Bids of Intimidation Report in Årendan | World Anvil

Bids of Intimidation

Campaign 2, Session 4

General Summary

Big Moments:
  • As Ellywick begins to enter the main auction hall she is stopped and given a pouch of gold for her performance.
  • The group makes their way into the may hall and take seats together
  • During the first part of the auction Klip tries to keep track of who is bidding the most and trying to collect the most items (Perception check 9) he notices a man in a peacock mask aggressively bidding for the Tomb of Leadership and Influence. He is flanked by two body guards
  • Klip also keeps tabs on the Tiefling with the Castor
  • Ellywick looks for Eloise and finds her hiding up in the box seating watching the auction (Perception 15)
  • Holland is trying to search for the person in the ram mask that Squijum mentioned talking about Count Sobek, and is also paying attention for if any of these items would be of good use to them on their journey east should they need to acquire them post auction with friends money. (perception check NATURAL 20 for a total of 25)
  • Holland notices that the man in the ram mask nor the people he is sitting with are not bidding on anything. They are talking about an earthquake that took place in Ugdrasel and the ship they are sending to investigate.
  • The auction continues
  • Holland seeing the flask come out elbows Ellywick and Klip
  • Ellywick notices that Eloise intently watching the Iron Flask during it’s auction
  • Holland clocks the person who won the Iron Flask bid, a male humanoid that is taller than average, radiating with energy, a slight hum, and wearing an owl mask or pure white (Perception check of 20)
  • The auction comes to a close
  • The auctioneer instructs patrons where to pay for their winnings so that all items can be picked up tomorrow morning
  • Ellywick suggest going to see what Eloise is up to.
  • Klip informs everyone that he saw a red tiefling with a gun (who just went back stage)
  • Ellywick and Klip try to stealth away from the main hall to confront Eloise. (Ellywick 3, Klip NATURAL 1) Both try to sneak around the same curtain going opposite directions and tripping over each other and bringing the curtain down atop them.
  • People start rushing to help them up and untangle them
  • Holland glances around (with a perception of 13) and sees Eloise sneaking out having dumped her servant clothes in the trash who is making her way outside
  • Ellywick and Klip are escorted out of the main hall by staff
  • Holland makes chase after Eloise (18 athletics check)
  • Ellywick chases after Holland (17 athletics at disadvantage)
  • Klip notices her running down and alleyway (17 perception)
  • Holland darts down another alley to head her off (19 athletics) they collide into each other and fall prone.
  • Holland make a dexterity saving throw and catches Eloise by the ankle (NATURAL 20) and she falls on her face as Ellywick and Klip come from behind and flank her
  • Holland asks Eloise where the iron flask is. She says she doesn’t have anything on her and shows him saying she was on a walk. Holland makes an insight check (21) she is lieing
  • Ellywick checks to see if Eloise has anything on her (investigation 17) and finds three daggers, a sling, thieves tools, and a vial of liquid
  • Klip searches the alleyway while Holland and Ellywick handle Eloise (Investigation 19) and finds not the iron flask but a flask flask
  • Holland peers at Eloise and SHIFTS, ripping through his new nice clothes, with an intimidation of 20.
  • Eloise begs them not to hurt her. That she was at the auction house yes. She hasn’t stolen anything yet. That she was trying to find something epic to steal and get in better standing with the Qerni. She had decided to steal the flask. She asks if they want to help her, or if she could help them
  • The group takes 5 to have a little talk to decide how to proceed with Eloise
  • Klip asks Eloise if she has any information on the red tiefling that was at the auction (persuasion 16) and learns that her name is Jenessa and that she works for the Afalim
  • The party lets Eloise go free and she runs off into the night
  • Holland suggests going to the auction house and offering their service as security for a looming robbery
  • The group shares all the information they overheard and hope that it will be of use to Ilantha Mianelis
  • Holland SHIFTS back
  • The party heads over to The Nero’s Pit to earn some gold
  • Holland and Klip register for the nights fight
  • Klip is called up first to face Akeha “Stormwatcher” Cathradu
  • Akeha throws a dagger at clip with a 17 and hits dealing 3pts of piercing damage
  • Klip casts levitate on Akeha and they fails her con save with an 11
  • Akeha pulls a bow and arrow out of their bag of holding and fires an arrow at Klip with a 20 and deals 7pts of piercing damage
  • Klip uses the leveitate spell to move Akeha 20 ft out of the ring and then drops concentration. They fall out of the ring and is disqualified.
