Following the Threads of Ralphagor Report in Årendan | World Anvil

Following the Threads of Ralphagor

Campaign 2, Session 7

General Summary

Big Moments:
  • Holland reads a bit from the herbalism book he got from Ilantha’s library
  • The party meets over a dutch baby with wild berry compote made by Farlynn
  • Ellywick mentions what they should do about Ralphagor
  • The party decides to start by following Iona after she makes her round at the Potts and to ask Farlynn when Ilantha might be back at the manor
  • As the party exits the manor they run into a House Steward from Lady Veronia who presents Ellywick with a letter containing the name Count Pierfin Omasatra, who purchased the Cape of Mountebank
  • The party heads to Shelly’s Herbs
  • Holland buys some Hibiscus and gourd seeds
  • The Party heads to Pott’s Family Floral and General, Holland goes into a shop across the street (stealth 16) to watch from afar. Ellywick plays on the street corner (performance 9) and Klip walks into the shop.
  • Klip reintroduces himself to Beatrice and asks if Iona has come yet
  • Klip comments about the flowers looking well and have sold well over night and asks if he can buy some but Beatrice insists that they are on the house
  • Iona comes in and demands their payment to which Bernard comes from down from upstarts to hand over
  • Iona seems surprised that they seemed to muster the payment and suggests that they restock the shelves so that they can keep up with their payments.
  • As Iona exits the store Holland clocks her from across the street
  • Iona lightly kicks Ellywicks busking pouch as she walks by unaware she is the talk of town (due to her low performance)
  • Klip thanks them for the flowers and awkwardly hands off Archie before running out the door
  • Ellywick collects her things and slowly follows at a distance Iona (stealth check 21)
  • Holland follows from a distance and across the street Ellywick
  • Klip follows last from a greater distance from Ellywick
  • Ellywick watches Iona enter another general goods store and clocks where her party members are (perception NATURAL 20) Ellywick sends them a nod and goes into the store
  • Ellywick watches Iona as she does some light shopping
  • Iona comments that the shop keeps debt is growing as she collects a small amount of coins and turns to leave and sees Ellywick in queue behind her
  • Ellywick moves just enough for Iona to pass after staring her down
  • Ellywick pays 1sp for her 3cp bill and asks if everything is okay referring to the interaction between the shop keep and Iona
  • He insists things are fine just paying his dues for safety
  • The boys watch as Iona leaves the store and heads along her way and wait for Ellywick to rejoin them before perusing Iona (group stealth check Holland NATURAL 20, Ellywick 13, Klip 21) they successfully follower her to The Snarking Pseudodragon
  • Holland makes his way in, having not been within eyesight of Iona before
  • Holland orders a beer after watching Iona flip 1gp to the bar keep before heading to the back room
  • Holland speaks with the Bar tender about brawls and work before heading off to the bathroom
  • Holland Wildshapes into a rat and makes his way to the back room and tries to listen in (Perception 17) he hears a few voices he doesn’t know as well as Iona’s.
  • Holland peeks his head under the door (stealth check 20) surveys the people in the room and then runs under one of the couches
  • Holland sees Ralphagor for the first time and learns the name of three other families/or business that are being taken advantage of the Ersips, Marios, and Enries.
  • Ralphagor mentions wanting the Tomb of Leadership and influence which his people have tracked down to Sir Malcum Osterheim who lives in the 4th district
  • Ellywick casts Disguise Self on herself becoming a green dragonborn in natural colored clothing
  • Klip and Ellywick make their way into the bar and buy a pint of beer and take a seat at a table after not noticing Holland anywhere
  • Holland escapes the back room (stealth check 20) goes back into the bathroom releases his wildeshape and joins Klip and his dragonborn friend at the table
  • Klip lets Holland know that Ellywick is in disguise
  • The group leaves and heads towards the docks Holland fills in the group about the things he learned In the back room
  • Recalling that there was tale of a ship being burned down by Ralphagor Holland and Klip attempt to see if they can find it (perception check Holland 10 Klip NAUTRAL 1, Ellywick 12) they don’t notice anything but Klip gets a bug in his eye.
  • The party heads into Poe’s Boarding to get some lunch
  • The group start loudly talking about the strange happening going on in the city and catch the attention of a Tebaxi who joins them at the table
  • The tabaxi asks if they are looking for work on the sea, but settles on that they may be better at dock work due to their lack of experience. The Reverent, a government vessel, is recruiting dock works to load for upcoming sailing
  • The tabaxi says that the Afalim are looking to leave in three days time a day earlier than the original information they party had received, as well as they introduce themselves as Satsu
  • Satsu tells them if they are looking for dock work to see Erisog Lightview, hes the foreman in charge, before leaving to talk with another table
  • Klip flags the barkeep down and orders The Lunch Special a Hoagie filled with Chum.
  • Holland asks what the regular meal is and is told it is chum. Without the hoagie
  • Ellywick asks the barkeep about her brothers, and is told that they were running an illegal gambling ring out of the back of one of his rooms, and that they were with a group of people with matching pins possibly a club.
  • Holland mentions that he is from the swamps
  • Klip finishes his chum hoagie and makes a constitution saving throw (15) his tummy start rumbling, but it turns out to be just a burp.
