Exchanging Blows at the Blooming Rose Report in Årendan | World Anvil

Exchanging Blows at the Blooming Rose

Campaign 2, Session 6

General Summary

Big Moments:
  • The Party is greeted my Lenore a member of The Blooming Rose, who welcomes them, takes any belongings they want to stow and ushers them inside.
  • The party moves to an open table near the front of the stage
  • The Party is greeted by Bardon who informs them that Mr Wells will be entertaining soon and offers to get the drinks
  • Bardon returns with their drinks and cheers them with a flask from his pocket
  • The party asks if there are many new faces tonight to which Bardon says just them and the figure in the brown cloak
  • The party attempt to see the cloaked figure (perception Check Holland 13, Klip 6, Ellywick 9) and Holland sees a broad shouldered tall figure in a brown cloak by the bar
  • A performance begins on the stage as Mr. Wells performs a provocative number with an ensemble of dancers
  • The party begins to get to know each other a little more, what brought them to Doratov, as Mr. Wells approaches
  • Klip slips a gold piece into Mr. Wells pants (slight of hand 17)
  • Mr Wells seeing Klip’s infatuation with him runs his hail down his back
  • Klip asks if he can speak with Mr Wells later, and have further conversation “if you know what I mean”
  • Mr Wells gives Klip a key to his bedroom and says he looks forward to seeing him and while leaving says to Holland “Someone seems to already have your dance card.”
  • Holland looks behind himself in the direction Mr Wells was suggesting (perception 12) he galnces at the bar and the figure is gone, but sees them standing a ways away behind Ellywick watching them, then turns an leaves out a side entrance.
  • Holland excuses himself and heads to the bar and orders a cup of hot water
  • Holland pays for his water and heads out the side door of the Blooming Rose and glances about (perception 18) and sees someone climbing up the fire escape jump onto the roof
  • Holland heads up the fire escape onto the roof
  • The large cloaked figure looks at Holland from beneath their hood and removes it and the cloak and the large figure melts away to reveal a grug and introduces himself as Master Tien
  • Holland pulls out the tea cup and saucer from the bar and adds hibiscus tea to the hot water and hands it to Master Tien.
  • Master Tien drinks the tea, smiles, sets down the cup and throws the saucer at Holland
  • Holland makes a dexterity saving throw of 7 (fails) and is hit by the saucer for 1pt of bludgeoning damage
  • Holland bonus action Shifts and runs towards Master Tien (passing athletics check dc 10) and attacks with his quarter staff two handed with and 8 and misses
  • Holland’s staff hits the dome and Ellywick hears a ringing in the key of C (perception 21)
  • Master Tien makes a punch attack at Holland with a 10 and misses then spends a ki point to hit again and do flurry of blows with a 16 and a 14 hitting once dealing 5pts of bludgeoning damage
  • Holland drops his staff and takes an unarmed strike against Master Tien with a 19 and 21 and deals 8pts of bludgeoning damage and rotates around Master Tien
  • Master Tien makes an athletics check and uses his racial ability standing leap to jump up and off the dome and behind Holland and makes two unarmed strike with an 13 and an 13 and misses then spends a ki point to do flurry blows and rolls all 13s and misses again
  • Holland takes two unarmed attacks rolling and 18 and 19 before modifiers dealing 17pts of bludgeoning damage and moves along the roof top
  • Master Tien takes an attack of opportunity as Holland manuvers away and misses
  • Master Tien flips over Holland and takes two unarmed strikes with an 8 and 15 and misses. He spends one Ki point to use Furry of Blows and misses with a 9
  • Holland retreated back and casts a spell at Master Tien Makes who saves with a 21
  • Master Tien leaps off the roof on to the dome and back behind Holland and makes unarmed strikes with a 18 and 23 and spends a Ki point to cast stunning strike Holland saves but takes 10pts of Bludgeoning damage
  • Holland makes an attack with his staff and misses with a NATURAL 1 and then makes an unarmored strike with his off hand and misses.
  • Master Tien catches Hollands staff due to the natural 1
  • Master Tien compliments Holland on his skills and more importantly his heart as he has been watching him sense he heard he was looking for him at the church.
  • Master Tien decides to take Holland on as a Student of the Monks of the Openhand
  • Klip asks Ellywick if she would like to join, that they could possibly get a group deal
  • Ellywick declines the offer and says she was actually going to head to the bar and offers to grab Klip anything while she is there. He declines due to his upcoming appointment with Mr Wells.
  • Klip begins making his way to Mr Wells room #3 Blooming Rose
  • Klip runs into Bardon who assists him in finding the staircase that leads to the private chambers of the court
  • Klip pops into the room
  • Mr Wells greets Klip and offers him a drink using many different face with Disguise Self to show that he is determined to give clients what they truly want.
  • Klip says that he would like Mr Wells in his most authentic form
  • Mr Wells proposes that the only fee for companionship tonight will be one secret. Wells beging to massage Klips shoulders
  • Klip tell Mr Wells about his current living situation as he massages him harder and more sensual.
  • Klip and Mr Wells spend an amazing time together (NATURAL 20 intimacy check)
  • As Klip and Mr Wells lay in bed after, Klip asks for a secret as well. Klip asks specificially about information that would align with their trip east
  • Mr Wells relays recent and future excursions he has heard about, A ship headed North with two rambunctious twin gnomes called The Celeste is headed towards Rudava and left two days ago and an Afalim ship The Reverent will be disembarking into 5 days time from Klip and Mr Wells’ time together and heading east
  • Ellywick approaches the bar and speaks with Karloff and orders a glass of water with ice.
  • Ellywick aks Karloff if he would know anyone who would have attended the Auction House, he does not.
  • Karloff hearing that Ellywick was the entertainer at the Doratov Auction house that people are talking about calls over Helena the Matron of the establishment.