  • As Klip shows Ellywick all the gold he won she casts cure wounds on him for 8hp
  • Holland is called up to face Jum Everloyals Eimhtua
  • Holland shape shifts to a panther and jumps up on stage
  • Holland(panther) charges Jum and makes a claw attack with an 18 and deals 3pts of slashing damage and fails nocking him prone
  • Jum goes into a rage and makes an unarmed strike (punch) attack at Holland with a 14 and hits dealing 6pts of bludgeoning damage
  • Holland(panther) takes a claw attack at Jum with a dirty 20 dealing 3pts of piercing damage
  • Jum swipes at Holland with his hand axe with a 24 and deals 9pts of slashing damage
  • Holland reverts back from his wild shape
  • Jum swipes at Holland with his hand axe with a 23 and deals 7pts of slashing damage and walks away and around the battle field
  • Holland takes an opportunity attack with his staff for 14 dealing 3 pts of bludgeoning damage
  • Holland casts poison spray, Jum saves with 19. Holland then casts healing word on himself for 6pts of healing and retreats 5ft
  • Jum throws a javelin at Holland with a 16 and deals 6pts of piercing damage
  • Holland pulls the javelin out of his side and casts Shillelagh on it and attacks Jum with a 12 and misses.
  • Jum pulls out his great axe and misses with a 2
  • Holland attacks again with his Shillelagh and misses with a 7, he then attacks with his offhand dagger and misses with a 12
  • Jum attacks Holland with his great axe with a NATURAL 20 and deals 14pts of slashing damage. Holland goes down.
  • Jum unrages and leaves
  • Dathibra comes into the ring and revives Holland
  • Klip tries to give Holland a pep talk
  • The group heads back to 432b and get a full night rest
  • During the evening Klip has a dream of his past. Constructing a castor to the exact spicifics of the plans his mentor gave him. But after completion nothing “special” or out of the ordernary happens. He leaves defeated and returns the next morning. His mentor is ecstatic and there is this new swirling green energy around the barrel of the pistol as his mentor examines it. Holland stretches his hand out to grab it, but the hand is not his own. It is that of a red tiefling. He aims the gun and fires at a figure. He looks down at a small halfling with a gunshot wound, as tendrils of poison starts extending from the wound in all directions
  • Klip wakes up sweaty from his dream
  • Holland awakes and makes black powder for Klip’s gun from the ingredients they acquired at Shelly’s Herbs and succeeds with a 12 on his Alchemy Check
  • Klip takes a quick bath and leaves his sweat soaked cloths from his nightmare to be cleaned
  • Holland has left his new clothes out for Farlynn as well with all of their new holes
  • The party convenes over breakfast with Farylnn and Ilantha Mianelis
  • Holland hands Ellywick a letter that was left at the door this morning
  • Ilantha thanks Ellywick for giving such a good perofmance and upholding the Mianelis name and taste, and asks if anyone found out any useful information while they were there
  • Ilantha Mianelis mentions that she is not aware of the Ouroboros but that she does know of the location that the Afalim may be using as their entrance. Showing them on a map.
  • Ellywick asks Ilantha Mianelis if she knows anything about some twins.
  • Ilantha Mianelis suggest that if they were apart of some sailors group they may have hit up the Blooming Rose and talk with Mr. Wells for information
  • Holland asks Ilantha Mianelis if she can find out who was wearing the owl mask and she says it sounds like Master Fosk one of the 7 families that make up the Oligarchy
  • Klip mentions that there was another member of the Horsemen at the Auction House to which Ilantha Mianelis responds “yes and they earned there keep.” Telling them about the break in at the auction house last night
  • Ilantha Mianelis mentions that the culprit was executed on site
  • Ilantha Mianelis mentions that they should be able to disembark in a week or so for the east, and that they should all start getting affairs in order as there now seems to be 2 other teams on the same quest
  • The party asks if there is a way to find out who purchased the Cape of Mountbank, to which she says that there are always ways but she is tied up in other deals and does not have time to find out as all the attendees were masked
  • The party is given extra funds to prepare for their journey at Ellywick’s suggestion
  • Ilantha Mianelis also asks if they could find out more information on the Beren twins, The Ouroboros’ plans, or the Afalim’s plans
  • The group comes to the conclusion that perhaps the gnome twins who’s last name is Beren may be related to Ellywick.
  • Holland asks if Ilantha Mianelis is assuming her sister is somehow alive, she says yes
  • Holland says then it may be in the best interest of the mission to explore her study in the attick (persuasion 21) to which she agrees
  • Party level advancement to level 3! New HP Roll: Ellywick +5, Klip +7, Holland +7