  • The group begins to head back to 432b (perception check Klip 21 Ellywick NATURAL 1, Holland Natural 1) Klip notices Herold walking one of the side streets and gestures to everyone to follow him while he stocks him.
  • Harold stops in front of a house looks at a book he is carrying, slightly cases the joints and then walks on.
  • The party continues to follow Harold (Stealth check Klip 18, Ellywick 13, Holland 7) Harold does not notice the party. They watch as he stops and does the same thing again at a house before walking away again.
  • The party continues to follow him getting closers and closer till they can pull him into an alley
  • Holland takes a wide birth to cut off Herold (athletics check 14) and beats him to meet him infront of an alley and asks Herold to step into the alley with him (persuasion 6). Herold says to fuck off and trys to walk by Holland throws him into the alley
  • Herold brings out a dagger and attacks Holland and misses with a 5
  • Holland makes a grapple and succeeds 15 vs 13
  • Ellywick attempts to disarm Herold with a 13 and succeeds
  • Klip attempts to take the book from Herold with a 16 slight of hand and succeeds
  • Herold attempts to snatch the book back with an contested grapple with Klip and loses 18 vs 12
  • Holland continues to hold Herold
  • Klip looks at the book (investigation 13)
  • Ellywick also looks at the book (investigation NATURAL 20) it is a ledger of the items from the auction, what they were, how much they sold for, and where the were delivered.
  • Herold says he is on his own using the book to figure out who has connections to Judesa who killed Elouise
  • Holland makes an insight check to news (NATURAL 1) and is not sure if he believes him
  • Klip also makes an insight check (3) and is pretty sure he believes him
  • Klip and Ellywick make notes of all the places in the book
  • Klip asks if they can exchange the book for his notes and Herold life (intimidation 17) Herold looks terrified and defeated, he tells them they can just keep it and the dagger and turns to leave emotionally destroyed.
  • Klip and Ellywod stop him and says he does want him to have information and offer to buy them a drink while they copy the information down completely and he can indeed keep the book. (persuasion 13).
  • Herold says he will go but he wants to go to Dorians. The party laugh and agrees.
  • The party heads to Dorian
  • Ellywick begins copying down the information she wants, Herold and Klip order the special and an extra candle to read by.
  • Klip attempts to make amends by offering his sympathies
  • Herold mentions that the reason he and Elouise were in trouble in the first place with the Qerni was because he begged to plan their mission for once and it went bad.
  • Herold says sense Ellywick is taking so long they should order food and they do
  • The party quietly talks to each other while Herold is talking with them to decide if there is a way to get him to not go down this suicidal path
  • Holland gives Herold his dagger back and asks if they come across information that could help him in his revenge quest how could they get it to him
  • Herold tells the party about a Qerni drop in the 3rd district
  • Herold picks up the book and gives somewhat of a smile to Ellywick and Klip and kind of gives Holland a dirty look as he leaves.
  • The party returns to 432b
  • Farlynn runs up with a tray of sandwiches and sweets. Klip almost gest sick and runs up to take a bath, Ellywick takes a sandwich and goes up stairs.
  • Farlynn tells Holland Ilantha will be joining them tomorrow for breakfast as they wished
  • Farlynn opens a bottle of wine for he and Holland who goes up stairs to read his book on herbology while Farlynn cleans
  • Ellywick practices her dulcimer before heading to bed.
  • New day, 4 days till they are scheduled to travel east
  • Holland wakes up early and plants some goards in the garden.
  • Ilantha’s carriage arrives and she rolls out of it and thanks Holland for working in her late sister’s garden
  • Klip wakes up and heads down stairs feeling mostly better and joins Ilantha in the study for breakfast
  • Ilantha comments to Farlynn that the party has been going through her wine cellar pretty thoroughly which he agrees, but there are three of them.
  • Farlynn makes an Irish coffee for Klip
  • The smell of coffee and lemon scones wakes up Ellywick and she prepares herself for breakfast and heads down stairs
  • Holland comes in from the garden and wipes his hands on his jacket as he enters to Farlynn’s horror and is handed some tea
  • Farlynn makes Ellywick some tea
  • Ilantha thanks the party for all the useful and unusual things that they acquired for the journey from Potts Family Floral and General Goods
  • Holland asks Ilantha if she knows of Ralphagor, she only knows that he is a lower underworld power, Holland mentions that he also wants the tomb of leadership and influence.
  • Ilantha looks up information on the Tomb of Leadership and Influence and guesses that the reason he would want it is that it would make him more charismatic
  • Holland asks Ilantha about Sir Malcum Osterhei. She knows him socially, a noble family he has a wife and two children
  • Klip asks why he would have purchased the book
  • Ilantha comments that he is already a very charismatic man, it is an interesting purchase for him
  • Holland fills Ilantha in on the Celeste and the Ouroboros
  • Ilantha shares some information about Islanzadi’s Hand
  • Ellywick mentions that Count Sobek tried to have maps stolen of the Celeste
  • Ilantha mentions that Count Sobek hasn’t been the same sense he last came back from Arbüron
  • Ellywick mentions that the Afalim ship will be leaving in two days, 2 days faster then them
  • Ilantha tells Farlynn to start work on preparing to leave sooner
  • Holland suggest that they could work on loading the Afalim ship if it would help
  • Ilantha suggest that a lot of damage could be done if they were working on the ship