  • Helena introduces herself to Ellywick
  • Ellywick asks if she could point out anyone who may have been present at the auction the previous night and Helena points out a human woman in her 20s
  • Ellywick thanks Helena and approaches Veronia, introducing herself
  • Veronia says that she could definitely get the information of who purchased the Cape of Mountbank if Ellywick promises to drop by for tea to make someone named Gail jealous.
  • Master Tien and Holland work on his form and techniques Holland taking a level in Monk
  • Master Tien asks Holland as the relax if he is planning on going up against Ralphagor and gives him some information on his whereabouts and lineage
  • Holland talks about Bahamut and how he if a god of Justice, and that Justice is what brought him to Doratov.
  • Holland asks where he could find Master Tien again, and he says that he has a place in the Magnolia Gardens under the pond
  • Master Tien puts on his disguise cloak and jump off the building into the streets and disappears
  • Mr. Wells bids farewell to Klip and hopes that they meet again.
  • Klip makes his way down and joins Ellywick and Holland at a table and they notice he is feeling very relaxed.
  • Holland grabs three drinks at the bar and apologizes for the tea saucer and returns to the table
  • Klip fills in the party on the information he learned from Mr. Wells regarding the two ships
  • Ellywick (With a natural 20) remembers where Rudaba is
  • Ellywick tells the party that she meant a woman who was present at the auction who could give her info about the Cape of Montebank
  • Ellywick heads back over to Helena to talk to her about the Ouroboros, she lets her know that they are a society that has come about in recent years related to Islanzadi’s Hand
  • Ellywick asks if Helena knows any members of the Ouroboros (persuasion 17) and she is told there were two gnome members here recently Ezekiel and Eaton.
  • Ellywick offers to perform at the Blooming Rose before she leaves town in thanks for her help this evening, then rejoins the party
  • Ellywick informs the party of what she hear and they all make history checks to recall information on Islanzadi’s Hand (Holland 17, Ellywick 12, Klip 7)
  • The group discuss following through with their original plans or trying to reunite Ellywick with her long lost brothers
  • Holland tells the group about his meeting with Master Tien
  • The group decides to end their evening with a trip to Nero’s Pit
  • Klip covers Holland’s entry fee and puts 10gp on Holland
  • Fon Bearhands Bryratua fires an Eldritch Blast at Holland and misses with a 6 and moves to the left
  • Holland uses a bonus action Healing Word for 5pts of healing and then wildshapes into a panther and counters Fon Bearhands Bryratua’s movement
  • Fon Bearhands Bryratua casts Witch Bolt at Holland and misses with a 10
  • Holland charges Fon Bearhands Bryratua and attacks with a bit attack causing a saving throw on Fon Bearhands Bryratua or be knocked prone (12 passes)
  • Fon Bearhands Bryratua makes an attack with her dagger and misses with a 2 she then uses her offhand dagger to attack and misses with a 5 then counters to the otherside of Holland
  • Holland attempts to bite Fon Bearhands Bryratua and misses with a NATURAL 1
  • Fon Bearhands Bryratua dodges the bite getting distance between her and Holland and casts Eldritch Blast at advantage due to her Pseudodragon flying around the arena and hits with a 16 dealing 10 pts of force damage
  • Holland closes the distance and makes a claw attack at Fon Bearhands Bryratua missing with an 11
  • Fon Bearhands Bryratua makes a dagger attack at Holland and misses with a 9 and attacks again with her off hand dagger and hits with a 16 dealing 3pts of slashing damage
  • Holland reverts back to his normal form
  • Holland casts poison spray at Fon Bearhands Bryratua who rolls a NATURAL 20 on her save he then casts Shillelagh on his staff
  • Fon Bearhands Bryratua retreats back
  • Holland takes an opportunity attack with his Staff and misses with an 11
  • Fon Bearhands Bryratua and casts Witch Bolt at Holland hitting with a 19 and dealing 2 pts of lightning damage
  • Holland cast Thunderwave at Fon Bearhands Bryratua who makes her saving throw with a 17 taking 4pts of Thunder Damage and then uses his bonus action to cast healing word on himself healing 4pts
  • Fon Bearhands Bryratua continues firing witch bolt at Holland dealing 1pt of lightning damage
  • Holland runs up and takes two unarmored strikes against Fon Bearhands Bryratua with a 15 and a 16 dealing 11pts of bludgeoning damage
  • Fon Bearhands Bryratua continues her Witch Bolt dealing 8pts of lightning damage
  • Holland makes an unarmed attack against Fon Bearhands Bryratua and punches her branch shattering it and then clocking her aside the chin
  • Holland druid crafts a flower and throws it over the unconscious Fon Bearhands Bryratua as clerics run to tend to her wounds
  • Holland smiles at Master Tien in the audience
  • The party leaves Hopes and Robbers Brewery and make their way home the LONG way passing by the Snarking Pseudodragon
  • They enter the Snarking Pseudodragon and order a pint of ale
  • Holland looks around the place for a back room with Ellywicks assistance with a perception of 12 and notices that there is a back room with two guards standing by
  • Holland goes to talk to a patron near them with his Rustic Hospitaly feature to attempt to purchase drugs at Klips (sarcastic suggestion)
  • Holland tries to see which of the three characters that are sitting alone would be most likely to have drug (insight 5) and he can’t discern any difference
  • Holland talks with a little green goblin about where to find drugs, he suggests buying them in the backroom but not stealing them
  • Holland heads over to talk with a green dragonborn and asks if he knows where he can get some drugs
  • The dragonborn explains that he is a Kindergarten teacher and that drugs are bad
  • Holland heads over to talk with an elf with half a shaved head
  • Holland returns to the group table and helps Ellywick finish her pint
  • The group heads back to 432b
  • Klip wakes Farlynn who is sleeping in a chair before heading to bed
  • Ellywick attempts to gleam information from an atlas about Rudava (investigation 2) but only confirms where it is
  • The party goes to bed

