check of 18 and identifies it as a ilium and wonders how and why it always points east
  • Farlynn brings in dinner and wine for everyone to enjoy and they ask him to join them and they all partake in wine as they ask him questions about himself.
  • The party heads upstairs to bed
  • Klip finds a nice fuzzy robe and then makes his way into the large bath in the shared floor bathroom.
  • Ellywick roams the second floor of the manor and finds a locked door near the bathroom which may go into the attic.
  • Ellywick attempts to pick the lock with her thieves tools and fails to pick the lock with a 13 when Klip comes out of the bathroom
  • Klip comes out of the bathroom as Ellywick is debating giving it another try and he states that he doesn’t want to get kicked out tonight which she agrees and they head to their room.
  • In his bedroom Holland summons a fey spider to seal his room shut with webbing
  • The party takes a long rest.
  • Everyone meets down stairs for breakfast where Farylnn presents them with more compensation from their job with Mianelis, 21gp and a scroll of spider climb
  • Klip talks with Farlynn about getting continued room and board as well as discussing the different places they can go.
  • The boys head off to do some light shopping in Doratov while Ellywick sneaks back upstairs to try the lock once again
  • Ellywick attempts to pick the attic lock with an 8 and fails then gathers her things to perform on the streets
  • Ellywick sets up on a street corner and begins to perform (dirty 20) and starts to overhear information as people are drawn to walk by her as she plays: The Potts’ son and receives some tips
  • Holland goes to the Apple tree and spreads comfrey seeds around the foot of the tree and uses druidic magic to speed up their growth
  • Klip and Holland head to Shelly’s Herbs and Brews
  • Klip checks on his old cardboard house behind Shelly’s before heading into the store.
  • The boys do some shopping at Shelly’s for ingredients and healing potion
  • Holland asks Shelly about Master Tien, and finds out that his favorite tea is Purple Hibiscus and provides him with a free samepke while also telling him that he is an avid reader and may be found at Brom’s Shelves, he is also a follower of Bahmut t.
  • The Boys head to Dorian’s and order a round of drinks, Klip explains that there isn’t a special type of beer that is a breakfast beer its just a beer you have for breakfast
  • Ellywick joins the boys at Dorian’s and explains the rumor she heard about the Potts son and orders a Beer and then talk about their feelings of Madam Mianelis
  • Ellywick expresses her interest in this count and they discuss their options
  • Ellywick notices two individual talking at a table about a creature in “the catacombs”
  • Klip, who just heard from Ellywick about the conversation going on at the next table attempts to stealth closer to them with a 7 and falls out of his chair
  • Holland makes a persuasion check(19) and convinces the room of on lookers that Klip just had a bit too much of the Special.
  • The group approaches the second table and asks if they could use some assistance, Harold is very eager unlike Eloise. The party is unsure about the pair and has a quick huddle to decide if they even want to get involved with this mess of a duo and decide to ask bluntly they would be happy to off their assistance if they had more information and their alignments align
  • They tell them that they are in the business of “acquisitions,” and that there is a beast currently stopping them from moving product in the catacombs. They are light on coin but they could assist them in a “wide” variety of ways
  • The party decides to pass on assisting the pair and tells them that if anything dire happens they could leave word at Dorians for them.
  • Ellywick asks the barkeep if he knows of the Potts and decide to head to the 3rd district where they are told they live
  • As the party leaves Dorians they weigh their options of heading to find the Potts, waiting to trail Eloise and Harold, or heading back to 432b and learning more about The Count.
  • The party decides to head back to 432b and enters through the back yard and sees two guards sitting at a small table, a goliath and a human.
  • Holland hides behind a bush and wild shapes into a cat and stealths over to the old broken window(9) and makes his way below the window into the bushes
  • Holland listens in on the conversation that Mianelis and Darebig are having over tea with a 10 perception and hears that she is purchasing furs and food from him in bulk
  • Holland then prances over to the guards to hear what they are talking about with a performance check of 0 and the goliath looks down at him and immediately starts sneezing, and cat Holland runs away.
  • Holland morphs back to “human” and lets the others in on what he heard and asks the others if they want to try on the guards. Klip says he’s going to try and get a snack from Farylnn and Ellywick says she is going to try and charm the guards.
  • Ellywick strolls up to the men and states that she’s a traveling performer and she would like to entertain them if they would like. The guards agree to a show, and she performs with an 18, they thank her for entertaining them very pleased with her work they talk a bit about what they do and where they will be heading this summer/fall before Count Dhutran Darebig exits 432b and his guards fall in line and the all exit.
  • The party proceeds into 432b and are greeted by Farlynn who welcomes them to have pasties as he checks to see Madam Mianelis will see them
  • The party presses Mianelis on the Count and she states that she is using her families connections to work with him for he is a high member in the merchants guild and she needs things for their expedition
  • The party asks if they continue to assist her if they could stay there, and she makes the arrangements.
  • Holland asks if theirs anything that they can assist with and she express hardships trying to get information on where to travel east to from the higher noble families.
  • Holland mentions the beast in the catacombs where she seems interested more on the choice of words “catacomb” then the beast and talks about how it’s a term only used by the Qerni a thieves guild. After a bit of conversation she leaves heading back to her private flat
  • They bid goodbye to Farlynn as they are going to head out to see what Holland does In the evening. Farlynn asks if he should open a bottle of wine for them “just in case” and Klip says that he will split it with him before heading out to Hollands evening gig.