Rewards Granted

Inventory Updates:
  • Ellywick A letter from Veronia
  • Holland Hibiscus Gourd Seeds
  • Holland 5cp
  • Klip Boquet of flowers
  • Holland 2cp (for a drink he does not drink)
  • Ellywick White cloth and Fleas
  • Ellywick 1sp
  • Holland 2cp
  • Holland beer
  • Ellywick 2cp
  • Klip and Ellywick Beer
  • Holland beer
  • Ellywick hot water with kelp “tea”
  • Klip hoagie filled with chum
  • Klip 1cp
  • Holland 1cp
  • Ellywick 1cp
  • Klip Doratov Auction House Ledger
  • Holland Qerni Dagger
  • Klip Dorian’s Special
  • Herold Dorian’s Special
  • Herold appetizers
  • Klip Doratov Auction House Ledger
  • Holland Qerni Dagger

Character(s) interacted with

  • Farlynn Mendelcusp- Male Halfling, pale with red hair. Steward for Ilantha Mianelis, Farylnn runs the entire estate top to bottom. He prides himself on his lemon scones.
  • Barnard Potts: male human who took a loan out after a fire took the family floral and general store. As collateral a curse was placed on his unborn son. If the debt was not repaid before the end of the lads first year he will be taken.
  • Beatice Potts
  • Archie Potts: 3 month old human male
  • Iona: Female human short dark hair, tight fitting leathers and a sword upon her back works as a debt collector and enforcer for Ralphagor
  • Ralphagor: Male hexblood with long ink black hair, purple skin and pointed ears. A thorny crown sits upon his head. An up and coming kingpin located in the 2nd district in the backroom of The Snarking Pseudodragon.
  • Satsu: A male tabaxie with a braid behind his right ear, a sailor who prefers the sea over land but who frequents Poe’s Boarding when at port.
  • Harold, Male human works for the Qerni, got he and Eloise in trouble for telling an undercover guard that they have to tell them if they are a guard because it’s the law and they are going to do something illegal.
  • Ilantha Mianelis- Female ½ elf in her 300s with long chestnut hair and olive skin. An Osmen Aristocrat who lost her younger sister in a Afalim training exercise, she is looking at putting a team together for an unknown mission.