Rewards Granted

Inventory Updates:
  • Holland Small glass very strong drink
  • Klip Small glass very strong drink
  • Ellywick water no ice
  • Klip 1gp
  • Klip a key to Mr Wells’ bedroom
  • Holland 25gp
  • Klip 25gp
  • Holland 3cp
  • Holland three shots
  • Holland 3sp
  • Klip 15gp (entry fee for Holland into Nero’s Pit and a 10gp bet on his buddy)
  • Klip 20gp
  • Holland 25gp
  • Ellywick 3cp
  • Hollland, Klip, Ellywick Pint of Ale

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Master Tien vs. Holland -draw-
  • Holland vs. Fon Bearhands Bryratua

Character(s) interacted with

  • Lenore: a curvy woman in a red corset who’s chestnut hair falls in ringlets around her face. A member of the Blooming Rose.
  • Bardon: Auburn hair dwarf with a southern accent member of the Blooming Rose for the past 6-7 years
  • Mr Wells- Male black tiefling with gold trimming. A member of the Crimson Court working out of the Blooming Rose in Doratov. A bard member of the companion guild, and a star entertainer.
  • Karloff: Tortle bartender for the Blooming Rose, talks and moves slow, but is lightning fast at mixing drinks.
  • Master Tien: Gug Monk, Way of the Open Hand; his dewy brown skin is stretched tightly over his muscular arms and legs. His tan and green gi reveal caramel freckles across his narrow shoulders which lead down to cloth wrapped hands. His orb like black eyes glisten with stories untold as his wide mouth curls in a smirk.
  • Lady Helena: A female changeling with what hair and skin and deep black orbs for eyes. She is the matron of the Blooming Rose
  • Veronia: Female Human with a short brown pixie cut
  • Barney: A male goblin to do drugs with who frequents the Snarking Pseudodragon

Related Reports

  • A ship headed North with two rambunctious twin gnomes called The Celeste is headed towards Rudava and left two days ago
  • The Afalim ship The Reverent will be disembarking into 5 days time from Klip and Mr Wells’ time together and heading east
  • Ralphagor is a hexblood that works out of The Snarking Pseudodragon in the second district
  • Rudava, a large island nation east of Baedris In the northern hemisphere.
  • Ouroboros symbol is that of a serpent eating it’s tail.
  • Ezekiel and Eaton Beren, twin mischievious gnomes that are members of the Ouroboros.
  • Islanzadi’s Hand a group of heros under the guidance of Islanzadi. They fought evil and righted wrongs before disappearing at the battle at the gates of Mont-Ál.


