An Invitation to 432b Report in Årendan | World Anvil

An Invitation to 432b

Campaign 2, Session 1

General Summary

Big Moments:
  • Kip dreams about a laboratory, an emaciated dead body in a large beaker, and a building burning as he runs through the rain
  • Klip wakes up in a carboard box shelter and see that a letter has been left for him, he reads the letter and decides that he will make his way there.
  • Holland bandages up after his evening in The Nero Pit and finds a letter among his clothes. After reading his letter he goes out to find some breakfast
  • Ellywick wakes up in one of the small but charming rooms of Dorian’s where she finds that a letter has been slid under the door
  • Holland grabs a quick breakfast then makes his way to Magnolia Gardens and sleeps between the roots of a willow tree
  • Ellywick heads downstairs and asks for direction to Mockingbird Ln
  • Ellywick walks by 432b and sets up a street performance 2 blocks away playing her dulcimer and singing along with a 21 performance
  • Ellywick passes her information to a female house steward who heard her performing
  • Klip makes his way to the 4th Ward and enters Dorian’s for a Breakfast Beer
  • While enjoy his breakfast beer Klip asks the bar keep if he knows of “Mr. M”
  • Ellywick arrives at 432b and the gate is now open ,she knocks on the door three times and is greeted by Farlynn after she states “Bwealan Dro” he takes her instrument and leads her to the study commenting that the mistress is going to love her for she is 10 min early. She glances around with a perception of 10 and notices a chair is missing from behind the desk.
  • Klip arrives to 432b right on time and is greeted by Farylnn after knocking 3 times and saying “Bwealan Dro.” He has his scarf and jacket taken and is led into the study and realizes that the gnome inside is the know that held the door open for him at Dorian’s.
  • Klip and Ellywick meet
  • Klip quickly glances around the room with a 10 perception check and notices grooves in the rug then takes a seat.
  • At precisely three Farylnn delivers tea, scones, sandwiches etc.
  • Ellywick and Klip decide to hold off on eating the food till the host at least eats
  • Ilantha Mianelis and Sister Dathibra enter Ellywick notices that the sister is a firbolg with a 24 history check
  • Holland arrives to 432b and is met by Farlynn, Holland states “Bwealan Dro” and is escorted in and hands his hat to Farlynn before being ushered into the study
  • Holland comes in an immediately heads to the food and eats a lemon scone. Seeing that he is not poisoned the others partake as well
  • Ilantha Mianelis explains to the group that her home has been broken into and item has been stolen. She has summoned them all there to retrieve said item.
  • Klip attempts to get more information from Ilantha Mianelis about the Illegal herbs that were stolen with a 10 persuasion and us unable to persuade her
  • The group begins to ask a series of questions about the break in/ the item. Ilantha Mianelis mentions that the herb is specifically a mold that belonged to her late sister.
  • Ilantha Mianelis states that she chose these three because she belives she could offer each of them something that they want/need. As well as that Holland has knowledge of herbology, mold, and plants
  • Klip and Ellywick at this point introduce themselves to Holland
  • Klip goes over to investigate the broken window with an 18 and finds shattered glass, no blood, and dirt on the carpet.
  • Klip asks Ilantha Mianelis why they should help her
  • Ilantha Mianelis hands Klip a portrait of his mother which he shields from the group, and she tells him that she could provide his mother safe passage in exchange for his help
  • Ilantha Mianelis tells Ellywick that there is a gala being held at the auction house and that she could get her booked as the entertainer during the cocktail hour
  • Ilantha Mianelis tells Holland that she could offer him a name.
  • The group decides to agree to help Ilantha Mianelis
  • Ilantha Mianelis introduces Sister Dathibra to the group and mentions that she is a sister of Avandra and is there as an insurance policy, she is the 4th member of their party for this venture
  • The party accepts the terms and Ilantha Mianelis leaves the room and Farlynn enters the room
  • Klip accuses Farlynn of being the thief
  • The party begins to interrogate Farlynn and when he says that he would never steal from the mistress Holland beleaves him with a 5
  • Farlynn does not feel intimidated by the group due to Klip’s Natural 1 intimidation check
  • Klip immediately suspects Count Dhutran Darebig and the deceased sister.
  • The party talks to Dathriba about Ilantha’s deceased sister. How she died in a training accident with the Afalim.
  • The party decided to talk with the a representative at the Temple of The Raven Queen to see if they know where she would be buried.
  • Holland pulls some seeds out of his pocked and plants them in a crack within the structure of the Temple of The Raven Queen and waves his hand over them for a moment