Related Reports

  • Count Pierfin Omasatra purchased the Cape of Mountebank from the Doratov Auction House
  • Klip awkwardly holds Archie, he does not seem to have experiences with babies
  • Ersips, Marios, and Enries: Other families/business that are being taken advantage of by Ralphagor
  • Sir Malcum Osterheim: lives in the 4th district and purchased the Tome of Leadership and Influence at the Doratov Auction house
  • The Reverent is planning to leave in three days time, a day earlier then the group had originally been told
  • Erisog Lightview: the foreman in charge of the Doratov docks. Responsible for distributing works to the varies ships for a verity of needs as well as for paying the workers at the end of a days shift.
  • Ezekiel and Eaton Beren were running an illegal gambling ring out of one of the rooms at Poe’s Boarding.
  • Herold and Elouise had a mission to steal maps from The Celeste, which they failed and where apprehended by the Afalim. The job came to the Qerni from Count Sobek
  • Qerni Drop: The 3rd district entrance to Magnolia Gardens. There is a trash can next to the entrance next to the brick wall. If you trace the wall about hand height one of the bricks will move, it is a shoot for letters.
  • Ilantha mentions that she hasn’t actually seen Malcum Osterheim’s wife or children in a week or so, and that the last time she saw Malcum at a party he was very different. He typically had this light around him, he made you feel special, however he was very robotic, not like himself it’s like he didn’t know how to people.
  • Islanzadi’s Hand: A powerful group of heroes guided by Islanzadi. No one has heard or seen of them sense the events at Mont-Ál.
  • Count Sobek: A driven diplomat assigned to Arbüron changed sense his last visit to the neighboring country. After her returned he began excavation down south. An excavation that is how Ilantha heard of Hollands work.


  • Jacob continuously mimes that the smell of food makes him sick ever sense the chum experience for the entire remainder of the session
DM: James O’Donnell
Cast: Mary Fedrico(Ellywick Beren), Jacob Limestall(Kip Ference), Ryan O’Donnell(Holland Spikescale)
MIA: n/a
Recap By: Jacob Limestall
Report Date
11 Sep 2021
Primary Location
  • 432b Mockingbird Lane
  • Shelly’s Herbs
  • Potts Family Floral and General
  • The Velvet Tribute
  • The Snarking Pseudodragon
  • Poe’s Boarding
  • Dorians
  • Ellywick rolls a 9 on her Performance check as she plays on the street corner
  • Holland rolls a 16 on his Stealth check to hide in a shop across from The Potts Family Floral and General Store
  • Ellywick rolls a 21 on her Stealth check to follow Iona
  • Ellywick rolls a NATURAL 20 on her perception check to clock her party members
  • Holland rolls a NATURAL 20 on his Group Stealth Check to follow Iona with the Party
  • Klip rolls a 21 on his Group Stealth Check to follow Iona with the Party
  • Ellywick rolls a 13 on her Group Stealth Check to follow Iona with the Party
  • Holland rolls a 17 on his perception check to listen in on the back room of the Snarking Pseudodragon
  • Holland rolls a 20 on his stealth check to push his way into the back room of the Snarking Pseudodragon
  • Holland rolls a 20 on his sealth check out of the back room of the Snarking Pseudodragon
  • Holland rolls a 10 on his perception check to find the charred boat from Mr Potts story and does not
  • Klip rolls a NATURAL 1 on his perception check to find the charred boat from Mr Potts story and does not, and gets a bug in his eye
  • Ellywick rolls a 12 on her perception check to find the charred boat from Mr Potts story and does not
  • Klip rolls a 15 on his constitution saving throw to not be poisoned by his chum hoagie
  • Klip rolls a 21 on his perception check as he is heading home and notices Herold
  • Holland rolls a NATURAL 1 on his perception check as he is heading home and notices nothing
  • Ellywick rolls a NATURAL 1 on her perception check as she is heading home and notices nothing
  • Klip rolls an 18 on his Group Stealth Check to follow Harold with the Party
  • Holland rolls a 7 on his Group Stealth Check to follow Harold with the Party
  • Ellywick rolls a 13 on her Group Stealth Check to follow Harold with the Party
  • Holland rolls a 14 on his athletics check to huff it around the block to cut off Herold
  • INITIVE Holland 12, Herold 12 Ellywick 8, Klip 7
  • Ellywick rolls a NATURAL 20 on her investigation check to read as much from the book as possible at a first glance
  • Klip rolls a 17 on his intimidation check to keep the book from Herold
  • Ellywick rolls a 13 to persuade Herold to have a drink with them so they can make notes and give him the book back
  • Ellywick rolls a 10 on her investigation check while she is copying notes
  • “My moral compass is saying wipe out all those fuckers and we will help the people.” Klip
  • “OUI fire on a ship, creature in a sewer, OUI.” Klip
  • “You have the book, you were interested in the book, look at the book.” Holland
  • “We don’t fucking label our houses in the swamp.” Holland
  • Sorry about threatening your life earlier.” Klip


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