  • James forgot to hit record and the recording starts after his recap
  • James calls Lenore Lorine at first but retcons that her name is Lenore
  • Master Tien has a Yoda speech pattern
  • Klip may or may not know the difference between Gnomes and Dwarves
  • The players decompress and talk about their desires and their characters desires and comparing notes for 30 minutes post game.
DM: James O’Donnell
Cast: Mary Fedrico(Ellywick Beren), Jacob Limestall(Kip Ference), Ryan O’Donnell(Holland Spikescale)
MIA: n/a
Recap By: James O'Donnell
Report Date
28 Aug 2021
Primary Location
  • The Blooming Rose
  • The Snarking Pseudodragon
  • The Nero Pit
  • Holland rolls a 13 to see if he recognizes the tortle bartender from anywhere and does not
  • Klip rolls a 6 on his perception check to see the cloaked figure and does not
  • Holland rolls a 13 on his perception check to see the cloaked figure and does
  • Ellywick rolls a 9 on her perception check to see the cloaked figure and does not
  • Klip rolls a 17 on his slight of hand check to slip one gold piece into Mr. Wells pants
  • Holland rolls a 12 on his perception check to see if he can see who Mr Wells was referencing
  • Holland rolls an 18 on perception check to follow the cloaked figure in the alley and sees him climb onto the roof
  • Inititive roll Holland 11 Master Tien 10
  • Klip rolls a 3 on his perception check to hear Hollands staff hit the dome
  • Ellywick rolls a 21 on her perception check to hear Hollands staff hit the dome and hears it and notices its in the key of c
  • Holland rolls a NATURAL 1 on his attack against Master Tien using his staff
  • Klip rolls two 2s on his insight check against Mr Wells and his true form
  • Klip rolls a NATURAL 20 on his intimacy check with Mr Wells
  • Holland rolls an 18 on his perception check to notice the glow around Klip
  • Ellywick rolls a 19 on her perception check to notice the glow around Klip
  • Ellywick rolls a NATURAL 20 on her history check to know where Rudava is and does, north east region from Baedris
  • Ellywick rolls a 17 on her persuasion check to influence Helena to give her any member names of Islanzadi’s Hand
  • Holland rolls a 5 on his initiative against Fon Bearhands Bryratua
  • Holland rolls a NATURAL 1 on his bite attack against Fon Bearhands Bryratua
  • Fon Bearhands Bryratua rolls a NATURAL 20 on her save against Holland’s Poison Spray
  • Holland rolls a 12 on his perception check to look for a back room at the Snarking Pseudodragon
  • Holland rolls a 5 on his insight check to see who is most likely to have drugs
  • Ellywick rolls a 2 on her Investigation check to learn more about Rudava
  • “Well I’ve had a bit of a rough up bringing, and trying to just get away of some obligations. In less eloquent terms I supposed you could say, avoiding, running from, escaping.” Klip
  • “Guys, he’s coming to our table, he’s coming to our table.” Klip
  • “I blieve that someone is already asking for your dance card.” Mr. Wells
  • “I’ll be right back…maybe.” Holland
  • “It’s like going to one of those karate performances where they don’t hit anything.” Holland
  • “The best experience for me Mr. Wells is authenticity. Do you have a personal form something that you relate to, something that you feel comfortable in?” Klip
  • “It very much does, yes, I was very excited about your performance earlier, the tail, is very intriguing.” Klip
  • “Are you a big spoon or a little spoon?” Klip
  • “I came here, to this town to escape. I’ve been living on the streets and just recently found some compatriots to accomplish a mission to maybe benefit my purse and my person.” Klip
  • “Oh well thank you, I am flattered by your flattery.” Ellywick
  • “Well Klip I hope our paths do cross again, and maybe not just our paths.” Mr. Wells
  • “I’m sorry I was fondling my dice.” James
  • “Two birds, five stones?” Klip
  • “I don’t mean to seem callous, but it’s been hundreds of years, what’s a few more?” Holland
  • “It’s not sweet it’s terrifying.” James
  • “Woooooo we know that guy!.” Ellywick
  • “I think you are awesome, and a winner, and no one can tell you different.” Klip


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