Rewards Granted

Inventory Updates:
  • Ellywick Scroll of spider climb
  • Holland 7gp
  • Ellywick 7gp
  • Klip 7gp
  • Ellywick 2gp 7sp
  • Klip Sulfur, Carbon, Saltpeter
  • Klip 5gp
  • Holland Seeds, and bulb assortments
  • Holland 2gp
  • Klip Potion of Healing (common)
  • Klip 6gp
  • Holland 14gp
  • Holland Purple Hibiscus tea
  • Klip Dorian’s Special drink of the day
  • Holland Breakfast Beer
  • Klip 2sp
  • Ellywick Beer
  • Klip water skin of tea
  • Klip water skin of wine
  • Ellywick package of pastries

Character(s) interacted with

  • Ilantha Mianelis- Female ½ elf in her 300s with long chestnut hair and olive skin. An Osmen Aristocrat who lost her younger sister in a Afalim training exercise, she is looking at putting a team together for an unknown mission.
  • Farlynn Mendelcusp- Male Halfling, pale with red hair. Steward for Ilantha Mianelis, Farylnn runs the entire estate top to bottom. He prides himself on his lemon scones.
  • Shelly- Human grey hair
  • Eloise, Female halfling works for the Qerni
  • Harold, Male human works for the Qerni, got he and Eloise in trouble for telling an undercover guard that they have to tell them if they are a guard because it’s the law and they are going to do something illegal.
  • Tharon- male goliath Body of Count Dutran Darebig

Related Reports

  • Klip is from the town of Lyeer, that his father left when he was young, and that people are after him.
  • Farylnn has been been working for Ilantha Mianelis for about 50 year
  • Demona Mianelis the druid sister of Ilantha, a healer not a fighter, died 10-15 years ago, her favorite vegitable was Brussel Sprouts
  • The Potts’ infant son has had a curse placed upon him, they live in the 3rd district. They live on Stone Street. Their names are Beatrice and Bernard they own a small general good shop. (like a bodega)
  • Klip enjoys cooking, though he is more on a liquid(beer) diet currently.
  • Master Tien, a potential trainer for Holland. He is a follow of Bahmut, an avid reader, and enjoys Purple Hibiscus
  • There is a beast in the catacombs stopping an acquisitions group from moving product.
  • Count Dhutran Darebig is in the merchants guild(high member), he has two body guards one goliath and one human, they travel a lot. Soon they will be traveling to Abüran for work then to Bathozane to represent Osmen at a festival
  • Qerni, a thieves guild with a large branch in Doratov


  • James sings a lick of “Be Our Guest” to spell out for Mary that the last name of the NPC is Potts
  • Holland uses wild shape for the first time
DM: James O’Donnell
Cast: Mary Fedrico(Ellywick Beren), Jacob Limestall(Kip Ference), Ryan O’Donnell(Holland Spikescale)
MIA: n/a
Recap By: Mary Fedrico
Report Date
26 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Location(s): Doratov
  • 432b Mockingbird Ln, Mianelis Manor
  • Shelly's Herbs and Brews
  • Dorian's
  • Holland rolls an 18 on his investigation check of Ilantha Mianelis’s library
  • Klip rolls an 18 on his nature check to identify the flower
  • Ellywick rolls a 13 on her slight of hand check to pick the locked door in 432b
  • Ellywick rolls an 8 on her slight of hand check to pick the locked door in 432b
  • Ellywick rools a dirty 20 on her performance check as a street performer
  • Mary rolls a 6 on how many tips she will receive
  • Klip rolls a 7 on his stealth check to ease drop of the conversation at the next table
  • Holland rolls a 19 on his persuasion check to convince everyone Klip is just tipsy
  • Holland rolls a 9 on his stealth check to sneak by Count Darebig’s guards and SUCCEEDS!?
  • Holland rolls a 10 on his perception check as a cat to listen in on Mianelis and Darebig’s conversation
  • Holland rolls a 0 on his performance check (-2 to his roll of 2) to be adorable to the guards
  • Ellywick rolls an 18 on her performance check to entertain the guards with her pan flute
  • “Why do the call you Klip?” Farlynn “My mother gave me the name, why do they call you Farlynn?” Klip “Because my brother is name Nearlynn.” Farlynn
  • I play a mean meat flute.” Klip
  • “Well I’m going to go polish my gun if you know what I mean.” Klip
  • “ Copy that I am going to go tune my interment.” Ellywick
  • “Holland I don’t know what this shit is, but I am going to drink the shit out of it” Klip “Well hopefully there’s no shit. In it” Holland
  • “…I have excellent vision in the dark.” Holland “As do I” Ellywick, “I can’t see shits.” Klip
  • “I’ve been known to mop the floors with someone.” Holland
  • “Your hospitality has been stellar I commend Farlynn, A+ would stay here again.” Klip


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