  • As they make their way in they are greeted by a priestess of the Raven Queen and ask about where Ilantha’s sister may be buried and are told to investigate the catacombs in the Royal Cemerary.
  • The party heads to the Royal Cemetery, on the way Klip comments that he was so glad he didn’t actually have to talk with a goddess to get the information.
  • Once at the catacombs Klip and Ellywick begin to search for Ilantha’s sister enterment based on her last name of Mainelis. Klip(5) Ellywick(12) neither of them find it after investigating for an hour
  • Holland keeps guard with a 17 perception check and sees that someone is watching them from the stairs and throws a seed at the figure which upon hitting the stone erupts in to vines and plant growth that ensnares the ease dropper
  • The party investigates their prey and sees Farlynn with a baggie of treats
  • Klip begins to interrogate Farlynn with a 16 on why he is here at the resting place of the mistresses sister
  • Farlynn intimidated by Klip bursts into tears telling them that he was the one who stole the mold and he was the one who helped drop off the letters to them as he is saying this Holland watches Dathibra with a 6 insight check and Klip noticing focuses on her as well with a dirty 20 insight
  • Klip notices that Dathibra is not shocked by any of this and was in on the plan as Holland picks up the baked goods that Farlynn borugh them
  • Holland casts cure wounds on Farlynn and he is completely healed, his nose un-breaks
  • Farlynn admits that Ilantha Mianelis had him steal the vase so that she could hire someone to find the vase so that she would know if they were competent enough to hire for a future expedition
  • Farlynn explains that the mold is being kept in an abandoned warehouse and Holland commands him to take them there.
  • Klip asks Dathibra why she is apart of their band and she satetes that it is because the life of a priestess is boring an sometimes you just need to hit something with your maul.
  • Upon arriving to the warehouse Klip helps Ellywick investigate the perimeter, with a 15 investigation she notices that the door is locked, that there is a second story window that is ajar and that there are bubbles in the water near the tower.
  • Holland persuades Farlynn with a persuasion check of 19 to find out how he put the mold inside, he says he swam through the pipe in the river to the tower attached to the warehouse
  • The party talks about their options and decide that Klip should swim through the pipe from the river into the warehouse tower due to his ability to hold his breath indefinitely
  • Klip plops into the river and swims through the pipe with a 16 dexterity check and makes it inside
  • As Klip makes his way into the warehouses main room her sees two corpses of wild boars that have been ruptures.
  • Klip walks through the warehouse with a stealth check of 13, as he makes it halfway four tiny plant creatures emerge from the shadows
  • Klip runs for the door and trips a net trap making the save with a 16 (dc13), Klip fires his pistol with a 22 at Vegepygmy #4 dealing 7pts of piercing damage
  • Ellywick dashes to the front of the warehouse to use the main doors, passing Holland and sings The Eye of The Tiger giving him a d6 inspiration die
  • Vegepygmy #1 runs towards Klip and makes a claw attack missing with a 7
  • Vegepygmy #2 runs towards klip and makes a claw attack with a 16 and deals 3pts of slashing damage
  • Vegepygmy #3 runs towards Klip and makes a claw attack missing with a 6
  • Vegepygmy #4runs towards Klip and makes a claw attack missing with a 12
  • Holland runs towards the door and casts Shillelagh oh his staff as a bonus action and attacks the door with a 13
  • Dathibra uses her movement plus an acrobatics check (17) to jump off a crate and make her way through the open second story window and attacks Vegepygmy #1 with Guding Bolt with a 25 dealing 12+2d6 damage and Kkocking it out
  • All Vegepygmy damaged begin to heal
  • Klip takes a shot at the door with his gun with a 9 and misses whizzing right by Holland’s head, he then attempts to use his movement to get to the doors to open them taking 3 opportunity attacks
  • Vegepygmy #2, 3, and 4 takes opptoyunity attacks with a 14, 17, and a 19 dealing 13pts of slashing damage and knocking him unconscious
  • Ellywick attempts to make her way through the door quickly with a dexterity check of 2, knocking herself prone, she uses her action to get up and dash to Klip and her bonus action to inspire Dathibra
  • Vegepygmy #1 runs up to Dathibra and takes a claw attack missing with a 12
  • Vegepygmy #2 runs up to Dathibra
  • Vegepygmy #3 runs up to Ellywick and takes a claw attackand missed with a 9
  • Vegepygmy #4 makes a clawed attack Klip with advantage and misses with a 10
