Connecting the Dots to the Potts Report in Årendan | World Anvil

Connecting the Dots to the Potts

Campaign 2, Session 5

General Summary

Big Moments:
  • Klip follows up with Holland on the bullet making, and receives gun powder from Holland
  • Klip spends a portion of the morning making bullets for his pistol. (tinkering check 19)
  • Holland asks Ellywick about the temple of Bahamut and for directions to its location in pursuit of Master Tien
  • Klip reminds everyone as they go their separate ways for the morning that they have also been granted access to Demona’s Study
  • On his way to the Temple of Bahamut Holland passes a little flower shop/Bodega in the third district called “Potts Family Floral”
  • Holland continues to the Temple of Bahamut, upon arrival he examines the flower barrels under the windows. Seeing that they aren’t doing well he performs a little druid craft to help them along (slight of hand 21)
  • Holland walks into the church and sits in a pew where he can ease drop on a Tiefling priest talking about Bahamut’s teachings. “The Checks and Balances of Life” as he does this he looks around for anyone that could possibly be Master Tien (Perception 7) and nothing pops out to him.
  • Holland is approached by a Dwarven Priestess of Bahamut and they talk about Master Tien and the church
  • Sister Judenia tells Holland that Master Tien is a Bullywog
  • Ellywick makes her way to Dorian’s
  • The bartender welcomes her back and suggests that she should do another gig there, as they new her before she was famous, Ellywick agrees
  • The bartender says that Ellywick’s friend has been waiting for her and gestures to a female fire genasi
  • Ellywick goes to sit down and is introduced to Fum who says she was sent by Ingdyer Lorabalar to see her
  • Fum flashes Ellywick a golden coin with a smiley face on it and they begin to talk about the rumors of the town
  • Ellywick mentions that there are ships heading east, to which Fum replies “like the dwarves?”
  • Fum shares information about the partnerships between Lore bards and monks of Cobalt Soul
  • Fum mentions that she is a bard that focuses on the art of dance rather than making music though she does have a Lyre, names Larry
  • The party reconvenes at 432b
  • Farlynn takes the group up to Demona’s attic study
  • Klip holds back near the entrance as Holland and Ellywick enter
  • Ellywick goes straight in and opens the box with the magical aura
  • Ellywick finds a jade bracelet with leaves
  • Klip sneaks over to look at it
  • Holland walks over and pockets Demona’s journal
  • Holland investigates around the room one last time, taking some basic druid ingredients from the shelves and finds a portrait of Demona and Ilantha. Demona looks very similar to her standing beside her sister with loose wavy brown hair, a flower crown, and a big smile (investigation 4)
  • Ellywick searches around one last time for any information on the east and finds nothing (investigation natural 1)
  • The party heads back down stairs
  • Klip asks Farlynn if he’s seen the bracelet before and he says he has not
  • The party heads to Hollands room.
  • Klip notices the cobwebs around Holland’s door and summons Farlynn to take care of them
  • Holland takes a short rest to atune/identify the bracelet
  • Ellywick mindlessly plays her dulcimer while Holland concentrates
  • Holland explains what Bogzul’s Bracelet does
  • Holland suggests that they could use the rest of their day to check on the Potts family
  • The party arrives at The Potts Floral and General
  • Upon arrive they meet Bernard and Beatrice Potts and ask to speak with them about the rumor they have heard
  • Bernard takes the party up to their living quarters and tells them about this problems. How he needed to take a long out from a Kingpin known as Ralphagor to pay for the repairs of his home and shop after a fire. If the debt is not paid in one years time Ralphagor will claim the soul of his son as payment.
  • The Potts’ family debt must be paid off in 9 months time.
  • Klip questions Mr. Potts about their debt, Ralphagor, and other cases that are similar to their current situation
  • Holland asks if he could pick up some things while he’s there and the party goes shopping downstairs as Bernard composes himself.
  • The party begins clearing the shop. Buying things for the upcoming journey as well as spending as much gold as possible to help them make their weekly payment
  • Ellywick and Holland work together to sneak an extra 50gp into the Potts till. (Slight of hand NATURAL 20). Holland knocks a few coins off the counter and Ellywick silently moves all of the copper around in the tip jar to create a nest and places a pouch of gold inside then covers in with the copper again.
  • The party walks away Beatrice ties a flower in Ellywicks hair and Ellywick drops a couple copper in the tip jar
  • As Holland leaves he focuses his vitality into his druid craft cantrip (sacrificing one spell slot and taking one level of exhaustion) to invigorate the flowers and foliage on display they grow more vibrant, healthy, and full then ever before.
  • Holland shouts loudly about how amazing the flowers are and that he’s so lucky he got some while they were still in stock (persuasion 16) A woman immediately runs in to buy some.
  • The party stops by 432b and drops all off all of their goods from the Potts and has tea with Farlynn to discuss Ralphagor
  • The party decides to go next to the Blooming Rose, before they venture out though Holland says that he woud like to take a bath
  • Holland takes a short rest in his bath and recovers his spell slots.
  • Ellywick tells the party she will meet them at the Blooming Rose and heads to the Doratov Library
  • Ellywick arrives at the Doratov Library and approaches an Expositor of the Cobalt Soul behind the central desk, a little green goblin
  • Ellywick receives a letter from Ingdyer Lorabalar and sends a reply
  • Ellywick begins to ask the golbin about the Afalim, the Oligarchy’s relation to them, and if anyone is vying for more power.
  • The party meets up at the Blooming Rose.