Rewards Granted

Inventory Updates:
  • Ellywick 150gp
  • Klip- Mystery flask
  • Klip- 25gp
  • Klip -25gp bet
  • Klip 67gp
  • Holland 66gp
  • Ellywick 67gp

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Nero Pit Fight: Klip VS Akeha “Stormwatcher” Cathradu
  • Nero Pit Fight: Holland VS Jum “Everloyals” Eimhtua

Character(s) interacted with

  • Eloise, Female halfling works for the Qerni
  • Farlynn Mendelcusp- Male Halfling, pale with red hair. Steward for Ilantha Mianelis, Farylnn runs the entire estate top to bottom. He prides himself on his lemon scones.
  • Ilantha Mianelis- Female ½ elf in her 300s with long chestnut hair and olive skin. An Osmen Aristocrat who lost her younger sister in a Afalim training exercise, she is looking at putting a team together for an unknown mission.

Related Reports

  • Items up for auction: Staff of the Ivory claw, Wand of the War Mage, Tomb of Leadership and Influence, Ring of Spell Storing, Cape of Mountbank, Boromier’s Shield, and an Iron Flask
  • There was an earthquake in Ugdrasel that caused a lot of damage to tunnels, and temples. One of it’s main cities took a great deal of damage. There ambassador stationed there confirmed that this happened about the time of the arcane spike that happened. They will be sending a ship of soldiers to investigate, and that rather then dock in the main port near the main entrance to the dwarven metropolis, they will be following the coast north to a hidden cape. This entrance should get them closer to the caved in region if not on the other side of it.
  • Mirgalir a dwarven city in Ugdrasel, that is at the southern entrance into the subterranean world. They have a large port near there threshold.
  • Janessa: The red tiefling from the Auction house is a member of a group called the Hourseman within the Afalim.
  • The Blooming Rose is the Doratov extension of The Crimson Court.
  • The Fosk Family- Aasimar Members of the Oligarchy, their daughter is a member of the Horseman within the Afalim. She is not stationed in Doratov. The family also won the Iron Flask at auction
  • Eloise was executed by Janessa as she attempted to break into the Doratov Auction House


  • The Doratov Auction attire was inspired by DC’s Gotham’s Court of Owls
  • Mary wrote all of her eavesdropping into one note, James helps her out by separating the thoughts, that “The barons are watching out for the iron flask and the tome” is 1) Watch out for the Berens, 2)iron flask 3) tome of influence.
  • Klip casts a spell for the first time!
  • James does not calculate his unarmed strike damage correctly. Damage should have been 1+ strength modifier
  • Mary pauses the game when she finally realizes everyone is telling her that she has the same last name as the gnome twins. Which she had somehow always ignored. Laughing that it never occurred to spell it Beren, she had been writing it Baron so clearly no relation.
DM: James O’Donnell
Cast: Mary Fedrico(Ellywick Beren), Jacob Limestall(Kip Ference), Ryan O’Donnell(Holland Spikescale)
MIA: n/a
Recap By: Ryan O'Donnell
Report Date
17 Jul 2021
Primary Location
  • Doratov Auction House
  • The Nero Pit
  • 432b Mockingbird Lane
  • Klip rolls a 9 on his perception roll to keep track of bidders, and notices a man in a peacock mask
  • Ellywick rolls a 15 on her perception check to locate Eloise and notices her in the boxed seats
  • Holland rolls a NATURAL 20 on his perception check to eavesdrop on any conversations happening during the auction
  • Holland rolls a 20 on his perception check to clock the individual that won the Iron flask, a humanoid that radiates with energy, they have a slight hum about them and wear an owl mask
  • Ellywick rolls a 3 on her stealth check to leave the main auction hall for the backstage/box seating
  • Klip rolls a NATURAL 1 on his stealth check to leave the main auction hall for the backstage/box seating
  • Holland rolls a 13 on his perception check to find Eloise in the confusion
  • Holland rolls an 18 on his athletics check to chase after Eloise
  • Ellywick rolls a 17 on her athletics check to chase after Holland
  • Klip rolls a 17 on his perception check to keep an eye on Eloise
  • Holland rolls a 19 on his athletics check to beat Eloise to the end of the Alley taking a side street
  • Holland rolls a NATURAL 20 on his dexterity saving through to catch Eloise as they collide
  • Holland rolls a 21 on his insight check to see if Eloise is telling the truth that she is out for a walk
  • Ellywick rolls a 17 on her investigation check to frisk Eloise to see what she has on her
  • Klip rolls a 19 on his investigation check of the alleyway and does not find the iron flask but finds a flask flask
  • Holland rolls a 20 on his intimidation check to scare Eloise with his shifted form
  • Klip rolls a 16 on his persuasion check to get any information from Eloise on the red tiefling from the auction
  • Initiative Roll: Akeha “Stormwatcher” Cathradu 21, Klip 7
  • Initative Roll: Holland 17, Jum 15
  • Jum rolls a NATURAL 20 on his attack with his Great Axe on Holland for 14pts of slashing damage winning their match
  • Holland rolls a 12 on his Alchemist check to make gunpowder and succeeds
  • Holland rolls a 21 on his persuasion check to have Ilantha Mianelis give them access to everything in Demona’s study and she agrees
  • “I was so great today.” Klip
  • “Your skills are great, are terrifying, are the best I have ever seen, I am not sure where you are going with this.” Eloise
  • “Umm can we side bar here for a second guys, she kinda seems like a fuck up.” Klip
  • “So catch and release?” Klip, “She’s a halfling not a fish.” Ellywick, “Same thing.” Klip
  • “We’re not bad guys, generally.” Klip
  • “You know what, I like these little chats we have together, we should do them more often.” Klip
  • “I am a literal glass cannon.” Klip
  • “Entire family murdered…” Holland


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