  • Holland makes a dexterity check to also clear the mangled door with an 18 and makes a melee attack with his staff at Vegepygmy #3 missing with a 12 then takes a second attack with his offhand dagger hitting with a 19 and dealing 4pts of slashing damage
  • Dathibra casts healing word on Klip for 7pts.
  • Klip attackts Vegepygmy #4 with his Maul and misses with a 12 and takes a second wind and heals himself for 9hp and then uses his movement to stand
  • Vegepygmy #1-4 heal
  • Holland makes a nature check with an 8 with advantage and notices nothing
  • Ellywick casts Vicious Mockery at Vegepygmy #3 and it makes it save
  • Vegepygmy #1 and 2 attack Dathibra with their claw attacks rolling a 16 and natural 20 dealing 17pts of slashing damage and knocking her out
  • Vegepygmy #3 attacks Ellywick and misses
  • Vegepygmy #4 attacks Klip with its claws and hits dealing 6pts of slashing damage
  • Holland makes a nature check against the Vegepygmy with an 18 and knows that the heal 3pts every round unless dealt fire, necrotic, or cold damage
  • Holland attacks Vegepygmy #3 with his staff with a 15 dealing 8pts of damage, and then makes a second off hand attack with his dagger against Vegepygmy #4 with a NATURAL 20 dealing 5pts of piercing damage
  • Dathibra makes a death saving roll (passes)
  • Klip attacks Vegepygmy #3 with his maul with a 16 taking away 2 death saves
  • Ellywick attacks Vegepygmy #3 with her dagger with a 13 and hits SLAYING IT, she then move to flank Vegepygmy #4 and attacks with a 4 and misses with her dart
  • Vegepygmy #1 jumps off the balcony to attack Holland, taking 4pts of falling damage, and makes a claw attack with a 13 dealing 7pts of slashing damage
  • Vegepygmy #2 runs towards Klip usings its action to dash
  • Vegepygmy #4 attacks Ellywcik with its claws with a dirty 20 and deals 8pts of slashing damage
  • Holland attacks Vegepygmy #4 and hits with a 21 and deals 8pts of blugedoning damage knocking it out, and stabs Vegepygmy #1 with his offhand dagger with a 21 dealing 4pts of piercing damage
  • Dathibra makes a death saving roll (passes)
  • Klip attacks Vegepygmy #4 with his maul with a 21 taking away two death saves then makes his way around the group taking an opportunity attack
  • Vegepygmy #1 takes an opportunity attack against Klip slasing with its claws with an 18 and deals 5pts of slashing damage knocking him out
  • Ellywick moves towards Klip and casts cure wounds on him restoring his hp by 5
  • Vegepygmy #1 attacks Holland and missed with a NATURAL 1 hitting Vegepygmy #4 killing him.
  • Vegepygmy #2 attacks Ellywick with his claws missing with a NATURAL 1 and hitting Vegepygmy #1 for 8pts of slashing damage knocking it out
  • Holland attacks Vegepygmy #2 with a 17 and deals 7pts of bludgeoning damage with his staff and then hits with his offhand dagger with a 16 dealing 1 point of piercing damage
  • Dathibra makes a death saving roll (passes and stabilizes)
  • Klip uses half of his movement to stand up and fires at Vegepygmy #2 with a his pistol with a 17 and hits dealing 9pts of piercing damage
  • Klip makes a perception check of 19 and notices that Dathibra is still breathing
  • Klip makes an offhand attack with his maul with 22(against the rules technically) against Vegepygmy #2 and takes 2 of it’s death saves away
  • Ellywich attacks Vegepygmy #1 and misses with a 8, then attacks a second time using her off hand dart and hits with a 16 and kills Vegepygmy #1
  • Vegepygmy #2 regnerates 3hp and takes a claw attack at Holland and misses with a NATURAL 1 looses it’s balance and falls prone
  • Holland attacks Vegepygmy #2 and knocks it out then follows up with his off hand dagger with an 18 taking 2 death saves away
  • Klip attacks Vegepygmy #2 with his maul and misses with a 12
  • Ellywick moves towards Vegepygmy #2 and takes a swipe with her dagger with a 16 and hits SLAYING IT
  • Holland runs up to make a medicine check on Dathibra and sees that she is stable and breathing
  • Ellywick runs up and casts cure wounds on Dathibra giving her 5hp
  • Holland and Klip look around the warehouse (Investigations checks both rolled 11)
  • The group returns to 432b and are led back into the study
  • The party confronts Ilantha Mianelis about not being honest about their job that she orchestrated
  • Ilantha Mianelis leads them over to a cylinder under a piece of cloth. She removes it and it is a glass case containing a Lilium Callosum in a small pot
  • Holland makes a Nature check of 21 as her examines the Lilly and identifies it has a druidly crafted lilly
  • Ilantha Mianelis explains about her sisters death, her sister druidic powers and how this lily came to grow after a large spike in magic activity in the east
  • To prove that there is something more afoot then a random flower growing from a pot she spins the flower, which was facing east to face west. After a few moments the flower closes its peadles turns 180 degrees to face west again and opens its pedals.
  • Ellywick, Holland, and Klip go up to level 2, Everyone rolls new hp increase Ellywick rolls a 4, Klip rolls a 6, Holland rolls a 2