Rewards Granted

Inventory Updates:
  • Holland gunpowder
  • Klip gunpowder
  • Klip 8 bullets
  • Klip (some of his) gunpowder, casings, metal, etc.
  • Holland a pamphlet on Bahamut
  • Ellywick 1 silver
  • Ellywick a box containing Bogzul’s Bracelet
  • Holland Demona’s Journal
  • Ellywick a box containing Bogzul’s Bracelet
  • Holland a box containing Bogzul’s Bracelet
  • Ellywick 50gp in a pouch
  • Holland 50gp
  • Party: dried meats, baby food, flowers, rope, blankets etc.
  • Ellywick a Potts flower
  • Ellywick 2cp
  • Ellywick a letter from Ingdyer

Character(s) interacted with

  • Sister Judenia (Jew-D-Nya)- A dwarven priestess of Bahamut with blond hair
  • Fum: Female Fire Genasi Bard, College of Lore; with ash grey skin with glowing glyphs of flame running down her spine. Her hair is a wild torrent of red flames that dance around her face, and down her back. She wears a long skirt and a short top, and is never far from her trusty harp, Larry.
  • Farlynn:
  • Barnard Potts: male human who took a loan out after a fire took the family floral and general store. As collateral a curse was placed on his unborn son. If the debt was not repaid before the end of the lads first year he will be taken.
  • Beatice Potts
  • Archie Potts: 3 month old human male
  • Galic: A male goblin expositor of the Cobalt Soul and chief librarian of the Doratov Library.

Related Reports

  • The Temple of Bahamut has a large stained glass mosaic of the Platinum dragon flying through the sky with light reflecting off his scales that sits above the main entrance to the marble church. His clergy walk around in deep blue suits with octagonal platinum pendants with the etched face of Bahamut on them. The temple has rows of pews that face a large stage area designed to look like a judge and jury.
  • Ingdyer Lorabalar, a mentor to Ellywick, a Grinner, and a bard
  • Gold Coin with a smiley face on it, a member “badge” to the Grinners
  • Violet Beren one of Ellywick’s other siblings
  • College of Lore bards and the monks of the Cobalt Soul have a partnership discovering and sharing information and rumors. Using local libraries as a way of sharing their findings and getting ahold of each other.
  • Bernard Potts took a loan out after a fire took the family floral and general store. As collateral a curse was placed on his unborn son. If the debt was not repaid before the end of the lads first year his soul will be taken. There are currently 9 months left in the contract to pay back the 2,000gp loan (currently has paid 20gp)
  • Ralphagor has been acquiring properties and businesses in the area.
  • The Porters: Owned a fishing shop in the third district, acquired by Ralphagor. Their boat also caught fire, and their young child’s soul was promised as collateral.
  • Iona: Ralphagor’s debt collector
  • Ellywicks letter from Ingdyer: “Dear Honey Tongue, It has been long sense I have seen your face. I hope that Fum finds you, I have heard rumors about Ezekle and Eaton in the city of Doeatov. They seem to be working with a band called the Ouroboros. Wish I had more information.Yours, The Grinning Bard, Ingdyer Lorabalar”
  • Ellywick responds to Ingdyer. “Ingdyer, Message received thank you for sending Fum, she was a delightful character. She mentioned you also had news of Violet. I would be immensely grateful for any information. Honeytongue”
  • Afalim- The Prime Military force of Osmen. They assist and check in with the local governments of neighboring towns and help them in matters that have escalated out of their hands. They are known for wearing a very distinctive tyrolean on their head. They answer directly to the oligarchy.
  • The Fosk family has been gaining in power as their daughter became a high ranking general in the Afalim


  • James compares the suit jackets that the clergy of Bahamut wear to that of Neo from The Matrix
  • James compares the Temple of Bahamut to a Catholic Church with rows of pews
  • James accidentally establishes Master Tien as a Bullywog, but will address and fix this in the following session as he is a Grug
  • James mentions that Fum’s voice and characterizations were inspired by Fran Drescher.
  • James was just so taken about by the amount Ryan wanted to give to make anything happen to these flowers that he DM deemed it possible and was just amazed he happily accepted all costs.
  • Mary references Little Shop of Horrors
DM: James O’Donnell
Cast: Mary Fedrico(Ellywick Beren), Jacob Limestall(Kip Ference), Ryan O’Donnell(Holland Spikescale)
MIA: n/a
Recap By: Mary Fedrico
Report Date
14 Aug 2021
Primary Location
  • 432b Mockingbird Lane
  • Temple of Bahamut
  • Dorian’s
  • Potts’ Floral and General
  • The Doratov Library
  • The Blooming Rose
  • Klip rolls a 19 on his tinkering tool check to make 8 bullets
  • Holland rolls a NATURAL 1 to see if there are seeds in his hibiscus tea pouch
  • Holland rolls a 21 on his sleight of hand check to stealthily attend to the flowers at the Temple of Bahamut
  • Holland rolls a 7 on his perception check to see if he can find someone who may be Master Tien
  • Holland rolls a NATURAL 1 on his luck check to remember something about Master Tien
  • Holland rolls a 4 on his investigation check to find interesting/important things in Demona’s study.
  • Ellywick rolls a NAUTRAL 1 on her investigation check to see if there any information on the east as she exits
  • Ellywick rolls a NAURTAL 20 on her slight of hand check to deposit an additional 50gp into the Potts till
  • Holland rolls a 16 on his persuasion check to attract more customers for the Potts’ flowers
  • “The first time is always the hardest,” priestess of Bahamut “I don’t know it’s been sorta easy so far.” Holland
  • “Does the whole like sky opening, light shining, angel singing sorta thing happen every time someone comes in.” Holland
  • “He catches himself before saying “You’ve got to be shitting me.”” Ryan/Holland
  • “Oh my gawd, you with your dulcimer and me with my pirouettes.” Fum
  • “I mean it kinda matches by after bath robe, so maybe.” Klip
  • “Ya, ya, ya I am here too, you seem to have having a lot of fun. I thought I wouldn’t interrupt while your going through a dead womans’ stuff.” Holland
  • “I was going to throw it on or shoot it. Those were my two guesses.” Klip
  • “Farlynn I think you and I got off on the wrong foot, I think we are going to be best friends.” Klip “I have already started making the t-shirts” Farlynn
  • “I think we all need a Farlynn in our lives.” James
  • “I imagine there is quite a lot you can do in an hour with a detachable hand.” Holland
  • “All the best magical items shrink and grow with use.” Ryan
  • “I would like to hold onto some gold for bribes.” Ellywick
  • It’s never anyone’s fault to be taken advantage of by the powerful.” Ellywick
  • “OH MY, I’m SO glad we got in there when we did, and got all these BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS, they barely had any left. Whoever gets the last of them is going to be LUCKY.” Holland
  • “I help Mr. Klip in the bath all the time.” Farlynn


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