Rewards Granted

Inventory Updates:
  • Holland 1sp for breakfast
  • Klip 1sp Breakfast Beer
  • Klip portrait of his mother
  • Klip water skin full of Darjeeling tea
  • Klip, Ellywick, and Holland doggie bags of tea scones etc.
  • Klip 3 Bullets
  • Holland a deck of playing cards
  • Holland a jar of Russet Mold

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Vegepygmy x4, 3 Killed by Ellywick, 1 killed by Vegepygmy #1

Character(s) interacted with

  • Sibyl- A human female house steward that works in the 4th district near 432b
  • Ilantha Mianelis- Female ½ elf in her 300s with long chestnut hair and olive skin. An Osmen Aristocrat who lost her younger sister in a Afalim training exercise, she is looking at putting a team together for an unknown mission.
  • Farlynn Mendelcusp- Male Halfling, pale with red hair. Steward for Ilantha Mianelis, Farylnn runs the entire estate top to bottom. He prides himself on his lemon scones.
  • Sister Dathibra- Female Firbolg Cleric of the Tickery Domaine (Avandra). She enjoys taking odd jobs here and there for Ilantha as the cleric life only fills her so much. She wields a large mail she has named Matilda.

Related Reports

  • Hops and Robbers Brewery, a Brewery and front for The Nero Pit
  • The fashion of Aswaria trends more towards eastern Asian
  • Abbott’s Fine Wears a tailor shop in Doratov.
  • Avandra is a “major” diety and has a temple in Doratov
  • Count Dhutran Darebig who had previously been in the study when the mold was on display
  • Deceased Mianelis sister, died in a training exercise with the Afalim 15 years ago. She was a skilled druid. She retained her magic after the Final Spell and was drafted into the Afalim. When she died in the training accident all of the foliage she had summoned and grown with magic in the house deceased and died. A few years ago there was a large peek of magical activity in the east. A spike of power. The next day after a meeting discussing this the Lilly had started to regrow and bloom and only faces east.


  • This was Jacob’s first DnD session ever!
  • Mary makes the first role of the campaign with a 17 for a 21 on her performance check
  • Jacob rolls the first natural 1 of the campaign with his intimidation check
  • Klip is unable to wink, he only blinks, but he thinks that he is in fact winking
  • Klip mentions that he can hold his breath indefinitely
  • James mentions that Holland Ellywick would have never heard a gun fire before
  • James casts Guiding bolt as he would Witchbolt through Dathibra
  • Klip is the first person to be knocked out in the campaign
  • James rolls the first natural 20 as his Vegepygmy against his NPC Dathibra
  • Ryan rolls the first player character natural 20 of the game!
  • Ellywick makes the first kill of the campaign
DM: James O’Donnell
Cast: Mary Fedrico(Ellywick Beren), Jacob Limestall(Kip Ference), Ryan O’Donnell(Holland Spikescale)
MIA: n/a
Recap By: N/A
Report Date
12 Jun 2021
Primary Location
  • The Nero Pit
  • Dorian’s
  • Magnolia Gardens
  • 432b Mockingbird Ln, Mianelis Manor
  • Temple of the Raven Queen, Osmen
  • Afalim Royal Cemetery
  • Abandoned Warehouse, Osmen
  • Ellywick rolls a 21 on her performance check to play her dulcimer and sing along on the street corner
  • Ellywick rolls a 10 on her perception check noticing that it is a nice clean library and that there is no chair behind the desk
  • Klip rolls a 10 on his perception check and notices that there are grooves in the rug
  • Ellywick rolls a 24 on her history check to identify • Sister Dathibra as a firbolg
  • Klip rolls a 10 on his persuasion check to get more information on the illegal herbs
  • Klip rolls an 18 on his investigation check to examine the broken window
  • Klip and Ellywick roll 12s on their religion check relizing that Avandra is the goddess of luck
  • Holland rolls a 5 on his insight check and believes every word coming out of Farlynn’s mouth
  • Klip rolls a NATURAL 1 to intimidate Farlynn to pump more information out of him
  • Klip rolls a 5 on his investigation to find Ilantha Mianelis sisters entombment and does not find it
  • Ellywick rolls a 12 on her investigation to find Ilantha Mianelis sisters entombment and does not find it
  • Holland tolls a 17 on his perception check to keep guard over his team member and sees a figure watching them
  • Klip rolls a 16 intimidate check on Farlynn to find out why he is following them
  • Holland rolls a 6 on his insight check of Dathibra to see if she is in on Farlynn’s scheme
  • Klip rolls a dirty 20 on his insight check of Dathibra to see if she is in on Farlynn’s scheme and Dathibra knows she knows
  • Ellywick rolls a 15 on her Investigation (with the assist action from Klip) to case the abandoned Warehouse.
  • Holland rolls a 19 on his persuasion check to make Farlynn explain how he got into the warehouse.
  • Klip rolls a 16 on his dexterity check to swim through the pipe in the river to the tower of the warehouse.
  • Klip rolls a 13 on his stealth check as he makes his way past the first corpse
  • Initiative rolls Klip 17 Ellywick 14 Holland 5
  • Klip rolls a 16 on his dexterity saving throw dc13 and avoids a trap.
  • Ellywick rolls a 2 on her dexterity check to make it through the mangled door
  • Holland rolls an 18 on his dexterity check to clear the mangled door
  • Holland rolls an 8 on his nature check, with advantage, to gleem anything about the Vegepygmy and does not
  • Vegepygmy #3 rolls a NATURAL 20 on it’s attack against Dathibra
  • Holland rolls a NATURAL 20 on his off hand attack against Vegepygmy #2
  • Vegepygmy #1 rolls a NATURAL 1 on it’s attack slaying Vegepygmy #4
  • Vegepygmy #2 rolls a NATURAL 1 on it’s attack knocking out Vegepygmy #1
  • Klip rolls a 19 on his perception check to notice that Dathibra is still breathing
  • Vegepygmy #2 rolls a NATURAL 1 on it’s attack against Holland
  • Holland rolls a 12 on his medicine check and notices Dathibra is still breathing
  • Holland and Klip roll 11s on their investigation checks within the warehouse to find things
  • Holland rolls a 21 Nature check on the Lilium Callosum and realizes that it is full of druidic magic
  • Ellywick rolls a 4 on her new hp roll
  • Klip rolls a 6 on his new hp roll
  • Holland rolls a 2 on his new hp roll
  • “Only your finest crostini sir.” Klip
  • “Can I take your coat, can I take your scarf, may I take anything woh, may I take that smell?” Farlynn as he sprays Klip with an aspirator
  • “Hello I am Klip, nice to meet you at this specific time, at this specific place, on this specific day, it’s quite strange but I am glad to meet you.” Klip
  • “Well, we had really large clocks, as tall as the sky, called the sun. Have you heard of it? It’s a big flaming ball in the sky. It’s been in my family for hundreds of generations.” Holland
  • “Roll for deliciousness.” James
  • “You know I am gonna to back this up just a bit, I have committed to this without any resemblance of what I am going to be paid or why I would want to do this for you.” Klip
  • “Your hair and tail are the color of cotton candy, are you that gentle?” Klip to Dathibra
  • “You showed off your mold, Im gunna come get your mold.” Klip attempting to think like Count Dhutran Darebig
  • “Welcome all praise the Raven Queen, the lady of death, the lady of fate, who’s cold winters grasp we will all feel in our due time.” Priestess of the Raven Queen
  • “I just get bored, nuns are boring, they’re all always like the word Avandra this and the word of Avandra that, and sometimes you just want to hit something with your maul in the face.” Dathibra
  • “Ruptured!? Like something came out of them alien style.” Mary
  • “Calm your dice.” Jacob to James
  • “Where am I?” says Jacob, “See this big pile of fuck?” replys James pointing at Jacobs tile
  • “Someone has to try go up there and medicine check her before she dies dies, unless shes dead dead!” Ryan


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